Papers should use the following style and the guidelines below.
Recommended length of abstract: 200 words
Recommended length of papers: 3000 words
Consider the following structure when presenting your contribution:
- title
- author(s) and e-mail address of each author
- author's affiliation, address and URL
- abstract
- up to six keywords
- main sections
- elaboration
- references
- acknowledgments
Single line title not longer than 15 words (specify your main theme)
Author name(s) as follows: first name, extra initials and family name. Add after each name of an author the e-mail address if available. Put the e-mail address [between brackets].
Contributions should be preceded by an abstract of 200 words in English.
List up to six keywords to position your paper.
References should be elaborated according to the APA (American Psychological Association) specifications. References to journals should include the authors' names and initials, title of publication, full name of the journal, publication year, volume , number and starting and ending page.
Size of your contribution
Recommended length of paper is 3000 words. Papers including tables and illustrations should not exceed 8 pages.
Issues of language
The authors are responsible for presenting the paper in good English.
Submission of contributions
Contributions should be sent to
- Font: Times New Roman (avoid unnecessary bold or italics)
- Titles: 14 point, lower case, left aligned, no underlining
- Text: 12 point
- Spacing: 1.5 lines
Review procedure
All submitted proposals are blind reviewed. You will receive a reply message confirming receipt of your contribution
Copyright policy and responsibilities of authors
Submission of a contribution implies that, unless clearly indicated and all conflicting copyright issues resolved, the content has not been published elsewhere. Authors remain responsible for the content of their submission.
The working language is English
Accepted papers will be published