Open learning refers generally to activities that enhance and broaden learning opportunities beyond formal education systems. These include but are not limited to distance learning, e-learning, and blended learning which is the approach that AOU adopts. The Open Learning system is a flexible system that offers a number of advantages to both learners and to providers of opportunities for learning.
What is blended learning?
Blended learning at AOU is a fit for purpose approach wherein student learning needs are met through a combination of:
Unlike the conventional learning system wherein students are taught, at AOU tutorials are used to facilitate and assist student learning thus encouraging independent learning skills.
Office hours provide students with the opportunity to communicate with tutors before or after the tutorial. Students use office hours to seek help related to their course matters.
The study material provided at AOU enables students' self-studying to a large extent.
- Electronic Learning Resources and Systems
The electronic learning resources such as the Learning Management System (LMS) and e-library form a part of the teaching and learning process at AOU.
The Characteristics of the Open System
Flexibility, Tutorial sessions are offered in a range of morning, midday & evening times to allow maximum flexibility for students with work or family commitments.
Clarity, Guidance & feedback present a clear evaluation of the learner's position and the set of goals & tasks to fulfill programme requirements.
Follow-up, Continuous follow up of & monitoring of the learner's performance are provided to support the learning endeavor.
A student-centered approach, whereby students assume a collaborative role in education. They are involved in active participation in their courses, they enjoy supported learning, and they negotiate and chart the course of their study.