AR111 Arabic Communication Skills I
(3) Credit Hours
This course focuses on developing foundational skills in Arabic communication. It covers essential aspects such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing in Arabic. Students will engage in various activities and exercises designed to enhance their proficiency in everyday communication, vocabulary acquisition, and grammatical accuracy. The course also explores cultural aspects related to Arabic-speaking communities, providing students with a comprehensive understanding of language use in context.
Course Code |
AR111 |
Course Title |
Arabic Communication Skills I |
Pre-requisite |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
This course focuses on developing foundational skills in Arabic communication. It covers essential aspects such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing in Arabic. Students will engage in various activities and exercises designed to enhance their proficiency in everyday communication, vocabulary acquisition, and grammatical accuracy. The course also explores cultural aspects related to Arabic-speaking communities, providing students with a comprehensive understanding of language use in context. |
Course Objectives |
يهدف هذا المقرّر إلى تعزيز مهارات الطلاب
وكفاياتهم في فهم المسموع والمكتوب. كما يهدف إلى إطلاع الطلاب على أصول
النحو العربي، وإلى صقل ذائقتهم الأدبية وتنميتها عن طريق قراءة النصوص وتحليلها، والتمرّس بالتدريبات العمليّة.
Course Outcomes |
- تأهيل الطلاب على فهم أساسيات النحو العربي وتطبيقها في التحليل اللغوي. - تعزيز وتنمية ذائقة الطلاب الأدبية من خلال قراءة النصوص وفهم مختلف أنواع الأدب العربي. - تدريب الطلاب على قراءة النصوص وتحليلها لتعميق فهمهم للغة العربية واستخدامها بشكل صحيح. - تعزيز مهارات الطلاب في فهم المسموع والمكتوب بشكل فعّال وسليم. - تعريف الطلاب بالتراث اللغوي والأدبي العربي لتعزيز الفهم الشامل للغة وثقافة المجتمع. - تطوير مهارات الكتابة العربية لدي الطلاب من خلال التدريبات العملية والتطبيقية. - تعزيز مهارات الطلاب في التفاعل اللغوي من خلال مناقشات وأنشطة تفاعلية. - تعزيز قدرة الطلاب على التعبير عن أفكارهم بشكل شفوي وواضح. - تعزيز التمرين العملي عبر تطبيق التدريبات اللغوية والأدبية. - تشجيع الطلاب على التفاعل والتمرين العملي لتحسين مهاراتهم اللغوية بشكل مستمر.
AR112 Arabic Communication Skills II
(3) Credit Hours
This course builds upon what students began in AR111. Additionally, it introduces them to new aspects of Arab culture as reflected in the works of ancient and modern writers. The course aims to train students in research methodologies, report writing, essay composition, and other forms of expression and techniques.
Course Code |
AR112 |
Course Title |
Arabic Communication Skills II |
Pre-requisite |
AR111 |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
This course builds upon what students began in AR111. Additionally, it introduces them to new aspects of Arab culture as reflected in the works of ancient and modern writers. The course aims to train students in research methodologies, report writing, essay composition, and other forms of expression and techniques. |
Course Objectives |
- التعريف بالنظريات والأساليب التربوية المتعلقة بدور اللعب في مرحلة الطفولة.
- توضيح كيفية دمج اللعب في المناهج الدراسية لزيادة فعالية التعلم.
- تطوير قدرات الدارسين على تعزيز التفكير الإبداعي والابتكاري لدى الأطفال من خلال الأنشطة اللعبية.
- استخدام التكنولوجيا في تصميم أنشطة اللعب ودمجها في مواد دراسية محددة.
- تطوير وسائل وأدوات تعليمية مناسبة لتعزيز اللعب كأداة في العملية التعليمية والتعلمية.
Course Outcomes |
- استكمال وتعزيز المفاهيم الأساسية التي تعلمها الطلاب في مقرر AR111. - تقديم جوانب جديدة من الثقافة العربية من خلال دراسة آثار الأدباء القدماء والمحدثين. - تطوير مهارات البحث ومنهجياته لدي الطلاب. - تدريب الطلاب على وضع التقارير وكتابة المقالات بشكل فعّال. - تعزيز مهارات التعبير الأدبي وتقنياته. - فهم السياق الثقافي والتاريخي للآثار الأدبية. - تحليل العلاقة بين الأدب والتطورات الاجتماعية والثقافية. - تطوير القدرة على تقديم الآراء بشكل منطقي ومحدد. - تعزيز التفاعل النقدي مع النصوص الأدبية. - تعميق فهم الطلاب للعلاقة بين الأدب والبحث وتطبيق هذه العلاقة بشكل فعّال.
ED 111 Foundations of Education
(3) Credit Hours
Introduction to Education provides a fundamental starting point to various cognitive activities for students and teachers in the field of education. This course includes teachings of basic principles of education sciences in different aspects for students and scholars in the field of education. It offers coherent and integrated knowledge about different educational premises. It provides a systematic approach for learners that develops gradually and integrates with harmonic definitions of various aspects of educational life and its principles. Students are also provided with a good knowledge about the roots and history of education methodology, psychological, social, economic and cultural upbringing assets in that field.
Course Code |
ED 111 |
Course Title |
Foundations of Education |
Pre-requisite |
None |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
Introduction to Education provides a fundamental starting point to various cognitive activities for students and teachers in the field of education. This course includes teachings of basic principles of education sciences in different aspects for students and scholars in the field of education. It offers coherent and integrated knowledge about different educational premises. It provides a systematic approach for learners that develops gradually and integrates with harmonic definitions of various aspects of educational life and its principles. Students are also provided with a good knowledge about the roots and history of education methodology, psychological, social, economic and cultural upbringing assets in that field. |
Course Objectives |
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
-Understand the fundamentals of education as an introduction to the field.
-Identify the nature of basic educational knowledge as coherent and integrated, covering various educational principles and approaches.
-Define education in a methodological way that gradually integrates with a consistent definition of various aspects and foundations of educational life.
-Identify systematic knowledge about the history of education, rooted in progression, along with an understanding of the psychological, social, economic, and cultural foundations of education. |
Course Outcomes |
A) Knowledge and Understanding:
-After studying this course, each student is expected to be able to:
-Define the concept of Educational Technology and its field of application.
-Explain the elements of the educational setting and the factors influencing it.
-Discuss the use of instructional design in organizing and enhancing the educational setting.
-Define the systems approach.
B) Intellectual Skills:
After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to:
-Analyze the components of the educational setting.
-Justify the importance of instructional media in the teaching and learning process.
-Distinguish between classifications of educational media based on specific criteria.
-Recognize the importance of instructional design in organizing the educational setting.
C) Professional and Practical Skills:
After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to:
-Use the systems approach in instructional design.
-Apply selection criteria to a variety of available educational media.
-Choose appropriate media for diverse educational settings.
-Design an educational setting using instructional design models.
D) Transferable Skills:
After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to:
-Practice the skills needed to use a variety of innovative educational media.
-Develop diverse educational settings using different technological innovations. |
ED 121 Psychology of Child Growth
(3) Credit Hours
It has become clear that an interaction of various factors affect the development and growth of individuals’ abilities and skills. This course explains the most important factors that affect development, while describing its trajectory across development. Understanding child development helps provide appropriate educational conditions that help expand and develop a child’s abilities. This course explains how modern psychological knowledge can shed light on understanding human development, which will help us better understand child growth across the various stages of development. It also demonstrates how we can understand human development from a psychological standpoint. This course covers the basic theories of development, including physical, motor, social, and emotional development in the context of the family and community. It also addresses cognitive and language development and the factors that may affect their development. Finally, one of the main issues that this course addresses is the role of child development in the educational context, especially in regards to the daily problems children face and ways they can be solved across development. In light of the latest international research on these topics, this course aims to provide a new understanding of childhood, in general, and child development, more specifically.
Course Code |
ED 121 |
Course Title |
Psychology of Child Growth |
Pre-requisite |
None |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
It has become clear that an interaction of various factors affect the development and growth of individuals’ abilities and skills. This course explains the most important factors that affect development, while describing its trajectory across development. Understanding child development helps provide appropriate educational conditions that help expand and develop a child’s abilities. This course explains how modern psychological knowledge can shed light on understanding human development, which will help us better understand child growth across the various stages of development. It also demonstrates how we can understand human development from a psychological standpoint. This course covers the basic theories of development, including physical, motor, social, and emotional development in the context of the family and community. It also addresses cognitive and language development and the factors that may affect their development. Finally, one of the main issues that this course addresses is the role of child development in the educational context, especially in regards to the daily problems children face and ways they can be solved across development. In light of the latest international research on these topics, this course aims to provide a new understanding of childhood, in general, and child development, more specifically. |
Course Objectives |
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
-Explain the stages of individual development and the growth of abilities.
-Identify the main factors that affect growth.
-Understand the stages of growth.
-Connect the stages of growth with learning. |
Course Outcomes |
Knowledge and Understanding:
After studying this course, students are expected to possess knowledge and understanding of the following:
-The concept of development, research methods in developmental psychology, and the most important theories of human development.
-The internal and external factors that influence a child's growth in early stages.
-The foundations of language development, its stages, and language evolution.
-The concept of attachment, its theories, the characteristics of the relationship between mother and child, and the importance of the family framework and its impact on the child's psychological and social development.
-The development of social self, the influence of social interaction on altruistic and other-regarding behavior, gender differences, and aggressive behavior.
-Cognitive development and the theories of Piaget and Vygotsky, individual differences and intelligence, and the relationship between social-cultural factors and mental abilities.
-Socialization methods, the role of parents in child development, family issues, and behavioral problems in children.
-The role of nurseries and kindergartens in child development and the importance of their programs in cognitive language development.
-Development during the basic education stage (ages 6-12).
B) Cognitive Skills:
After studying this course, students are expected to be able to:
-Employ critical thinking in their perspectives and in others’ views of the child.
-Interpret the interactive relationship between internal and external factors influencing development.
-Critically analyze psychological theories in their assessment of developmental aspects.
-Explain the principles of psychological theories in analyzing developmental aspects and childhood issues.
-Discuss the similarities and differences between theories explaining language development.
-Understand the relationship between the child and the mother: attachment.
-Critique and evaluate attachment theories.
-Explain the psychological and educational applications of developmental aspects in childhood.
-Discover the relationship between social development and various aspects of cognitive and emotional growth.
-Critique and evaluate cognitive development theories (Piaget and Vygotsky).
-Compare parenting styles toward children.
-Recognize the role of kindergarten and school in the child’s linguistic, cognitive, social, and emotional growth.
-Understand the impact of school, teachers, peers, and family on the child’s linguistic, cognitive, social, and emotional development.
C) Practical Professional Skills:
After studying this course, students are expected to be able to:
-Apply the principles and theories of development in their field and work.
-Train preschool and early primary school children in appropriate behaviors.
D) Key or Transferable Skills:
After studying this course, students are expected to be able to:
-Design a program based on developmental theories to analyze children's behavior.
-Apply effective communication and interpersonal skills.
-Apply problem-solving skills.
ED 212 Elementary Education
(3) Credit Hours
Primary Education is a program that deals with the practical side of learning applied on the field. It is supervised by Teacher Training and Rehabilitation Institutions in Educational Colleges. This course allows student/ teacher the opportunity to apply what they have learned from the principles and theories of education in class and in the real world. It introduces the student / teacher to actual school environments and their various activities through observation and practicing various educational exercises in different positions.
Course Code |
ED 212 |
Course Title |
Elementary Education |
Pre-requisite |
None |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
Primary Education is a program that deals with the practical side of learning applied on the field. It is supervised by Teacher Training and Rehabilitation Institutions in Educational Colleges. This course allows student/ teacher the opportunity to apply what they have learned from the principles and theories of education in class and in the real world. It introduces the student / teacher to actual school environments and their various activities through observation and practicing various educational exercises in different positions. |
Course Objectives |
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
-Understand concepts related to primary education
-Trace the historical development of primary education
-Identify types of education
-Recognize the characteristics of a primary education teacher
-Define the teacher's role in school and the community" |
Course Outcomes |
A) Knowledge and Understanding:
After studying this course, students are expected to possess knowledge and understanding of the following:
-Understanding the nature of education as a social phenomenon that accompanies the emergence of societies and the development of their civilizations.
-Recognizing typical models of primary school teachers, including their types, levels of qualification, and their status in society.
-Understanding the structural and functional position of primary education as a system.
-Understanding the importance and objectives of primary education.
-Understanding the main philosophies and theories that have influenced the formation of primary education, its various functions, and the directions of its objectives.
-Understanding the roles of primary education teachers.
-Clarifying the preparation and professional development programs for primary education teachers.
-Understanding the crisis and issues in primary education and explaining the influencing factors.
-Recognizing the concepts and behaviors related to educational renewal in primary education.
B) Cognitive Skills:
After studying this course, students are expected to be able to:
-Analyze the terms and concepts related to primary education.
-Analyze the activities of systems within their school units and educational classrooms.
-Analyze the essential and accompanying functions of primary education.
-Evaluate the philosophies and theories that have influenced the formation of primary education.
-Assess the necessity and methods for developing a better future for primary education.
-Evaluate the preparation and professional development programs for primary education teachers.
-Analyze the problems/challenges faced by primary education.
-Evaluate educational renewal in primary education.
C) Practical Professional Skills:
After studying this course, students are expected to be able to:
-Apply the knowledge and experiences learned that enable them to become qualified teachers in the field of primary education.
D) Key Transferable Skills:
After studying this course, students are expected to be able to:
-Acquire the knowledge, experiences, and skills that will enable them to become qualified teachers in the field of primary education.
-Engage in critical thinking: evaluating issues related to primary education.
-Plan to find solutions to problems, remove obstacles, and face challenges of educational renewal.
ED 221 Psychology of Learning and Instruction
(3) Credit Hours
This course introduces students to the importance of psychology of learning and teaching. The course also helps emphasize the importance of understanding the nature of learning and teaching. This includes learning relevant educational procedures and strategies in the light of behavioral, cognitive, social, and other theories related to the educational process. Hence, this course is designed to familiarize the student with the basic concepts related to theories of learning and teaching, including relevant definitions and principles that govern the processes of learning and education. Finally, the course reviews modern perspectives in educational psychology to ensure that students are aware and capable of understanding the nature of educational activities and evaluating their results.
Course Code |
ED 221 |
Course Title |
Psychology of Learning and Instruction |
Pre-requisite |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
This course introduces students to the importance of psychology of learning and teaching. The course also helps emphasize the importance of understanding the nature of learning and teaching. This includes learning relevant educational procedures and strategies in the light of behavioral, cognitive, social, and other theories related to the educational process. Hence, this course is designed to familiarize the student with the basic concepts related to theories of learning and teaching, including relevant definitions and principles that govern the processes of learning and education. Finally, the course reviews modern perspectives in educational psychology to ensure that students are aware and capable of understanding the nature of educational activities and evaluating their results. |
Course Objectives |
يتناول هذا المساق تعريف الطلبة بأهمية علم نفس التعلّم والتعليم وضرورة إلمام الدارس بطبيعة عملية التعلّم والتعليم وإجراءاتها واستراتيجياتها ونظرياتها الأساسية، كالسلوكية والمعرفية والاجتماعية المعرفية وغيرها من النظريات التي لا ينبغي الاستغناء عنها في مجال التربية والتعليم. ومن هنا صُمم هذا المقرر لتعريف الدارس بالمفاهيم الأساسية المرتبطة بنظريات التعلم و التعليم، وتعريفه أيضا بالحقائق والمبادىء والقوانين التي تحكم عمليتي التعلم والتعليم وكذلك بتزويده بالاتجاهات الحديثة في علم النفس التعليمي لجعله أكثر وعيا وقدرة على فهم طبيعة النشاطات التربوية والتعليمية وتقويم نتائجها.
Course Outcomes |
أ) المعرفة والفهم (Knowledge & Understanding): - مفهوم علم النفس ، المدارس النفسية ومناهج البحث في علم النفس التربوي ، وأهم فروع علم النفس التطبيقية والنظرية.
- الأهداف التعليمية وأنواعها وشروط صياغتها .
- الدافعية للتعلم وأهم نظريات الدافعية.
- نماذج التعلم السلوكي.
- نماذج التعلم المعرفي.
- نماذج التعلم ناموذج جانييه ناموذج برونر وناموذج أوزبل.
- نتائج التعلم.
- الفروق الفردية.
- التذكر والتعلم.
ب) المهارات العقلية (Cognitive Skills): - توظيف التفكير النقدي في موقفه ونظرته، وفي مواقف الآخرين ونظرتهم إلى التعلم.
- تفسير الدافعية ونظرياتها .
- التفكير الناقد للنظريات النفسية في تحليلها لعمليتي التعلم والتعليم.
- تفسير مبادئ المدارس النفسية وافتراضاتها في عمليتي التعلم والتعليم.
- مناقشة أوجه التشابه والاختلاف بين النظريات السلوكية والمعرفية والاجتماعية.
- إدراك مفهوم وأهمية الفروق الفردية .
- نقد وتقويم نظريات التعلم
- شرح التطبيقات التربوية للنظريات الدافعية .
- اكتشاف العلاقة بين نظريات التعلم الاجتماعي والتعلم المعرفي .
- نقد وتقويم نظريات النمو المعرفي .
- المقارنة بين نماذج الذاكرة .
- إدراك دور الذكاء والتحصيل في الفروق الفردية .
- إدراك اكتساب مهارات التفكير الناقد .
ج) المهارات التطبيقية والمهنية (Practical Professional Skills): - تصميم نشاطات تعليمية تراعي خصائص المتعلم لتنمية مهارات التفكير لديه.
- تطبيق نماذج التعلم والتعليم .
- تدريب المعلمين على وضع الأهداف السلوكية والتعليمية والتربوية بالشكل الصحيح .
د) مهارات أساسية قابلة للنقل : - تصميم برنامج قائم على النظريات السلوكية لتحليل السلوك.
- تطبيق مهارات الاتصال والتواصل الفعال.
- تطبيق مهارة حل المشكلات.
ED 241 Curricula & General Instructional Methods
(3) Credit Hours
This course aims to enable the learners of understanding the concept of curriculum and its elements and concepts of learning and teaching process and the factors affecting them, and to use the modern teaching techniques in the learner’s job including the development of learners understanding skills, attitudes and values: Also this course deals with philosophical, psychological and social foundations. It also addresses the learning and teaching process and the role of both teacher and learner, and the education skills and modern strategies in the fields of teaching planning, and the class room questions and, investment of teaching and learning recourses, grouped and individual education, and to teach thinking and to teach concepts, skills, attitudes, and values. It also deals with education evaluation.
Course Code |
ED 241 |
Course Title |
Curricula & General Instructional Methods |
Pre-requisite |
None |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
This course aims to enable the learners of understanding the concept of curriculum and its elements and concepts of learning and teaching process and the factors affecting them, and to use the modern teaching techniques in the learner’s job including the development of learners understanding skills, attitudes and values: Also this course deals with philosophical, psychological and social foundations. It also addresses the learning and teaching process and the role of both teacher and learner, and the education skills and modern strategies in the fields of teaching planning, and the class room questions and, investment of teaching and learning recourses, grouped and individual education, and to teach thinking and to teach concepts, skills, attitudes, and values. It also deals with education evaluation. |
Course Objectives |
"At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
-Understand the school curriculum and the development of its concept and elements.
-Identify the factors affecting the curriculum, and use modern teaching strategies in his educational work.
-Develop students' skills, attitudes and values.
-Identify the learning and teaching process, learning assumptions and the role of the teacher and the learner in it.
-Acquire teaching skills, especially twenty-first century skills.
-Identify the basic roles of the teacher based on how to plan teaching, group education, individual education, and teaching skills, attitudes and values.
-Evaluate the teaching process, its types, strategies and tools" |
Course Outcomes |
A) Knowledge & Understanding:
After studying this course, students are expected to possess knowledge and understanding of the following:
-The concept of the school curriculum, both historically and in modern times.
-The elements of the school curriculum and the components of each element.
-The distinction between learning and teaching.
-The concept of lesson planning and the components of daily and unit plans.
-Collective and individual teaching styles.
-Strategies for individual instruction.
-Principles of individualized education.
-The concept of skills and attitudes.
-Assessment, its types, importance, and strategies.
B) Cognitive Skills:
After studying this course, students are expected to be able to:
-Analyze the justifications for the emergence of educational goals, outcomes, and standards.
-Understand how learning occurs within the student's mind.
-Compare various teaching strategies.
-Recognize the importance of lesson planning.
-Analyze the significance of the teacher's essential roles.
-Effectively evaluate the elements of any curriculum based on an understanding of each component.
-Recognize the different types of assessment based on time period and type of information gathered.
C) Practical Professional Skills:
After studying this course, students are expected to be able to:
-Prepare daily and unit plans according to the standards and elements of these plans.
-Effectively employ strategies for teaching concepts.
-Use planning, instruction, and assessment in a coherent manner.
D) Key or Transferable Skills:
After studying this course, students are expected to be able to:
-Effectively apply principles of planning.
-Analyze the content of any subject into its essential elements.
-Determine the appropriate teaching strategy based on student level and content type.
-Demonstrate the ability to assess students through diagnostic, formative, and summative assessments.
ED 247 Social Sciences for Teachers of Elementary School (1)
(3) Credit Hours
This course is designed to familiarize the students with the concept of social studies. It provides a comprehensive overview of these studies including the associated definitions, fundamentals, objectives, methods of teaching, and its importance for preparing good citizens. In addition, this course addresses the relation between social sciences and social studies, the contemporary trends and the recent topics in social studies and its teaching resources.
Course Code |
ED 247 |
Course Title |
Social Sciences for Teachers of Elementary School (1) |
Pre-requisite |
None |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
This course is designed to familiarize the students with the concept of social studies. It provides a comprehensive overview of these studies including the associated definitions, fundamentals, objectives, methods of teaching, and its importance for preparing good citizens. In addition, this course addresses the relation between social sciences and social studies, the contemporary trends and the recent topics in social studies and its teaching resources. |
Course Objectives |
"At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
-Present a comprehensive general idea about social studies in terms of their definition and importance.
-Contribute to preparing a good citizen.
-Identify the basics of social studies, their objectives, concepts, and methods of organizing their curricula, such as separate subjects, integration, linking, and integration.
-Identify the most important contemporary trends and modern topics in social studies, and sources of teaching social studies.
-Identify methods of organizing social studies curricula and their basics (facts, concepts, generalizations, and theories).” |
Course Outcomes |
A) Knowledge & Understanding:
After studying this course, the student is expected to possess knowledge and understanding of the following:
-Define what is meant by social studies.
-Distinguish between social studies and social sciences.
-Understand the methods of organizing social studies curricula.
-Comprehend the methods of developing both critical thinking and creative thinking skills.
B) Cognitive Skills:
After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to:
Infer the objectives of teaching social studies.
Identify contemporary trends in social studies and their applications.
Reveal the importance of environmental, demographic, and global education programs in social studies.
C) Practical Professional Skills:
After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to:
-Apply modern strategies in teaching social studies subjects.
-Implement methods for organizing social studies curricula.
-Practice the practical aspects of national education programs and their activities.
D) Key or Transferable Skills:
After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to:
-Absorb the core objectives of social studies.
-Recognize the value and importance of the qualities of a responsible citizen.
-Understand the importance of developing concepts of loyalty and belonging.
ED 248 Social Sciences for Teachers of Elementary School (2)
(3) Credit Hours
This course provides students with an overview of the field of history, the most important historical events and developments, historical periods, human evolution, and sources of historical information. Besides, it deals geography and focuses on its fundamentals and the types of human and physical geography. In addition, this course is concerned with the basics and importance of Civil Education and the civil society organizations. It also provides a bright idea of the history of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan from old civilizations on the land of Jordan until the present era, its geography, principles of civil education, the political system and the democratic process.
Course Code |
ED 248 |
Course Title |
Social Sciences for Teachers of Elementary School (2) |
Pre-requisite |
None |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
This course provides students with an overview of the field of history, the most important historical events and developments, historical periods, human evolution, and sources of historical information. Besides, it deals geography and focuses on its fundamentals and the types of human and physical geography. In addition, this course is concerned with the basics and importance of Civil Education and the civil society organizations. It also provides a bright idea of the history of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan from old civilizations on the land of Jordan until the present era, its geography, principles of civil education, the political system and the democratic process. |
Course Objectives |
"At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
-Present a general idea about the science of history and historical writing.
-Identify the most important historical events and developments, historical eras, and the development of humanity, sources of historical information, geography, and the general foundations of geography, types of natural and human geography, map skills, civic education, its importance and basics, and civil society institutions.
-Present a bright picture of the history of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan from the ancient civilizations that inhabited the land of Jordan until the present era and the natural and human geography of Jordan.
-Identify the basics of civic education in Jordan, the Jordanian political system, and the democratic process.
-Distinguish between types of geography and map skills.
-Understand the political system in the country." |
Course Outcomes |
A) Knowledge & Understanding:
After studying this course, students are expected to possess knowledge and understanding of the following:
-Define what is meant by the science of history and historical writings.
-Distinguish between ancient civilizations in the Arab, Islamic, and global contexts.
-Differentiate between types of geography and map skills.
-Recognize the fundamentals of civic education.
B) Cognitive Skills:
After studying this course, students are expected to be able to:
-Infer the importance of studying history, geography, and civic education.
-Reveal a bright image of the history of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the Levant.
-Identify the significance of environmental, demographic, and global education programs in social studies.
-Investigate sources of information in the fields of history and geography.
-Distinguish between types of physical and human geography.
C) Practical Professional Skills:
After studying this course, students are expected to be able to:
-Apply modern strategies in teaching history and geography subjects.
-Utilize modern strategies in map skills and contemporary applications of geography.
-Practice the practical aspects of national education programs and their activities.
D) Key or Transferable Skills:
After studying this course, students are expected to be able to:
-Define the science of history, historical eras, and historical sources.
-Define the science of geography and distinguish between types of geography and map skills.
-Define civic education, its objectives, and its importance in teaching.
ED 254 Methodology of Social Sciences
(3) Credit Hours
This course focuses on the social studies curriculum, the most important methods and strategies for teaching and analyzing the social studies curricula and syllabus. In addition, it explains the characteristics of the social studies, teachers, the issues that they come across during the teaching process and the assessment principles of social studies.
Course Code |
ED 254 |
Course Title |
Methodology of Social Sciences |
Pre-requisite |
None |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
This course focuses on the social studies curriculum, the most important methods and strategies for teaching and analyzing the social studies curricula and syllabus. In addition, it explains the characteristics of the social studies, teachers, the issues that they come across during the teaching process and the assessment principles of social studies. |
Course Objectives |
"At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
-Identify social studies curricula and the most important methods and strategies appropriate for teaching them.
-Analyze social studies curricula and the foundations of the social studies textbook.
-Explain the characteristics of the social studies teacher, the problems facing teachers, and the foundations of measurement and evaluation in social studies.
-Explain the basic traditional and modern strategies and methods appropriate for teaching social studies subjects, and the units of the social studies textbook.
-Employ realistic evaluation methods in social studies." |
Course Outcomes |
A) Knowledge & Understanding:
After studying this course, the student is expected to possess knowledge and understanding of the following:
-The concept of traditional and modern social studies curricula as a system.
-The concept of the hidden social studies curriculum.
-The characteristics of the professional social studies teacher.
B) Cognitive Skills:
After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to:
-Compare the various curricula in social studies.
-Identify the essential elements of the social studies curriculum.
C) Practical Professional Skills:
After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to:
-Analyze the elements involved in planning and preparing social studies curricula.
-Apply modern strategies in teaching social studies subjects.
-Acquire skills to conduct evaluations and prepare tests.
D) Key or Transferable Skills:
After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to:
-Analyze the characteristics of the professional social studies teacher.
-Employ evaluation methods in social studies.
ED 255 English for Elementary School Teachers
(4) Credit Hours
This course focuses on integrating basic language skills, both spoken and written, to improve students' proficiency in English to an intermediate/upper intermediate level. Designed for third-year students at the Open University, the course offers comprehensive materials tailored to meet the needs of learners in their first semester. Emphasis is placed on enhancing overall language competence through a structured approach to language skills development.
Course Code |
ED 255 |
Course Title |
English for Elementary School Teachers |
Pre-requisite |
Credit Hours |
4 |
Course Description |
This course focuses on integrating basic language skills, both spoken and written, to improve students' proficiency in English to an intermediate/upper intermediate level. Designed for third-year students at the Open University, the course offers comprehensive materials tailored to meet the needs of learners in their first semester. Emphasis is placed on enhancing overall language competence through a structured approach to language skills development. |
Course Objectives |
This course integrates the basic language skills, both spoken & written. It aims at improving the level of proficiency in English to intermediate/upper intermediate level. The materials have been designed to meet the needs of students enrolled in the first semester, third year at the Open University. The course consists of language skills.
Course Outcomes |
A. Knowledge and Understanding By the end of the course, students will be able to: - understand the types of verbs.
- recognize and understand parts of sentences.
- demonstrate good use of all tenses (present- past – present continuous).
- distinguish between different tenses.
- distinguish between the various meanings of modals.
- understand and use academic vocabulary appropriately.
- extract and get the gist of a reading selection.
- understand paragraph and essay organization.
B. Cognitive Skills: By the end of the course, students will be able to: - write a paragraph with an introductory sentence, body, and concluding sentence.
- acquire new vocabulary words and use them in context.
- write good sentences based on their understanding of the types of sentences and at a later stage develop good sentence variety in their writing.
- explore and understand how ideas are connected.
- use different sources of information by establishing an appropriate coordination and combination among them.
C. Practical and Professional skills: By the end of this course, students will be able to: - draft unified and well-organized paragraphs.
- develop a clear and well-formulated thesis.
- provide relevant and coherent support for a thesis.
- draft good introduction and conclusion paragraphs
- use creative ideas for writing an essay
D. Transferable Skills:
By the end of this course, students will be able to: - organize and presents ideas effectively in writing
- communicate easily and concisely in speech and writing
- express ideas beyond the text.
- write different endings.
ED 256 Methods of Teaching English for Elementary School
(3) Credit Hours
This is a practical course that links the findings of research on English language learning to classroom methodology. It exposes the student to the old and current approaches of teaching English as a foreign language, such as the communicative approach, and their implications in teaching methodology. It also gives practical approaches for teaching, listening, comprehension, reading, writing, and vocabulary. In addition, the course covers the way the computer can be used in the classroom for teaching English. It also shows how individual learners can make use of the computer to promote their learning. All this information is mainly given in the form of practical examples. Each part of the course is followed by tasks of practical nature.
Course Code |
ED 256 |
Course Title |
Methods of Teaching English for Elementary School |
Pre-requisite |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
This is a practical course that links the findings of research on English language learning to classroom methodology. It exposes the student to the old and current approaches of teaching English as a foreign language, such as the communicative approach, and their implications in teaching methodology. It also gives practical approaches for teaching, listening, comprehension, reading, writing, and vocabulary. In addition, the course covers the way the computer can be used in the classroom for teaching English. It also shows how individual learners can make use of the computer to promote their learning. All this information is mainly given in the form of practical examples. Each part of the course is followed by tasks of practical nature. |
Course Objectives |
The primary objective of this practical course is to bridge research findings on English language learning with classroom methodology. It aims to expose students to both traditional and contemporary approaches to teaching English as a foreign language, including the communicative approach, and to explore their implications for teaching methodology. The course provides practical strategies for teaching listening, comprehension, reading, writing, and vocabulary, and demonstrates the effective use of computers in the classroom and for individual learner advancement. The course is designed to deliver this information through practical examples and hands-on tasks to ensure students can apply these methodologies effectively.
Course Outcomes |
A. Knowledge and Understanding By the end of the course, students will be able to: - gain knowledge of different traditional and modern methods of teaching English as a foreign language.
- become familiar with techniques of integrating the communicative approach into classroom practices.
- become familiar with techniques of integrating the natural approach and total physical response into classroom skills.
- recognize the difference between CBI and TBI.
- became aware of the three stages of performing an activity.
- recognize the importance of providing feedback on the students' performance in an activity.
- Become familiar with computer assisted Language Learning (CALL) in teaching/learning English as a foreign language.
- Become aware of different sections of a lesson plan.
B. Cognitive Skills: By the end of the course, students will be able to: - acquire information on how to integrate the different approaches and strategies into classroom practices.
- explore the principles of teaching and learning listening and speaking skills.
- explore the principles of teaching and learning reading and writing skills.
- explore the principles of teaching and learning vocabulary skills.
- identify the different sections in a lesson plan by implementing appropriate methods and techniques of teaching English as a foreign language.
- acquire information on how to produce well developed and organized lesson plans.
- analyse classroom activities and lesson plans in relation to the theories and principles covered in the sessions.
- improve some analytical and critical thinking skills through the continuing process of preparing a lesson plan that starts with stimulating ideas through class discussions as a warm-up, then presenting, practicing and producing the intended learning outcomes in the target language.
C. Practical and Professional skills: By the end of this course, students will be able to: - integrate the different approaches and strategies into developing classroom practices
- design classroom activities considering the three stages of performing a task.
- analyse and practice implementing the sub-skills involved in listening and speaking.
- analyse and practice implementing the sub-skills involved in reading and writing.
- build and develop vocabulary acquisition.
- develop and design a detailed lesson plan that is students-centred.
- plan, edit and present lesson plans in relation to the learned theories and principles as part of the in-class activities.
D. Transferable Skills:
By the end of this course, students will be able to: - utilize knowledge and skills of different methods/approaches and transfer them into more advanced/modern approaches in designing a lesson plan.
- evaluate a range of activities for teaching listening and speaking.
- evaluate a range of activities for teaching reading and writing.
- evaluate a range of activities for teaching vocabulary.
- develop confidence in writing lesson plans within a limited time gained from the in-class timed tasks.
- make use of feedback from tutors to improve the designed lesson plans.
- communicate effectively with colleagues in working groups.
ED 313 Class management and Teaching environment
(3) Credit Hours
This course aims at enabling the student to know the shift in the role of the teacher and a major source of information to the manager and coordinator of the educational process in the classroom in a democratic and appealing way to students. Clarifying that his role is not limited to the academic side but it also includes administrative and organizational aspects related to tasks done to achieve the appropriate learning environment in the classroom. So the student for this decision should have the ability to classroom management and communication with students and renewal in its article writing using modern techniques to deliver educational material interesting and attractive ways and mastery of competencies classroom management. The study of this course is a prerequisite not only for teachers but for the educational director and the supervisor and all relevant groups to develop teacher performance and evaluation to improve the learning environment to achieve the objectives of the educational process.
Course Code |
ED 313 |
Course Title |
Class management and Teaching environment |
Pre-requisite |
None |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
This course aims at enabling the student to know the shift in the role of the teacher and a major source of information to the manager and coordinator of the educational process in the classroom in a democratic and appealing way to students. Clarifying that his role is not limited to the academic side but it also includes administrative and organizational aspects related to tasks done to achieve the appropriate learning environment in the classroom. So the student for this decision should have the ability to classroom management and communication with students and renewal in its article writing using modern techniques to deliver educational material interesting and attractive ways and mastery of competencies classroom management. The study of this course is a prerequisite not only for teachers but for the educational director and the supervisor and all relevant groups to develop teacher performance and evaluation to improve the learning environment to achieve the objectives of the educational process. |
Course Objectives |
"At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
-Know the transformation in the role of the teacher from a lecturer and primary source of information to a manager and coordinator of the educational process inside the classroom in a democratic and attractive way for students.
-Clarify that the role of the teacher is not limited to the academic aspect, but also includes administrative and organizational aspects related to his work tasks to achieve the appropriate learning environment inside the classroom.
-Possess the ability to manage the classroom, communicate with students, and innovate in his academic material using modern technologies to deliver the educational material in interesting and attractive ways.
-Master the competencies of classroom management.
-Develop and evaluate the teacher's performance to improve the learning environment and achieve the practical educational goals." |
Course Outcomes |
"At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
-Present a comprehensive general idea about social studies in terms of their definition and importance.
-Contribute to preparing a good citizen.
-Identify the basics of social studies, their objectives, concepts, and methods of organizing their curricula, such as separate subjects, integration, linking, and integration.
-Identify the most important contemporary trends and modern topics in social studies, and sources of teaching social studies.
-Identify methods of organizing social studies curricula and their basics (facts, concepts, generalizations, and theories).” |
ED 331 Instructional Technology
(3) Credit Hours
This course addresses the development of instructional technology with emphasis on instructional design. It also highlights the importance of instructional media in the teaching learning process. The course also aims to equip students with the necessary skills to produce traditional media and employ tools of the second generation of the web such as Blogs, and WebQuests. The course is also concerned with the technological innovations, such as Mobile Learning and the proper use of modern equipment such as the interactive whiteboard.
Course Code |
ED 331 |
Course Title |
Instructional Technology |
Pre-requisite |
None |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
This course addresses the development of instructional technology with emphasis on instructional design. It also highlights the importance of instructional media in the teaching learning process. The course also aims to equip students with the necessary skills to produce traditional media and employ tools of the second generation of the web such as Blogs, and WebQuests. The course is also concerned with the technological innovations, such as Mobile Learning and the proper use of modern equipment such as the interactive whiteboard. |
Course Objectives |
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
-Understand the development of instructional technology with emphasis on instructional design.
-Understand the importance of instructional media in the teaching learning process.
-Possessing the necessary skills to produce traditional media and employ tools of web Applications.
-Use technological innovations properly. |
Course Outcomes |
A. Knowledge & Understanding
At the end of the module, each student will be expected to:
• Define the meaning of educational technology and its field of work.
• Explain the elements of the educational situation and the factors affecting it.
• Discusses the use of instructional design in organizing and activating the educational situation.
• Define the systems approach.
B. Cognitive Skills
At the end of the module, each student will be expected to:
• Analyze the components of the educational situation.
• Justifies the importance of instructional media in the teaching-learning process.
• Distinguish the classification of educational media according to specific criteria.
• Discover the importance of instructional design in organizing the educational situation.
C. Practical and Professional Skills
At the end of the module, each student will be expected to:
• Use the systems approach in instructional design.
• Apply the criteria for selecting educational media to a set of available media.
• Choose appropriate media in different educational situations.
• Design an educational situation using instructional design models.
D. Key Transferable Skills
At the end of the module, each student will be expected to:
• Practice the necessary skills to use number of new educational media.
• Develop diverse educational situations using different technological innovations. |
ED 332 Computer –Assisted Instruction
(3) Credit Hours
This Course clarifies the role of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) in Education and the use of technology in support of the learning process. It focuses on the common uses of computers in Education and it addresses the use of technology with classroom instruction. It covers ICT in Education, Computer development and its application in Education; using the internet in Education; A detailed use of PowerPoint, Excel and Multimedia in Education. It also covers Social Media in Education. This course also shows a practical way on how to use Google and Open Source courses. Finally, it covers some of the most important issues when it comes to using computers in Education such as ethics, security, computer crime and intellectual property.
Course Code |
ED 332 |
Course Title |
Computer –Assisted Instruction |
Pre-requisite |
None |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
This Course clarifies the role of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) in Education and the use of technology in support of the learning process. It focuses on the common uses of computers in Education and it addresses the use of technology with classroom instruction. It covers ICT in Education, Computer development and its application in Education; using the internet in Education; A detailed use of PowerPoint, Excel and Multimedia in Education. It also covers Social Media in Education. This course also shows a practical way on how to use Google and Open Source courses. Finally, it covers some of the most important issues when it comes to using computers in Education such as ethics, security, computer crime and intellectual property. |
Course Objectives |
"At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
-Identify the role of information and communication technology in education.
-Identify the educational computer and its classroom applications.
-Focus on the common uses of computers in the field of education.
-Provide the basic knowledge and skills necessary to employ computers in teaching and learning situations.
-Use presentation programs, spreadsheets, multimedia and their uses in education.
-Be able to use Google and open source courses as learning and teaching media.
-Be familiar with issues related to the use of computers in learning and teaching, such as security issues, computer ethics and property rights." |
Course Outcomes |
A) Knowledge & Understanding:
After studying this course, students are expected to have knowledge and understanding of the following:
-The role of information and communication technology in education.
-The concept of educational computing and its classroom applications.
-Common uses of computers in the field of education.
B) Cognitive Skills:
After studying this course, students are expected to be able to:
-Trace the evolution of computers and their uses in the processes of learning and teaching.
-Identify the stages of the evolution of the internet and its applications in learning and education.
-Determine the importance of multimedia and its uses in education.
-Identify the characteristics of social media and its uses in education.
-Discuss issues related to security, computer ethics, and intellectual property rights.
C) Practical Professional Skills:
After studying this course, students are expected to be able to:
-Apply presentation software.
-Use spreadsheet programs.
D) Key or Transferable Skills:
After studying this course, students are expected to be able to:
-Utilize various Google applications such as Gmail, YouTube, Docs, and Scholar.
-Search the internet for applications of open-source courses as tools for learning and teaching.
ED 347 Arabic Language for Teachers of Elementary School I
(3) Credit Hours
This course seeks to provide the student with a degree of linguistic knowledge on Arabic grammar and vocabulary. It introduces Arabic language grammar from different sources based on the context, product, and type. The course also allows the student to differentiate between Arabic words in terms of their root and use. The course also addresses different modes of speech in terms of singularity, duality, or plurality. Finally, the course reviews other grammatical issues that are specific to the Arabic language.
Course Code |
ED 347 |
Course Title |
Arabic Language for Teachers of Elementary School I |
Pre-requisite |
None |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
This course seeks to provide the student with a degree of linguistic knowledge on Arabic grammar and vocabulary. It introduces Arabic language grammar from different sources based on the context, product, and type. The course also allows the student to differentiate between Arabic words in terms of their root and use. The course also addresses different modes of speech in terms of singularity, duality, or plurality. Finally, the course reviews other grammatical issues that are specific to the Arabic language. |
Course Objectives |
"At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
-Provide the student with a degree of linguistic knowledge represented in the morphology and syntax of the Arabic language, dictionaries and their uses.
-Get acquainted with the morphology of the Arabic language from its various sources and uses, derivatives and their types, and how to differentiate between them in terms of meaning and usage, and types of derivation.
-Distinguish between parts of speech in terms of singular, dual, plural and types of plurals, morphology and prevention of morphology, definite and indefinite nouns.
-Acquire the ability to parse built and declined verbs." |
Course Outcomes |
"At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
-Present a comprehensive general idea about social studies in terms of their definition and importance.
-Contribute to preparing a good citizen.
-Identify the basics of social studies, their objectives, concepts, and methods of organizing their curricula, such as separate subjects, integration, linking, and integration.
-Identify the most important contemporary trends and modern topics in social studies, and sources of teaching social studies.
-Identify methods of organizing social studies curricula and their basics (facts, concepts, generalizations, and theories).” |
ED 349 Arabic Language for Teachers of Elementary School II
(3) Credit Hours
This course seeks to provide the student with a degree of linguistic knowledge on the Arabic language and its methods. It introduces various aspects of Arabic language grammar that are specific to the language. For instance, the course helps students understand the difference between sentences that begin with a noun and sentences that begin with a verb, analyze the components of sentences, understand the difference between various types of letters and words, and identify the appropriate time and place to include accents on letters.
Course Code |
ED 349 |
Course Title |
Arabic Language for Teachers of Elementary School II |
Pre-requisite |
None |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
This course seeks to provide the student with a degree of linguistic knowledge on the Arabic language and its methods. It introduces various aspects of Arabic language grammar that are specific to the language. For instance, the course helps students understand the difference between sentences that begin with a noun and sentences that begin with a verb, analyze the components of sentences, understand the difference between various types of letters and words, and identify the appropriate time and place to include accents on letters. |
Course Objectives |
"At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
-Get linguistic knowledge represented in Arabic morphology and syntax, dictionaries and their uses.
- Know the parts of speech in terms of singular, dual and plural, morphology and non-morphology, definite and indefinite nouns.
- Parse the built and inflected verbs.
- Extract the meanings of vocabulary from dictionaries, and master the method specific to each dictionary." |
Course Outcomes |
A) Knowledge and Understanding:
After studying this course, the student is expected to have knowledge and understanding of the following:
- Know the concept of subject and predicate, and the types of abrogators.
- Know the concepts of objects and dependents.
- Know the concepts of linguistic styles (calling, praise and blame, exclamation, exception)
B) Mental Skills:
After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to:
- Identify the terms and conditions of subject and predicate.
- Parse complements of verbal sentences.
C) Professional Applied Skills:
After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to:
- Form sentences.
- Write the correct spelling of the rules of hamza and soft alif.
- Parse linguistic styles.
D) Basic/Key Skills:
After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to:
- Adjust the endings of the words he writes.
- Use linguistic styles correctly in his spoken and written speeches.
- To write the spelling rules for hamza and soft alif.
ED 354 Methodology of Arabic Language for Elementary School(3) Credit Hours
This course seeks to offer students with as much knowledge about the educational foundations of teaching the Arabic language, including the teaching of listening, speaking, reading, and writing in Arabic. The course deals with the characteristics, perspectives, and the educational implications of the Arabic language. The course addresses different skills such as listening, reading, writing, and speaking in terms of the specific concepts, goals, components, student educational levels, and fundamentals of teaching Arabic. The course also reviews methods, attitudes, and proposed activities, all while highlighting the role of the teacher and student. The course teaches composition and grammar in an attempt to ease methods used in teaching. The course presents modern fundamentals in teaching the Arabic language (e.g., the role of new technologies), linguistic activities and exercises, and responsibilities in teaching the Arabic language.
ED 359 Mathematics for Teachers of Elementary School I(3) Credit Hours
This course aims at providing learners with basic concepts, generalizations, skills and problem solving concerning math topics. This course integrates with ED-364 in its spirit. NCTM standards are addressed clearly. The course consists of the following topics: sets, logic, natural numbers, integers, rational and real numbers. |
ED 354 Methodology of Arabic Language for Elementary School
(3) Credit Hours
This course seeks to offer students with as much knowledge about the educational foundations of teaching the Arabic language, including the teaching of listening, speaking, reading, and writing in Arabic. The course deals with the characteristics, perspectives, and the educational implications of the Arabic language. The course addresses different skills such as listening, reading, writing, and speaking in terms of the specific concepts, goals, components, student educational levels, and fundamentals of teaching Arabic. The course also reviews methods, attitudes, and proposed activities, all while highlighting the role of the teacher and student. The course teaches composition and grammar in an attempt to ease methods used in teaching. The course presents modern fundamentals in teaching the Arabic language (e.g., the role of new technologies), linguistic activities and exercises, and responsibilities in teaching the Arabic language.
Course Code |
ED 354 |
Course Title |
Methodology of Arabic Language for Elementary School |
Pre-requisite |
None |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
This course seeks to offer students with as much knowledge about the educational foundations of teaching the Arabic language, including the teaching of listening, speaking, reading, and writing in Arabic. The course deals with the characteristics, perspectives, and the educational implications of the Arabic language. The course addresses different skills such as listening, reading, writing, and speaking in terms of the specific concepts, goals, components, student educational levels, and fundamentals of teaching Arabic. The course also reviews methods, attitudes, and proposed activities, all while highlighting the role of the teacher and student. The course teaches composition and grammar in an attempt to ease methods used in teaching. The course presents modern fundamentals in teaching the Arabic language (e.g., the role of new technologies), linguistic activities and exercises, and responsibilities in teaching the Arabic language. |
Course Objectives |
"At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
-Get the knowledge and skills necessary to recognize teaching as a science with its own skills.
-Get acquainted with the scientific perspective of teaching the Arabic language.
-Know the characteristics and functions of the Arabic language.
-Master the skills of teaching listening, teaching speaking, teaching reading, teaching writing, and mastering the skills of teaching Arabic grammar.
-Employ modern strategies in teaching the Arabic language." |
Course Outcomes |
A) Knowledge & Understanding:
After studying this course, the student is expected to have knowledge and understanding of the following:
- Know the theory of language and its importance.
- Dimensions of the linguistic conflict between classical and colloquial Arabic.
- Know the characteristics and functions of the Arabic language.
- Compare teaching methods for each of the Arabic language skills.
- Compare the role of the teacher and the student in light of the modern approach to teaching language skills.
- Characteristics of each of the Arabic language skills.
B) Cognitive Skills:
After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to:
- Analyze the teaching methods used in terms of positives and negatives.
- Choose the best teaching methods in light of field applications.
C) Practical Professional Skills:
After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to:
- Teach listening skills using the latest methods and techniques.
- Teach conversation skills according to modern teaching theories.
- Teach reading skills according to modern teaching theories.
- Teaching writing skills according to modern teaching theories.
- Employing modern technology and the latest strategies in teaching.
d) Basic/Key Skills (Key or Transferable Skills)
After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to:
- Choose the appropriate method for teaching each of the Arabic language skills.
- Proper planning for each of the skills according to the best methods.
- Teaching Arabic language skills, according to the most effective methods.
ED 359 Mathematics for Teachers of Elementary School I(3) Credit Hours
This course aims at providing learners with basic concepts, generalizations, skills and problem solving concerning math topics. This course integrates with ED-364 in its spirit. NCTM standards are addressed clearly. The course consists of the following topics: sets, logic, natural numbers, integers, rational and real numbers.
ED 360 Mathematics for Teachers of Elementary School II(3) Credit Hours
This course aims at providing learners with basic concepts, generalizations, skills and problem solving concerning math topics. This course integrates with ED-364 in its spirit. NCTM standards are addressed clearly. The course consists of the following topics: Statistics, Probability, Geometry, mensuration, problem solving.
ED 364 Methodo |
ED 359 Mathematics for Teachers of Elementary School I
(3) Credit Hours
This course aims at providing learners with basic concepts, generalizations, skills and problem solving concerning math topics. This course integrates with ED-364 in its spirit. NCTM standards are addressed clearly. The course consists of the following topics: sets, logic, natural numbers, integers, rational and real numbers.
Course Code |
ED 359 |
Course Title |
Mathematics for Teachers of Elementary School I |
Pre-requisite |
None |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
This course aims at providing learners with basic concepts, generalizations, skills and problem solving concerning math topics. This course integrates with ED-364 in its spirit. NCTM standards are addressed clearly. The course consists of the following topics: sets, logic, natural numbers, integers, rational and real numbers. |
Course Objectives |
"At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
-Recognize the basic facts and concepts of mathematics.
-Acquire the mathematical skills necessary to be a successful and effective teacher in teaching school mathematics to primary school classes.
-Develop the skill of solving mathematical problems through non-routine problem situations.
-Address topics in line with the 2000 Principles and Standards document issued by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
-Identify the topics of the course: sets, logic, relationships, natural numbers and integers, application to rational numbers in the form of ordinary fractions or decimal fractions, irrational numbers and real numbers.
" |
Course Outcomes |
A) Knowledge & Understanding:
After studying this course, the student is expected to have knowledge and understanding of the following:
- Identify the set and express it in different ways.
- Identify the subset.
- Identify equality, union, intersection, difference and complement.
- Identify the universal set.
- Identify open sentences and fenced expressions
- Identify concepts related to the relationship.
- Distinguish between the algebraic limit and the algebraic quantity
- Identify Peano's postulates for constructing the set of natural numbers.
- Identify the concept of divisibility.
- Identify the concept of prime number and use it in factoring.
- Identify the concept of greatest common divisor and least common multiple.
- Identify the concept of exponents.
- Use the division algorithm to find the greatest common divisor, and employ that in solving.
- Identify the concept of rational number and ordinary fraction.
- Identify the order relationship on rational numbers.
- Identify finite decimals, recurring fractions, common fractions and the relationship between them.
- Identify irrational numbers
- Identify real numbers and some of their properties.
.B) Cognitive Skills:
After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to:
- Prove some laws related to sets.
- Determine the truth value of a given statement.
- Classify statements as contradiction, quotient, or otherwise.
- Classify relationships as reflexive, symmetric, symmetric, transitive, or equivalence.
- Deduce the rule of a given numerical pattern.
- Express the rule of a numerical pattern in symbols.
- Prove some properties of operations on natural numbers.
- Prove divisibility properties and their rules.
- Deduce properties of operations on numbers.
- Build the set of integers from the set of natural numbers.
- Prove the properties of operations on integers
- Prove some properties of real numbers
c) Practical Professional Skills
After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to:
- Find the power set of a given set.
- Identify the laws of inertia, combination, commutation, distribution, unity and complement, as well as De Morgan's laws.
- Express constructive statements with symbols, and know the truth value tables for simple and complex statements using logical links
- Find the equivalence rows resulting from a given equivalence relationship.
- Use multiple educational methods to introduce the concepts of the four operations on natural numbers.
- Calculate the value of numerical expressions, taking into account the priorities of the operations.
- Perform the four operations on integers.
- Employ Euclid's algorithm to calculate the greatest common divisor of two numbers.
- Solve an equation in two unknowns if they have a solution in the set of integers.
- Arrange rational and real numbers.
- Converts terminating decimals and recurring fractions to ordinary fractions and vice versa.
- Recognizes the concept of rotation and methods of estimating the results of the four operations on integers and decimal fractions.
d) Key or Transferable Skills
After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to:
- Find the union and intersection of two sets and find the complement of a given set.
- Find the difference and the corresponding difference of two sets..
- Solve a linear equation with one variable
- Analyze a quadratic expression
- Analyze a cubic expression of the type of the difference between two cubes or the sum of two cubes
- Solve a quadratic equation with one variable.
- Uses counting methods to find the number of possibilities available for a given situation.
- Uses different methods to calculate the greatest common divisor and the least common multiple.
- Uses multiple methods to analyze a number into its factors as well as its prime factors.
- Solve various numerical problems using the priorities of operations.
- Identify the reasons for expanding the numerical system from natural numbers to integers.
- Perform the four operations on integers
- Perform the four operations on rational numbers and arrive at their properties.
- Perform the four operations on decimal fractions.
Perform arithmetic operations on irrational numbers
ED 360 Mathematics for Teachers of Elementary School II(3) Credit Hours
This course aims at providing learners with basic concepts, generalizations, skills and problem solving concerning math topics. This course integrates with ED-364 in its spirit. NCTM standards are addressed clearly. The course consists of the following topics: Statistics, Probability, Geometry, mensuration, problem solving.
ED 364 Methodology |
ED 360 Mathematics for Teachers of Elementary School II
(3) Credit Hours
This course aims at providing learners with basic concepts, generalizations, skills and problem solving concerning math topics. This course integrates with ED-364 in its spirit. NCTM standards are addressed clearly. The course consists of the following topics: Statistics, Probability, Geometry, mensuration, problem solving.
Course Code |
ED 360 |
Course Title |
Mathematics for Teachers of Elementary School II |
Pre-requisite |
None |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
This course aims at providing learners with basic concepts, generalizations, skills and problem solving concerning math topics. This course integrates with ED-364 in its spirit. NCTM standards are addressed clearly. The course consists of the following topics: Statistics, Probability, Geometry, mensuration, problem solving. |
Course Objectives |
"At the end of this course, the student will be able to:
Provide the primary school teacher with the basic facts and concepts of mathematics.
Acquire the mathematical skills necessary to be a successful and effective teacher in teaching school mathematics to primary school classes.
Practice mathematical problem solving skills.
Apply strategies for teaching mathematics." |
Course Outcomes |
A) Knowledge & Understanding:
After studying this course, the student is expected to have knowledge and understanding of the following:
- Identify the concept of random experiment and accident.
- Identify the concept of regular probability.
- Distinguish between relative frequency and theoretical probability.
- Identify measures of central tendency.
- Identify the mathematical structure of Euclid's geometry in the plane.
- Identify lines, rays and straight lines.
- Identify complementary, supplementary, alternate, corresponding and allied angles.
- Identify the equilateral triangle and its properties.
- Identify polygons, especially the parallelogram, square, rectangle and rhombus.
- Identify the basic concepts in space geometry.
- Identify some non-standard measures.
- Identify length measures and the relationship between them.
- Identify the concept of drawing scale.
- Identify area measures.
- Identify volume measures.
- Identify temperature measures.
- Identify mass measures.
- Identify the concept of a mathematical problem and distinguish it from a mathematical exercise.
- Distinguish the conditions that make the given question a mathematical problem.
- Explain the importance of the subject of solving the problem in school mathematics curricula.
- Identify the factors and difficulties of the student's ability to solve the mathematical problem.
- Identify the factors that contribute to developing the student's ability to solve the mathematical problem.
- Identify contemporary trends in the standards, principles and content of primary school mathematics.
- Identify the principles of primary school mathematics.
- Identify the content standards in primary school mathematics.
- Identify the standards of operations in primary school mathematics.
- Identify the content of primary school mathematics.
- Describe, explain and analyze the content of primary school mathematics.
.B) Cognitive Skills:
After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to:
- Prove the laws of probability.
- Prove the properties of triangles of all types using congruence and similarity.
- Prove the properties of quadrilaterals using congruence and similarity
- Use the congruence of triangles to prove some theorems
- Prove some properties of parallelograms.
- Prove the Pythagorean theorem.
- Solve practical problems using the laws of area, perimeter and volume.
- Employ problem-solving strategies in solving various mathematical problems.
C) Practical Professional Skills
After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to:
- Find the sample space for a given random experiment.
- Calculate the probability of an event using probability laws.
- Summarize statistical data using tables and geometric figures.
- Use the properties of an equilateral triangle to calculate some quantities.
- Use proportionality in similarity to calculate some quantities.
- Calculate the volumes of some solids as well as their lateral area.
- Solve various problems on geometric theories.
- Employ the Pythagorean theorem in solving practical problems.
- Calculate the perimeter of a simple and complex geometric shape.
- Calculate the area of a simple and complex geometric shape.
- Calculate the volume of a simple and complex solid.
- Calculate the surface and lateral area of a simple and complex solid.
- Acquire the skill of teaching mathematical problem solving according to George Polya's strategy for organizing the solution.
- Acquire the skill of using different strategies to solve the mathematical problem in solving various mathematical problems.
- Acquire the skill of self-assessment in evaluating his performance in teaching mathematical problem solving.
- Acquire the skill of training his students to conduct a self-assessment of their performance in studying mathematical problem solving.
- Analyze mathematical content according to the content standards in primary school mathematics according to its different age stages.
- Analyze mathematical content according to the standards of operations in primary school mathematics according to its different age stages.
d) Transferable Skills (Key or Transferable Skills)
After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to:
- Calculate the probabilities of certain events using the counting method.
- Calculate the mean, mode, and median for given statistical data.
- Calculate the range, standard deviation, and variance for statistical data.
- Calculate the values of certain angles using different geometric theories.
- Calculate the lengths of the unknown sides in a right triangle using the Pythagorean theorem.
- Convert between length scales and the relationship between them.
- Use maps to find the distance between different cities using the drawing scale.
- Convert between area scales.
- Convert between volume scales.
- Convert between temperature scales.
- Convert between mass scales.
- Convert between length scales.
Defines standards in elementary mathematics according to different age groups.
ED 364 Methodology of Mathematics for Teachers of Elementary School(3) Credit Hours
This Course aims at providing learners with essential knowledge and skills to prepare them to be successful math teachers at the elementary level. In this course learners learn about innovations in math education. NCTM standards are a core curriculum. This course provides novice teachers with educational strategies concerning problem solving, critical thinking, geometrical thinking, mathematical reasoning and using technology in math education. The course provides learners with basic methods and strategies for teaching numbers, fractions, decimals, geometric concepts and world problems. The course provides learners with a comprehensive look at lesson preparation and assessing students’ achievement in math.
ED 421 Principles of sch |
ED 364 Methodology of Mathematics for Teachers of Elementary School
(3) Credit Hours
This Course aims at providing learners with essential knowledge and skills to prepare them to be successful math teachers at the elementary level. In this course learners learn about innovations in math education. NCTM standards are a core curriculum. This course provides novice teachers with educational strategies concerning problem solving, critical thinking, geometrical thinking, mathematical reasoning and using technology in math education. The course provides learners with basic methods and strategies for teaching numbers, fractions, decimals, geometric concepts and world problems. The course provides learners with a comprehensive look at lesson preparation and assessing students’ achievement in math.
Course Code |
ED 364 |
Course Title |
Methodology of Mathematics for Teachers of Elementary School |
Pre-requisite |
None |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
This Course aims at providing learners with essential knowledge and skills to prepare them to be successful math teachers at the elementary level. In this course learners learn about innovations in math education. NCTM standards are a core curriculum. This course provides novice teachers with educational strategies concerning problem solving, critical thinking, geometrical thinking, mathematical reasoning and using technology in math education. The course provides learners with basic methods and strategies for teaching numbers, fractions, decimals, geometric concepts and world problems. The course provides learners with a comprehensive look at lesson preparation and assessing students’ achievement in math. |
Course Objectives |
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
-Be able to use mathematical thinking methods to address topics in a manner consistent with the 2000 Principles and Standards document issued by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
-Understand the basic principles of probability theory.
-Use methods of collecting, tabulating and classifying statistical data.
-Understand measures of central tendency, dispersion and correlations between variables, geometry with its theories, measurement and problem solving. |
Course Outcomes |
A) Knowledge & Understanding:
After studying this course, the student is expected to have knowledge and understanding of the following:
1. Know the standards and principles of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM).
2. Understand mathematics, its elements, and its fields.
3. Know the elements of long-term and short-term planning.
4. Know the theoretical basis of teaching strategies, and the steps of teaching using modern teaching methods.
5. Compare different teaching strategies, and methods of choosing them for educational situations.
6. Identify the difficulties of learning mathematical skills, solving mathematical problems, and difficulties of learning regular and decimal fractions.
7. Understand the tools for evaluating the mathematics curriculum, student achievement, and identify the methods of formulating and analyzing test items.
B) Cognitive Skills:
After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to:
1. Develop study plans for educational situations in mathematics (long-term, short-term).
2. Developing assessment tools for mathematics subjects in various forms such as tests, portfolios, oral assessment, observation, and interviews.
3. Analyzing mathematical content in light of the elements of mathematical knowledge.
4. Employing software and technology in teaching mathematics.
5. Employing different teaching strategies and methods in teaching mathematics subjects, and comparing different teaching methods.
6. Planning for teaching mathematics subjects mentally and in writing.
C) Practical Professional Skills
After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to:
1. The skill of planning mathematics lessons.
2. Employing the use of educational software in teaching mathematics.
3. The skill of implementing mathematics classes using modern teaching methods and strategies.
4. Employing strategies for addressing mathematics learning difficulties in teaching skills (operations on numbers, regular and decimal fractions, mathematical problems, geometry).
5. Acquiring the skill of preparing assessment tools such as tests, and student portfolios.
6. Acquiring the skill of analyzing content.
d) Key or Transferable Skills
After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to:
1. Solve mathematical problems.
2. Think critically in dealing with teaching skills issues (planning, implementation, evaluation)
3. Flexibility in thinking, choosing teaching methods and teaching strategies.
4. Develop scientific research skills, and address educational problems in a systematic and procedural manner.
5. Think about the challenges facing mathematics education in light of global developments.
Unit One: Primary School Mathematics Curricula
Unit Two: Some Models of Teaching and Learning Primary School Mathematics
Unit Three: Teaching Mathematical Concepts
Unit Four: Teaching Mathematical Generalizations
Unit Five: Technology for Teaching and Learning Primary School Mathematics
Unit Six: Teaching and Learning Primary School Mathematics Skills
Unit Seven: Evaluation of Teaching and Learning Primary School Mathematics Skills
-Unit Eight: Planning Primary School Mathematics Lessons
- Interaction via forums in the (LMS) system.
- Presentations.
- Discussion and dialogue during class meetings.
- Attending recorded lectures, published on the Learning Management website.
ED 421 Principles of school counseling and Guidance(3) Credit Hours
This Course studies the importance of counseling guidance, foundations and principles as well as the theories and applications of educational guidance that addresses the scheduled program of guidance and counseling at school, the Counseling processes, in addition to the role of teacher and counselor to develop the mental health in the school environment.
ED 423 Measurement, Evaluation and Construction of tests(3) Credit Hours
This course deals with th |
ED 421 Principles of school counseling and Guidance
(3) Credit Hours
This Course studies the importance of counseling guidance, foundations and principles as well as the theories and applications of educational guidance that addresses the scheduled program of guidance and counseling at school, the Counseling processes, in addition to the role of teacher and counselor to develop the mental health in the school environment.
Course Code |
ED 421 |
Course Title |
Principles of school counseling and Guidance |
Pre-requisite |
None |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
This Course studies the importance of counseling guidance, foundations and principles as well as the theories and applications of educational guidance that addresses the scheduled program of guidance and counseling at school, the Counseling processes, in addition to the role of teacher and counselor to develop the mental health in the school environment. |
Course Objectives |
"At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
-Present the basics of guidance and counseling as a science and practice, and employ them in school work.
-Achieve integrated and balanced development for students at all educational levels.
-Know the nature of the field of guidance and counseling, its concepts and objectives, and the need for it in schools.
-Be able to practice the main guidance methods and techniques, individual and group guidance and counseling services, and cooperate with teachers, psychologists, social workers, or counselors in planning and implementing guidance services and activities.
-Participate in providing guidance activities and programs for parents and the local community." |
Course Outcomes |
A) Knowledge & Understanding:
After studying this course, the student is expected to have knowledge and understanding of the following:
- Basics and principles of school guidance and counseling
- Identifying guidance theories and their educational applications.
- The most prominent guidance and counseling services in school.
B) Cognitive Skills:
After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to:
- Understand the role of the educational counselor and the guidance team in the school.
- Discuss and employ guidance skills and skills in using guidance tools such as observation and interview.
- Acquire basic skills in applying the principles of guidance and counseling
C) Practical Professional Skills
After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to:
- Apply the principles of guidance and counseling
- Prepare guidance plans and activities in school
- . Practicing the main guidance methods and techniques,
- Providing guidance activities and programs
d) Key or Transferable Skills
After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to:
- Define the field of guidance and counseling, its concepts and objectives
- Clarify the need for guidance and counseling in schools
- Realize the relationship between guidance and educational and psychological sciences
- Understand the guidance role of the teacher as an encourager, enhancer and facilitator of students’ growth
ED 423 Measurement, Evaluation and Construction of tests
(3) Credit Hours
This course deals with the historical development of measurement and evaluation, concepts and general principles for measurement and evaluation and statistical concepts and applications in metrology. Also addresses the terms and conditions of a good test (test the reliability and validity) and analysis of the paragraphs of the test. Also this course deals with the types of achievement tests and construction, design and ways to evaluate such tests.
Course Code |
ED 423 |
Course Title |
Measurement, Evaluation and Construction of tests |
Pre-requisite |
None |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
This course deals with the historical development of measurement and evaluation, concepts and general principles for measurement and evaluation and statistical concepts and applications in metrology. Also addresses the terms and conditions of a good test (test the reliability and validity) and analysis of the paragraphs of the test. Also this course deals with the types of achievement tests and construction, design and ways to evaluate such tests. |
Course Objectives |
"At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
-Learn about measurement and evaluation and construct school tests.
-Trace the historical development of measurement and evaluation, and compare measurement and evaluation.
-Define the levels of measurement, its fields, and its tools.
-Gain the learner the skill of calculating measures of central tendency, dispersion, and correlation coefficients." |
Course Outcomes |
A) Knowledge & Understanding:
After studying this course, the student is expected to have knowledge and understanding of the following:
1. Identify the concept of measurement and evaluation and the relationship between them.
2. Identify the areas of measurement and evaluation, levels of measurement, and their areas.
3. Acquire the skill of calculating and interpreting measures of central tendency, dispersion, and correlation coefficient.
4. Identify the concept of stability and the factors affecting stability, and the skill of calculating stability using various methods.
5. Identify the concept of validity, and how to verify the validity of tests.
6. Skill in constructing the test, understanding how to prepare the test, constructing test items, and analyzing test items.
B) Cognitive Skills:
After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to:
1. Skill in calculating and interpreting measures of central tendency and dispersion.
2. Skill in calculating stability and validity for the test.
3. Ability to construct an achievement test.
4. Ability to create a specification table for an achievement test.
5. Skill in writing test paragraphs: objective, essay correctly.
C) Practical Professional Skills
After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to:
1. Construct an achievement test.
2. Extract measures of central tendency, dispersion, correlation coefficient, and interpret them for achievement tests.
3. Extract indicators of the quality of the test paragraph: difficulty coefficient, discrimination coefficient, effectiveness of alternatives.
4. Calculate reliability using various methods.
5. Verify the validity of a test: logical validity, statistical validity.
D) Key or Transferable Skills
After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to:
1. Solve problems.
2. Think critically in dealing with measurement and evaluation issues.
3. Flexibility in thinking, and choosing alternative evaluation methods and strategies.
4. Develop scientific research skills, and address educational problems in a systematic and procedural manner.
5. Thinking about the challenges facing measurement and evaluation in light of global developments.
ED 431 Designing and Production Educational Software(3) Credit Hours
This course aims to introduce students with the importance of design, production, and use of electronic educational programs in the teaching and learning process. This course covers: theories of learning and teaching, principles of Instructional design, its relationship to computer technology; Educational multi-media Instructional design and Production Steps; Power Point applications in designing and production educational software; The tools of educational Multimedia production such as image editing through Adobe Photoshop software, audio editing through Gold Wave software, and movies editing through the Movie Maker software; Authoring tools like Macromedia Flash software. Also this course focuses on the practical part in the field of designing and production a Multimedia educational software according to the approved standards in this field.
ED 442 Scientific research methodology(3) Credit Hours
This course covers the basic concepts in educational research procedural types and their problems and ways to identify research problem society ,and samples . It also planning to conduct research including all the research elements taking into account the right methodology , and stress the necessary skills , for research , including |
ED 431 Designing and Production Educational Software
(3) Credit Hours
This course aims to introduce students with the importance of design, production, and use of electronic educational programs in the teaching and learning process. This course covers: theories of learning and teaching, principles of Instructional design, its relationship to computer technology; Educational multi-media Instructional design and Production Steps; Power Point applications in designing and production educational software; The tools of educational Multimedia production such as image editing through Adobe Photoshop software, audio editing through Gold Wave software, and movies editing through the Movie Maker software; Authoring tools like Macromedia Flash software. Also this course focuses on the practical part in the field of designing and production a Multimedia educational software according to the approved standards in this field.
Course Code |
ED 431 |
Course Title |
Designing and Production Educational Software |
Pre-requisite |
None |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
This course aims to introduce students with the importance of design, production, and use of electronic educational programs in the teaching and learning process. This course covers: theories of learning and teaching, principles of Instructional design, its relationship to computer technology; Educational multi-media Instructional design and Production Steps; Power Point applications in designing and production educational software; The tools of educational Multimedia production such as image editing through Adobe Photoshop software, audio editing through Gold Wave software, and movies editing through the Movie Maker software; Authoring tools like Macromedia Flash software. Also this course focuses on the practical part in the field of designing and production a Multimedia educational software according to the approved standards in this field. |
Course Objectives |
"At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
-Verify the validity and reliability of tests, and indicators of the quality of test items.
-The ability to analyze tests.
-Identify the purposes of assessment, its objectives, and how to prepare and construct achievement tests.
-Identify how to formulate test items of all types." |
Course Outcomes |
A) Knowledge & Understanding: After studying this course, the student is expected to have knowledge and understanding of the following: 1. Define the process of instructional design.
2. Identify the nature of instructional design models.
3. Describe the theoretical principles on which the instructional design process is based.
4. Identify the relationship between learning theories and the instructional design process.
5. Identify the relationship between instructional design and educational technology.
6. Identify the members of the instructional design and educational media production team.
7. Identify the stages that educational media go through in terms of design and production.
B) Cognitive Skills: After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to: 1. Plan the process of evaluating educational software and its production stages.
2. Make the appropriate decision about selecting members of the multimedia educational software design and production team.
3. Be aware of the factors that must be taken into account when designing and producing multimedia educational software.
4. Choose the appropriate programs and applications through which educational software is produced.
5. Plan how to train learners on the software used in this course.
C) Practical Professional Skills After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to: 1. Use PowerPoint software to produce the required educational software.
2. Deal with Goldwave software to edit and process audio.
3. Deal with Nearpod and ClassPoint software to edit and process video.
4. Deal with Photoshop software to edit and process images.
5. Deal with Flash software from publishing the educational program authorship.
6. Convert the design and scenario into a usable educational program.
D) Key or Transferable Skills After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to: 1. Design and produce educational software that can be used in the classroom.
2. Employ educational software in actual teaching.
3. Evaluate the stages through which educational software is produced.
4. Use PowerPoint software practically.
5. Use multimedia educational software in a practical way.
ED 441 Practical Education -1
(3) Credit Hours
Practical Education is a course that deals with the practical and applied side of Education. Students/ teachers will be introduced to school environment, different activities, and various classroom situations where they shall be asked to write reports and fill in special applications forms to be found in the Practical Education Guide. Students/ teachers are also asked to deliver a microteaching session in which they analyse a teaching unit/ lesson in Primary Education. In addition to the assessment of the Portfolio, students shall be examined twice throughout the course.
Course Code |
ED 441 |
Course Title |
Practical Education -1 |
Pre-requisite |
None |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
Practical Education is a course that deals with the practical and applied side of Education. Students/ teachers will be introduced to school environment, different activities, and various classroom situations where they shall be asked to write reports and fill in special applications forms to be found in the Practical Education Guide. Students/ teachers are also asked to deliver a microteaching session in which they analyse a teaching unit/ lesson in Primary Education. In addition to the assessment of the Portfolio, students shall be examined twice throughout the course. |
Course Objectives |
"At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
-Translate what he/she has learned in theoretical educational courses into practical applied aspects.
-Be aware of the pre-service student teacher in a critical way of what happens inside the classroom in terms of teaching and learning practices carried out by teachers inside the classroom.
-Observe educational situations implemented during class periods, tests and various activities.
-Write reports on educational situations and fill out special forms found in the practical education guide.
-Provide micro-teaching in the classroom.
-Analyze a study unit from a curriculum in primary education." |
Course Outcomes |
A) Knowledge & Understanding:
After studying this course, the student is expected to have knowledge and understanding of the following:
- Basic concepts in practical education.
- Tasks of the future teacher.
B) Cognitive Skills:
After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to:
- Link educational ideas and theories with the requirements of practical educational reality.
- Recognize field educational problems that may be encountered in different educational situations.
- Analyze the experiences of teachers in private or public schools in a critical manner.
- Understand the challenges of the teaching profession in terms of planning, implementation and evaluation.
- Analyze the cognitive components of curricula in different cognitive subjects for the lower primary stage.
C) Practical Professional Skills
After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to:
- Use strategies and methods of classroom management and solve effective classroom problems.
- Employ what he has learned in various theoretical courses of experiences and skills in realistic educational situations.
- Apply the skills of the teaching profession and its basic rules in an effective manner.
- Use educational technologies in different educational situations in an effective manner.
- Employ the foundations of classroom interaction and reinforcement during micro-teaching.
d) Key or Transferable Skills
After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to:
- Analyze the cognitive components of any topic in any subject.
- Form positive attitudes towards the teaching profession.
- Suggest effective teaching strategies and educational means for any educational situation.
GR 111 Arabic-Islamic Civilization(3) Credit Hours
This course looks at an overall view in the history of the Arabic-Islamic Civilization. This includes the exploration of several concepts and social issues, as well as Islamic arts and architecture.
GR 112 Issues and Problems of Development in the Arab World(3) Credit Hours
This course introduces students to the study of development, specifically looking at the status of human development in the Arab World and its social indicators.
GR 115 Current Inter |
ED 442 Scientific research methodology
(3) Credit Hours
This course covers the basic concepts in educational research procedural types and their problems and ways to identify research problem society ,and samples .It also planning to conduct research including all the research elements taking into account the right methodology , and stress the necessary skills , for research , including the defining the samples , variables , methods of collecting data., analysis and discussion in order to take decisions related to improving educational performance.IT also consentrate on the educational problems in the teacher’s environment.
Course Code |
ED 442 |
Course Title |
Scientific research methodology |
Pre-requisite |
None |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
This course covers the basic concepts in educational research procedural types and their problems and ways to identify research problem society ,and samples .It also planning to conduct research including all the research elements taking into account the right methodology , and stress the necessary skills , for research , including the defining the samples , variables , methods of collecting data., analysis and discussion in order to take decisions related to improving educational performance.IT also consentrate on the educational problems in the teacher’s environment. |
Course Objectives |
"At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
-Work on developing learners' abilities in scientific research skills.
-Identify the problems that teachers suffer from in scientific research.
-Acquire the skill in writing a scientific research project.
-Identify the types of scientific research and its fields, and the ability to develop tools for scientific research, and how to verify their validity and reliability.
-Identify the correct procedures in scientific research, and the ability to analyze data and reach recommendations in light of the results of the study.
-Acquire the skill in how to refer to the library and the Internet, and write documentation within the text, and in the list of references.
" |
Course Outcomes |
A) Knowledge & Understanding:
After studying this course, the student is expected to have knowledge and understanding of the following:
1. Identify the steps of scientific research.
2. Identify the problems faced by teachers in educational research.
3. The student should differentiate between quantitative and qualitative research types.
4. The student should differentiate between different types of research.
5. The student should become familiar with the different research designs: experimental, quasi-experimental, and pre-experimental.
6. The student should become familiar with the variables of educational research.
7. The student should become familiar with how to choose the study community and a representative sample of the community using various sampling methods.
8. The student should become familiar with procedural research and the steps to carry it out.
9. The student should become familiar with research methods in the library and the Internet.
10. Comparison between the steps of the research project and the report.
b) Cognitive Skills:
After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to:
1. The skill of conducting an educational research project.
2. The skill of conducting an operational research project.
3. Acquire the skill of writing educational research.
4. The skill of writing various research designs.
5. Acquire the skill of identifying research variables: independent, dependent, modified, and controlled, and distinguishing between them.
6. Acquire the skill of building study tools, and how to verify their psychometric properties.
7. Acquire the skill of analyzing data, extracting results, and writing recommendations.
8. The skill of documentation within the text, and in the list of references.
c) Practical Professional Skills
After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to:
1. Write a research outline project.
2. Implement an educational research.
3. Critique published educational research.
4. Write criteria for judging an educational research.
d) Key or Transferable Skills
After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to:
1. Solve the problems facing the researcher.
2. Think critically in the arbitration of educational research (positives, negatives).
3. Flexibility in thinking, and choose diverse research designs.
4. Develop scientific research skills, and address educational problems in a systematic and procedural manner.
5. Think about the challenges facing the teacher in educational research.
Unit One: Introduction to the first study unit The teacher and educational research
Unit Two: Research project (plan)
Unit Three: Types of educational research and its designs
Unit Four: Variables in educational research
Unit Five: Samples in educational research
Unit Six: Tools and methods of collecting information
Unit Seven: Library and the Internet
Unit Eight: Data analysis in educational research
Unit Nine: Research report
Unit Ten: Areas of improving performance based on research
ED 449 Practical education 2(6) Credit Hours
This course focuses on the practical field supervised by the teachers, training institutions in the educational colleges, and designed to familiarize the students with the practical experience, and lead them to recognize the schools environment . In addition, it provides students with the experience of actual teaching.
ED 456 Children literature(3) Credit Hours
This course examines the nature, origins, and historic development of children’s literature over the years. The course covers the main objectives of children’s literature, including novels, drama, poetry, and story characters and content. The course also evaluates different methods for teaching children’s literature. Different types of children’s books are also reviewed in this course, all while considering the characteristics of each type of book and the methods necessary to teach them. The course looks at other issues related to children’s literature such as language development, its relation with reading, and how reading may help enhance children’s vocabulary. The course also defines testing standards and evaluation methods for the form and content of successful literary work. The course reviews various ways to present children’s literature, such as auditory, vi |
ED 449 Practical education 2
(3) Credit Hours
This course focuses on the practical field supervised by the teachers, training institutions in the educational colleges, and designed to familiarize the students with the practical experience, and lead them to recognize the schools environment . In addition, it provides students with the experience of actual teaching.
Course Code |
ED 449 |
Course Title |
Practical education 2 |
Pre-requisite |
None |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
This course focuses on the practical field supervised by the teachers, training institutions in the educational colleges, and designed to familiarize the students with the practical experience, and lead them to recognize the schools environment . In addition, it provides students with the experience of actual teaching. |
Course Objectives |
"At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
-Identify the practical field aspect supervised by teacher preparation and qualification institutions in colleges of education.
-Provide the opportunity to apply what has been learned from educational principles and theories in cooperating schools.
-Identify the school environment and its various activities.
-Partial and comprehensive application of learning situations through various teaching strategies.
-Linking theory and application is the essence of practical education." |
Course Outcomes |
A) Knowledge & Understanding:
After studying this course, the student is expected to have knowledge and understanding of the following:
- A vision of the teaching profession.
- Components of the educational situation of knowledge, skill and value.
- Realizing its basic roles in planning, implementation and evaluation.
B) Cognitive Skills:
After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to:
- Link educational ideas and theories with the requirements of practical educational reality.
- Realize the field problems facing him in different educational situations related to the lower primary stage.
- Compare different educational situations to determine effective practices, especially those related to the nature of the developmental characteristics of lower primary students.
- Realize the importance of integrating modern technologies into the teaching and learning process appropriate for the primary stage.
- Self-reflection on the lessons he applies partially or completely.
- Develop a theoretical vision for the lesson plans he applies in terms of the intended outcomes, teaching strategies, educational tools and evaluation.
- Understanding the basics of preparing and correcting tests and analyzing their results.
C) Practical Professional Skills
After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to:
- Use what has been learned in the various theoretical courses of experiences and skills in realistic educational situations appropriate for the lower primary stage.
- Employ effective educational strategies and educational techniques during micro-teaching, supervisory class, and overall application of classes in the field.
- Prepare educational plans for different subjects at their various levels in the lower primary stage so that they include elements of effective educational plans.
- Design tests in a scientific manner and analyze and interpret their results to suit the nature of the primary stage.
D) Key or Transferable Skills
After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to:
- Design daily and semester study plans for different subjects for the primary stage.
- Prepare standardized and referenced tests according to the educational specifications for the lower primary stage.
- Designing an integrated educational situation by developing a plan, implementing it, and evaluating it for any subject in the lower primary stage.
ED 456 Children literature(3) Credit Hours
This course examines the nature, origins, and historic development of children’s literature over the years. The course covers the main objectives of children’s literature, including novels, drama, poetry, and story characters and content. The course also evaluates different methods for teaching children’s literature. Different types of children’s books are also reviewed in this course, all while considering the characteristics of each type of book and the methods necessary to teach them. The course looks at other issues related to children’s literature such as language development, its relation with reading, and how reading may help enhance children’s vocabulary. The course also defines testing standards and evaluation methods for the form and content of successful literary work. The course reviews various ways to present children’s literature, such as auditory, visually, and textually. Finally, the course analyzes some of the global works in children’s literature and compa |
ED 460 Science for elementary school teachers I
(3) Credit Hours
This course covers the essential scientific concepts that deal with the natural life processes in the two major areas of science, chemistry and physics. Much of the Course content concentrates on the practical application of these sciences on daily life, in the field of energy, atomic structure, material science, chemical bonding, and organic compounds.This course consists of six units that cover the following: forms of energy and the changing processes between different types of energy, properties and units with some mathematical laws related to energy concept ,the three states of matter, forces between molecules, Atomic structure , theories about the building of modern atomic structure and the sub atomic particles, the main types of chemical reaction and the concept of balancing chemical equations are also addressed, the nature of the chemical bonding ionic or covalent on various types of chemicals, relate the bonding with the shape of molecules ,and the nature of organic compounds, naming them, the structure and uses of the organic compounds are also discussed.
Course Code |
ED 460 |
Course Title |
Science for elementary school teachers I |
Pre-requisite |
None |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
This course covers the essential scientific concepts that deal with the natural life processes in the two major areas of science, chemistry and physics. Much of the Course content concentrates on the practical application of these sciences on daily life, in the field of energy, atomic structure, material science, chemical bonding, and organic compounds.This course consists of six units that cover the following: forms of energy and the changing processes between different types of energy, properties and units with some mathematical laws related to energy concept ,the three states of matter, forces between molecules, Atomic structure , theories about the building of modern atomic structure and the sub atomic particles, the main types of chemical reaction and the concept of balancing chemical equations are also addressed, the nature of the chemical bonding ionic or covalent on various types of chemicals, relate the bonding with the shape of molecules ,and the nature of organic compounds, naming them, the structure and uses of the organic compounds are also discussed. |
Course Objectives |
"At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
-Get acquainted with the basic topics in the fields of natural sciences: physics and chemistry.
-Be able to master the applied aspects of practical knowledge in different areas of life.
-Master knowledge of the basic topics in the field of natural sciences: physics, chemistry in primary school.
-Get acquainted with the types of energy, the atomic structure of matter, materials and their interactions, chemical bonds and shapes of molecules, states of matter and forces between molecules, and organic compounds.
" |
Course Outcomes |
A) Knowledge & Understanding:
After studying this course, the student is expected to have knowledge and understanding of the following:
- Identify the concept of random experiment and accident.
- Identify the concept of regular probability.
- Distinguish between relative frequency and theoretical probability.
- Identify measures of central tendency.
- Identify the mathematical structure of Euclid's geometry in the plane.
- Identify lines, rays and straight lines.
- Identify complementary, supplementary, alternate, corresponding and allied angles.
- Identify the equilateral triangle and its properties.
- Identify polygons, especially the parallelogram, square, rectangle and rhombus.
- Identify the basic concepts in space geometry.
- Identify some non-standard measures.
- Identify length measures and the relationship between them.
- Identify the concept of drawing scale.
- Identify area measures.
- Identify volume measures.
- Identify temperature measures.
- Identify mass measures.
- Identify the concept of a mathematical problem and distinguish it from a mathematical exercise.
- Distinguish the conditions that make the given question a mathematical problem.
- Explain the importance of the subject of solving the problem in school mathematics curricula.
- Identify the factors and difficulties of the student's ability to solve the mathematical problem.
- Identify the factors that contribute to developing the student's ability to solve the mathematical problem.
- Identify contemporary trends in the standards, principles and content of primary school mathematics.
- Identify the principles of primary school mathematics.
- Identify the content standards in primary school mathematics.
- Identify the standards of operations in primary school mathematics.
- Identify the content of primary school mathematics.
- Describe, explain and analyze the content of primary school mathematics.
.B) Cognitive Skills:
After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to:
- Prove the laws of probability.
- Prove the properties of triangles of all types using congruence and similarity.
- Prove the properties of quadrilaterals using congruence and similarity
- Use the congruence of triangles to prove some theorems
- Prove some properties of parallelograms.
- Prove the Pythagorean theorem.
- Solve practical problems using the laws of area, perimeter and volume.
- Employ problem-solving strategies in solving various mathematical problems.
C) Practical Professional Skills
After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to:
- Find the sample space for a given random experiment.
- Calculate the probability of an event using probability laws.
- Summarize statistical data using tables and geometric figures.
- Use the properties of an equilateral triangle to calculate some quantities.
- Use proportionality in similarity to calculate some quantities.
- Calculate the volumes of some solids as well as their lateral area.
- Solve various problems on geometric theories.
- Employ the Pythagorean theorem in solving practical problems.
- Calculate the perimeter of a simple and complex geometric shape.
- Calculate the area of a simple and complex geometric shape.
- Calculate the volume of a simple and complex solid.
- Calculate the surface and lateral area of a simple and complex solid.
- Acquire the skill of teaching mathematical problem solving according to George Polya's strategy for organizing the solution.
- Acquire the skill of using different strategies to solve the mathematical problem in solving various mathematical problems.
- Acquire the skill of self-assessment in evaluating his performance in teaching mathematical problem solving.
- Acquire the skill of training his students to conduct a self-assessment of their performance in studying mathematical problem solving.
- Analyze mathematical content according to the content standards in primary school mathematics according to its different age stages.
- Analyze mathematical content according to the standards of operations in primary school mathematics according to its different age stages.
d) Transferable Skills (Key or Transferable Skills)
After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to:
- Calculate the probabilities of certain events using the counting method.
- Calculate the mean, mode, and median for given statistical data.
- Calculate the range, standard deviation, and variance for statistical data.
- Calculate the values of certain angles using different geometric theories.
- Calculate the lengths of the unknown sides in a right triangle using the Pythagorean theorem.
- Convert between length scales and the relationship between them.
- Use maps to find the distance between different cities using the drawing scale.
- Convert between area scales.
- Convert between volume scales.
- Convert between temperature scales.
- Convert between mass scales.
- Convert between length scales.
Defines standards in elementary mathematics according to different age groups.
ED 462 Science for elementary school teachers II(3) Credit Hours
This course covers the essential scientific concepts that deal with the natural life processes in the two major areas of science, biology and geology. Much of the Course content concentrates on the practical application of these sciences on daily life, such as cell structure, human body, genetics, plants, and earth and planet structure. This course consists of five units; cell structure which addresses the main concepts related to cellular parts and functions, including meioses and mitoses, human body which covers the main parts of human body and describes their functions. Genetics introduces the primary concepts of genetics, and the theories and laws of inheridity. Plant anatomy covers the structure of plants and the function of each part of the plant, and earth science covers the nature of earth structure, and the planets, the rock cycle, the volcanoes and earth quakes.
ED 468 Methodolog |
ED 462 Science for elementary school teachers II
(3) Credit Hours
This course covers the essential scientific concepts that deal with the natural life processes in the two major areas of science, biology and geology. Much of the Course content concentrates on the practical application of these sciences on daily life, such as cell structure, human body, genetics, plants, and earth and planet structure.This course consists of five units; cell structure which addresses the main concepts related to cellular parts and functions, including meioses and mitoses, human body which covers the main parts of human body and describes their functions. Genetics introduces the primary concepts of genetics, and the theories and laws of inheridity. Plant anatomy covers the structure of plants and the function of each part of the plant, and earth science covers the nature of earth structure, and the planets, the rock cycle, the volcanoes and earth quakes.
Course Code |
ED 462 |
Course Title |
Science for elementary school teachers II |
Pre-requisite |
None |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
This course covers the essential scientific concepts that deal with the natural life processes in the two major areas of science, biology and geology. Much of the Course content concentrates on the practical application of these sciences on daily life, such as cell structure, human body, genetics, plants, and earth and planet structure.This course consists of five units; cell structure which addresses the main concepts related to cellular parts and functions, including meioses and mitoses, human body which covers the main parts of human body and describes their functions. Genetics introduces the primary concepts of genetics, and the theories and laws of inheridity. Plant anatomy covers the structure of plants and the function of each part of the plant, and earth science covers the nature of earth structure, and the planets, the rock cycle, the volcanoes and earth quakes. |
Course Objectives |
"At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
-Get acquainted with the basic topics in the fields of natural sciences: physics and chemistry.
-Be able to master the applied aspects of practical knowledge in different areas of life.
-Master knowledge of the basic topics in the field of natural sciences: physics, chemistry in primary school.
-Get acquainted with the types of energy, the atomic structure of matter, materials and their interactions, chemical bonds and shapes of molecules, states of matter and forces between molecules, and organic compounds.
" |
Course Outcomes |
A) Knowledge & Understanding:
After studying this course, the student is expected to have knowledge and understanding of the following:
- Know the components of the cell, their types and functions.
- Understand the types of cell division, equal and fair.
- Know Mendelian genetics and Mendel's laws and their applications.
- Know the parts of plants, their types, functions, methods of reproduction and examples of them.
- Know the different concepts in the unit of the Earth and the universe from stars, planets, meteors, meteorites, comets, etc.
- Know the types of rocks, different terrestrial movements, types of stars and stages of their development and the Big Bang Theory
B) Cognitive Skills:
After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to:
- Analyze the nature of the relationship between the components of the different cells and their connection to a great system
- Describe the methods of transporting materials to and from the cell and receptors in the human body.
- Compare the types of cell division, as well as the types of reproduction in plants.
- Analyze the mechanism of hearing and vision in the human body, eye diseases and how to protect them.
- Interpret Mendel's laws of genetics and distinguish them to solve various genetic problems.
- - Realize the greatness of the Creator and the universe and try to display the parts of the Earth and the universe unit and link them.
C) Practical Professional Skills
After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to:
- Explain the mechanism of hearing and ear and distinguish the function of each part of the cell
- Draw the stages of cell division and parts of the ear.
- Apply probabilities and Mendel's laws of genetics to know the results of mating for each generation.
- Employ the information in each lesson and link it to our life reality and give examples of it with enhanced pictures and videos.
- Summarize the Earth and Universe unit from the origin of the universe, planets, various celestial bodies, terrestrial processes, layers of the Earth, types of rocks and link them.
D) Key or Transferable Skills
After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to:
Preserve all parts of the body and sense the greatness of the Creator in His creation and reflect this in the answers and discussions.
Include real-life examples of different types of reproduction in plants and their life stages.
Discuss and explain Mendelian genetics issues and their applications and solve any new issue about Mendel's laws.
- Preserve plants of different types and highlight their importance to us in tests and activities.
- Manage the solar system, the universe, volcanoes, earthquakes and the power of God Almighty by discussing attractive videos and reading different maps, and showing the effect of that in students' ongoing discussions.
- Know the types of rocks, different terrestrial movements, and the types and colors of stars.
ED 468 Methodology of science for elementary school
(3) Credit Hours
This course aims to provide students with the essential skills in methods of teaching science for elementary school teachers by introducing several teaching strategies and modern approaches for instruction as well as various methods of teaching styles such as lecturing, discussion, group works, projects and problem solving. It also introduces examples of science lesson plans with proper objectives .The course content also emphasizes the importance of performing practical activities in classes or experiments in the laboratory, and how to address the misconceptions of understanding science theories, finally the course emphasizes on the importance of the process of evaluation of students work as a cumulative or as ongoing students assessments.
Course Code |
ED 468 |
Course Title |
Methodology of science for elementary school |
Pre-requisite |
None |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
This course aims to provide students with the essential skills in methods of teaching science for elementary school teachers by introducing several teaching strategies and modern approaches for instruction as well as various methods of teaching styles such as lecturing, discussion, group works, projects and problem solving. It also introduces examples of science lesson plans with proper objectives .The course content also emphasizes the importance of performing practical activities in classes or experiments in the laboratory, and how to address the misconceptions of understanding science theories, finally the course emphasizes on the importance of the process of evaluation of students work as a cumulative or as ongoing students assessments. |
Course Objectives |
"At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
-Acquire the theoretical and scientific competencies and skills that enable him to teach science at the primary stage.
-Evaluate science learning and teaching at the primary stage.
-Formulate educational objectives and a teaching plan and prepare theoretical and practical lessons and appropriate educational materials for teaching science at the primary stage and practical activities and evaluate them.
-Master basic teaching skills in the field of science teaching." |
Course Outcomes |
A) Knowledge & Understanding:
After studying this course, the student is expected to have knowledge and understanding of the following:
- The nature of science, its characteristics, stages, objectives and controls.
- Understanding the characteristics of scientists and the role of technology in science and society.
- Understanding the stages of science, the stages of the scientific method, the components of science and its forms.
- Understanding the objectives and their various fields, tendencies, trends and scientific values.
- Knowing the forms of science and the basic and integrated processes of science, as well as scientific activities and sources of misunderstanding.
- Knowing the methods, approaches and strategies of teaching science, how to evaluate and the types of tests.
B) Cognitive Skills:
After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to:
- Analyze the nature of science, its components and the relationship between science, technology and society.
- Compare the different processes of science, and compare the forms of science.
- Analyze the methods, strategies and approaches of teaching science.
- Plan the teacher's lessons in his practical life and analyze the objectives for its various fields.
- Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the methods and strategies of teaching science.
- Analyzing different strategies to treat students' misunderstanding of scientific concepts.
C) Practical Professional Skills
After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to:
- Classify science teaching objectives and prepare daily and semester study plans to teach different scientific concepts.
- Formulate cognitive, skill and emotional objectives in teaching science.
- Employ and develop science teaching methods, strategies and approaches in different situations.
- Analyze the content of science topics or science teaching plans.
- Summarize the advantages and disadvantages and how to improve science teaching methods, approaches and strategies.
- Apply methods and strategies that enable the teacher to perform his tasks and apply them in teaching different sciences successfully, such as planning, teaching and evaluation skills, etc.
- Apply and use basic and integrated science processes in teaching science with the aim of developing students' thinking and correcting misconceptions.
D) Key or Transferable Skills
After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to:
- Suggest solutions and necessary steps to overcome the difficulties facing teachers in teaching, planning or implementation.
- Evaluating the teaching performance of some science teachers while teaching science subjects in the primary stage, and suggesting some scientific activities in teaching science.
- Preparing a lesson on a science subject for primary school students according to the methods, approaches or strategies that have been studied, and preparing various tests and scales to evaluate students' acquisition of them.
- Choosing the appropriate different methods or strategies that enable the teacher to carry out his tasks in teaching science and summarizing the teacher's role in planning, implementation and evaluation.
ED 482 Environmental and health science(3) Credit Hours
In this course many important topics related to health and environmental science are covered including the essentials of environment components and the interactions of these components with the ecosystem, and the relationships of these components with the living organisms in the environment. The course has three main goals, first to learn how the natural environment works, second to understand how humans interact with the environment at homes and schools or work places, and also to determine the effect of the environment on human health. The third goal is determining how humans affect the environment and the effect of the environment on human health.It also includes finding ways to deal with these effects. Students will learn about factors that affect human life such as consuming different types of natural resources: renewable and nonrenewable resources, rapid population increase and its effect on the natural resources, climate change, and depletion of ozone layer, air pollution, healthy food choices, infectious diseases, types of health poisoning and protecti |
ED 482 Environmental and health science
(3) Credit Hours
In this course many important topics related to health and environmental science are covered including the essentials of environment components and the interactions of these components with the ecosystem, and the relationships of these components with the living organisms in the environment. The course has three main goals, first to learn how the natural environment works, second to understand how humans interact with the environment at homes and schools or work places, and also to determine the effect of the environment on human health. The third goal is determining how humans affect the environment and the effect of the environment on human health.It also includes finding ways to deal with these effects.Students will learn about factors that affect human life such as consuming different types of natural resources: renewable and nonrenewable resources, rapid population increase and its effect on the natural resources, climate change, and depletion of ozone layer, air pollution, healthy food choices, infectious diseases, types of health poisoning and protective or mental health.
Course Code |
ED 482 |
Course Title |
Environmental and health science |
Pre-requisite |
None |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
In this course many important topics related to health and environmental science are covered including the essentials of environment components and the interactions of these components with the ecosystem, and the relationships of these components with the living organisms in the environment. The course has three main goals, first to learn how the natural environment works, second to understand how humans interact with the environment at homes and schools or work places, and also to determine the effect of the environment on human health. The third goal is determining how humans affect the environment and the effect of the environment on human health.It also includes finding ways to deal with these effects.Students will learn about factors that affect human life such as consuming different types of natural resources: renewable and nonrenewable resources, rapid population increase and its effect on the natural resources, climate change, and depletion of ozone layer, air pollution, healthy food choices, infectious diseases, types of health poisoning and protective or mental health. |
Course Objectives |
"At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
-Identify the basics of health and environmental sciences and employ them in school work.
-Caring for the child's health in the school environment.
-Gain knowledge and experience by identifying environmental obstacles represented by health factors at all educational levels.
-Master the basics of health and environmental sciences, their curricula and objectives, and the relationship of environmental health to educational sciences and the field of school work.
-Acquire basic skills in the school environment, identify the health services available to individuals and groups, and cooperate with teachers, psychologists, social workers or counselors.
-Be interested in providing activities, health and environmental guidance programs for parents and society in general." |
Course Outcomes |
A) Knowledge & Understanding:
After studying this course, the student is expected to have knowledge and understanding of the following:
- Knowledge of the concepts of environmental and health sciences from the environment, ecosystem, public health, environmental health, and humans and their needs
- Understanding the different environmental concepts and biogeochemical cycles.
- Understanding the environmental basics and the relationships between environmental components and the most important environmental problems.
- Understanding the impact of the individual and groups of all kinds and their relationship to the environment and biological interactions and their relationship to the work of groups..
- Knowledge of epidemic diseases and methods of treating and preventing them and toxins and their relationship to food, health and the environment
- Understanding the objectives of environmental education and environmental pollution and its types and the importance of preserving the environment and health
- Knowledge of the components of the earth, its layers and covers and the importance of trees, crops and a healthy home.
- Knowledge of health education methods and school health and their role in society.
B) Cognitive Skills:
After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to:
- Analyze the different environmental and health concepts, explain them and link them.
- Comparing biogeochemical cycles as well as different ecosystems
- Deriving many experiences that enhance health and environmental awareness.
- Linking information related to the environment with public health in all course topics.
- Awareness of the effects of environmental pollution and thinking of solutions to mitigate it.
- Linking sustainable development to reality and our role in it, as well as the environmental footprint, and classifying concepts related to the environment and health and their relationship to humans and their impact on their health as well as the environment.
C) Practical Professional Skills
After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to:
- The ability to draw relationships between environmental concepts and biogeochemical cycles in different forms such as concept maps and others.
- Employing environmental and health education in practical life and presenting applied ideas for different concepts.
- The ability to deal with groups of all kinds in the school and local environment and justifying its connection to them.
- Applying technology to reduce pollution and various environmental problems and explaining applied ideas for them.
- Reflecting the role of the family and its impact on the environment in his discussions and answers.
- Applying methods and strategies that enable the teacher to carry out his duties and increase environmental and health awareness among students and bear responsibility for the environment and its elements.
D) Key or Transferable Skills
After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to:
- Preserve the components of the environment and apply the principles of environmental education and health in reality and show them in the student's answers.
- Preserve biogeochemical cycles and various ecosystems and belong to environmental and health groups aiming for sustainable development.
- Preserve the cultivation of trees and various crops and provide a healthy environment in homes, schools and universities, and stay away from pollutants, toxins and various pathogens and apply methods of prevention and the role of the individual in that.
- Drawing food chains and networks and explaining the relationships between them.
- Highlighting the role of school health programs and their various services and the responsibility of the student, teacher and society as a whole in the environment.
- Constantly promoting the conditions of healthy housing, healthy educational construction, healthy food and the effects on public health in answers and discussions wherever they are found.
ED 513 Class management and learning environment
(3) Credit Hours
This course aims at enabling students to know what educational management means and how effective educational management can be applied in his field work. Students are to be introduced to the nature of management, main factors affecting educational management, as well as educational leadership; its types, requirements and skills, how educational decisions are made and what basic theories should be taken into account in this respect. Students are also introduced to the main aspects of effective in educational communication as well as educational advisory, its nature, role, and evaluation.
Course Code |
ED 513 |
Course Title |
Class management and learning environment |
Pre-requisite |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
This course aims at enabling students to know what educational management means and how effective educational management can be applied in his field work. Students are to be introduced to the nature of management, main factors affecting educational management, as well as educational leadership; its types, requirements and skills, how educational decisions are made and what basic theories should be taken into account in this respect. Students are also introduced to the main aspects of effective in educational communication as well as educational advisory, its nature, role, and evaluation. |
Course Objectives |
يهدف هذا المقرر إلى تمكين الدارس من التعرف الى مفهوم الإدارة التربوية، ومساعدته على تطبيق الإدارة التربوية الفعالة في مجال عمله، لذلك سيتناول هذا المقرر عرضاً لطبيعة العملية الإدارية، والقوى المؤثرة فيها، ومناقشة السلطة والمسؤولية في الإدارات التربوية، وكيفية صناعة القرار التربوي، كما يتناول القيادة التربوية من حيث وظائفها ومهاراتها وأنماطها ومتطلباتها والنظريات المفسرة لها، والتركيز على كيفية الاتصال الفعّال، وكذلك الإشراف التربوي من حيث طبيعته ومهامه وكيفية تقويمه، ويسعى إلى تنوير الدارس بالإدارة التربوية الحافزية، وكيفية إدارة الأزمات التربوية ومتطلبات العصر من الإدارة التربوية.
Course Outcomes |
أ) المعرفة والفهم (Knowledge & Understanding): بعد دراسة هذا المقرر، يتوقع من الطالب أن يمتلك معرفة وفهماً لما يأتي: - مفاهيم ووظائف وأنماط الإدارة.
- مفهوم النطرية، ومصادرها، وأشكالها.
- مفهوم القيادة ، وأهميتها، ونظرياتها، وأنماطها.
- مفهوم صنع القرار، وخطواته، وأنواع القرارات.
- واجبات الإدارة التربوية في إدارة الموارد البشرية.
- مفهوم إدارة الجودة الشاملة، وأهدافها، ومبادئها، ومتطلباتها، وفوائدها.
- مفهوم الحاكمية في الإدارة التربوية، وعناصرها، وأبعادها، وأهدافها.
- مفهوم الوقت، وأهمية إدارته، ومبادئه.
- مفهوم المساءلة، وعناصرها، وأنواعها، ومبرراتها، ومشكلاتها.
- مفهوم الاتصال التربوي، وعناصره، ووسائله معوقاته، وأشكاله.
- التحديات التي تواجه الإدارة التربوية.
ب) المهارات العقلية (Cognitive Skills):
بعد دراسة هذا المقرر، يتوقع من الطالب أن يكون قادرًا على: ج) المهارات المهنية التطبيقية (Practical Professional Skills) بعد دراسة هذا المقرر، يتوقع من الطالب أن يكون قادراً على: د) المهارات الأساسية القابلة للنقل (Key Transferable Skills) بعد دراسة هذا المقرر، يتوقع من الطالب أن يكون قادراً على: - الإدارة التربوية الفعالة، صنع القرار الإداري, إدارة الجودة الشاملة، إدارة الوقت، المساءلة التربوية، مواجهة التحيات التي تواجه الإدارة التربوية.
- بناء فِرق عمل تعاونية تدعم خطط الإدارة التربوية.
- احترام وجهات النظر المخالفة لرأيه، والقدرة على مناقشتها باحترام.
- تطبيق الإدارة التربوية بفعالية ( بعملياتها المختلفة)
ED 521 Educational Psychology
(3) Credit Hours
This course presents the theories and principles of the concepts and topics related to educational psychology in a school setting. The topics are specifically related to the processes of learning and teaching, which are reviewed in light of behavioral and cognitive theories as well as empirical methods on improving student motivation and skills given the current context of our schools. This course also defines and discusses topics related to learners’ emotional, social, cognitive, and other relevant developmental milestones. Finally, this course includes a review of the procedures and tools necessary to assess the educational process, considering the nature of educational assessments and its benefits.
Course Code |
ED 521 |
Course Title |
Educational Psychology |
Pre-requisite |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
This course presents the theories and principles of the concepts and topics related to educational psychology in a school setting. The topics are specifically related to the processes of learning and teaching, which are reviewed in light of behavioral and cognitive theories as well as empirical methods on improving student motivation and skills given the current context of our schools. This course also defines and discusses topics related to learners’ emotional, social, cognitive, and other relevant developmental milestones. Finally, this course includes a review of the procedures and tools necessary to assess the educational process, considering the nature of educational assessments and its benefits. |
Course Objectives |
يهدف هذا المقرر إلى عرض نظري ومبادئ تطبيقية لمفاهيم وموضوعات علم النفس التربوي في الأوضاع المدرسيـة. وتتعلق تلك الموضوعات بعمليتي التعلم والتعليم حيث يتمّ استعراض نظريات التعلم السلوكية والمعرفية الاجتماعية، وكيفية إثراء دافعية الطلاب وتطوير مهاراتهم العقلية آخذًا بعين الاعتبار العوامل الواقعية في مدارسنا، كما يتناول هذا المقرر النمو المعرفي ، واللغوي، والخلقي ،والتعريف بخصائص طلبة المدارس في مجالات النمو المختلفة. ويتضمن هذا المقرر عرضًا لماهية الذكاء ،وكيفية قياسه ،والتفكير بأنواعه المختلفة ، ودور المعلم في تنميته لدى المتعلمين ، إضافًة إلى حل المشكلات ،وانواعها ، ونماذجها ،وخطوات واستراتيجيات حلها.
Course Outcomes |
أ) المعرفة والفهم (Knowledge & Understanding): بعد دراسة هذا المقرر، يتوقع من الطالب أن يمتلك معرفة وفهماً لما يأتي: - مفهوم علم النفس التربوي، أهميته، موضوعاته، ومناهج البحث فيه.
- المفاهيم المتعلقة بالنمو، ومبادئه، والنظريات التي تفسره.
- نظريات ونماذج التعلم السلوكية والمعرفية.
- مفهوم الذكاء، ونظرياته، واختباراته واستعمالاتها.
- مفهوم الدافعية، ونظرياتها.
- مفهوم التفكير ومهاراته، وأنواعه، واستراتيجيات كل نوع.
- مفهوم حل المشكلات، وأنواعها، واستراتيجيات تنميتها.
- نموذج تجهيز ومعالجة المعلومات.
ب) المهارات العقلية (Cognitive Skills):
بعد دراسة هذا المقرر، يتوقع من الطالب أن يكون قادرًا على: ج) المهارات المهنية التطبيقية (Practical Professional Skills)
بعد دراسة هذا المقرر، يتوقع من الطالب أن يكون قادراً على: د) المهارات الأساسية القابلة للنقل (Key Transferable Skills) بعد دراسة هذا المقرر، يتوقع من الطالب أن يكون قادراً على: - التواصل الفعال.
- التعاطف الوجداني.
- النقاش والتفاعل الصفي.
- ملاحظة السلوك.
- التعليم بمهنية.
ED 523 Educational Measurement and Evaluation
(3) Credit Hours
This course introduces students to the historical development of measurement and evaluation, concepts and general principles in this field as well as its statistical concepts, methods and applications. It also addresses the terms and conditions of good tests (testing reliability and validity) and analysis of test items. This course also deals with the types of achievement tests design, construction, and methods of evaluation. The main concern of the course is to provide students with the main skills related with testing, measuring and evaluating their students’ performance at the various instructional and educational levels.
Course Code |
ED 523 |
Course Title |
Educational Measurement and Evaluation |
Pre-requisite |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
This course introduces students to the historical development of measurement and evaluation, concepts and general principles in this field as well as its statistical concepts, methods and applications. It also addresses the terms and conditions of good tests (testing reliability and validity) and analysis of test items. This course also deals with the types of achievement tests design, construction, and methods of evaluation. The main concern of the course is to provide students with the main skills related with testing, measuring and evaluating their students’ performance at the various instructional and educational levels. |
Course Objectives |
يهدف هذا المقرر إلى تنمية كفايات المعلمين في إحداث التكامل بين التدريس والتعليم والتقويم، وتوظيف المبادئ الأساسية للقياس والتقويم في العملية التدريسية، وتوظيفها بشكل فاعل في تحسين أداء المعلمين وإثراء تعلم الطلاب. ويشتمل هذا المقرر تسعة فصول مترابطة، ويعرض منظورًاً عامًّاً للقياس والتقويم التربوي من حيث التقويم والقياس والاختبارات والعلاقات بينها، وطبيعة القياس التربوي ومستوياته وأساليب وأدوات التقويم الصفي والكفايات الواجب توافرها لدى المعلمين لإجراء التقويم الصفي الجيد. ويتناول كيفيّة تخطيط التقويم الصفيّ ومهاراته ومراحله المتعددة. وكيفية بناء أساليب وأدوات التقويم الصفي المتنوعة وشروط بنائها، وكيفية بناء مهام متعلقة بها. وتناول تقويم الخصائص الوجدانية وأهمية هذه الخصائص والأساليب المختلفة لتقويمها. وتنظيم وتفسير درجات الاختبارات الصفية، وكيفية إيجاد العلاقة بين مجموعتين من الدرجات وتفسيرها. وتناول الخصائص الأساسية للاختبارات الصفية من حيث تقدير ثبات درجاتها وتقييم صدقها وتحليل مفرداتها. وتقدير نتائج التقويم الصفي وأغراضه والطرق المختلفة لوضع التقادير والعلامات، وطرق تقييم مدى تقدم االطلاب الدراسي. والتقويم البنائي المستمر من حيث أغراضه ومفاهيمه وعلاقاته بنظريات التعلم وكيفيّة إثراء تعلم الطلبة وبعض الاعتبارات التي ينبغي مراعاتها في تنفيذه.
Course Outcomes |
أ) المعرفة والفهم (Knowledge & Understanding): بعد دراسة هذا المقرر، يتوقع من الطالب أن يمتلك معرفة وفهماً لما يأتي:
- ماهية القياس والتقويم والتمييز بينها.
- ماهية التعلم والتحصيل والتمييز بينها.
- الأهداف التعليمية وأهميتها في عمليتي التدريس والتقويم.
- فهم أهداف التقويم المستمر وماذا يستفاد منه.
- التعرف إلى مستويات موازين القياس.
- وظائف وخصائص التقويم في العملية التدريسية.
- التعرف إلى المشكلات التي تعيق التقويم البنائي المستمر.
ب) المهارات العقلية (Cognitive Skills):
بعد دراسة هذا المقرر، يتوقع من الطالب أن يكون قادرًا على: - التخطيط لعملية التدريس وبناء أدوات القياس والتقويم.
- تخطيط التقويم الصفي والتعرف إلى مهاراته ومراحلة المتعددة.
- اتخاذ القرار المناسب حول أهم أدوات التقويم المستخدمة في عملية التعلم والتعليم.
- الوعي بالعوامل الواجب مراعاتها عند إعداد الأسئلة الاختبارية بكافة أنواعها.
- تحديد السمات الشخصية للطلبة والعمل على قياسها ومراعاتها خلال عملية التعلم والتعليم.
- تقويم الخصائص الوجدانية والتعرف إلى أهمية هذه الخصائص والأساليب المختلفة لتقويمها.
ج) المهارات المهنية التطبيقية (Practical Professional Skills) بعد دراسة هذا المقرر، يتوقع من الطالب أن يكون قادراً على: - بناء أساليب وأدوات التقويم الصفي المتنوعة والتعرف إلى شروط بنائها، وكيفية بناء مهام متعلقة بها.
- بناء الاختبارات التحصيلية واستخراج دلالات صدقها وثباتها.
- كتابة وصياغة الأسئلة بشكل محكم.
- بناء جدول المواصفات في ضوء المحتوى والأهداف التعليمية.
- التقويم البنائي ألمستمر والتعرف إلى أغراضه ومفاهيمه وعلاقاته بنظريات التعلم.
- تطبيق الأساليب التي يتم استخدامها لاستخراج دلالات صدق وثبات أدوات القياس.
- تطبيق الأساليب الإحصائية التي يتم استخدامها في تنظيم وتفسير درجات الاختبارات الصفية.
د) المهارات الأساسية القابلة للنقل (Key Transferable Skills) بعد دراسة هذا المقرر، يتوقع من الطالب أن يكون قادراً على: - مساعدة المعلمين في تخطيط الأنشطة الصفية.
- مراقبة التقدم الدراسي ومدى اقتراب الطلبة من تحقيق الاهداف
- تعميم انشطة تساعد الطلاب على المشاركة في التقوم الذاتي لأدائهم ومعادلتهم كيف يتعلمون بشكل أفضل.
- استخدام معايير محددة لتقييم أداء الطلاب وإنجازاتهم.
- تطبيق مبادئ القياس والتقويم في التعرف على مستوى التحصيل عند المتعلمين.
- تقدير نتائج التقويم الصفي وأغراضه والتعرف إلى الطرق المختلفة لوضع التقادير والعلامات، وطرق تقييم مدى تقدم االطلاب الدراسي نحو تحقيق الأهداف.
ED513 Educational Administration
(3) Credit Hours
This course aims at enabling students to know what educational management means and how effective educational management can be applied in his field work. Students are to be introduced to the nature of management, main factors affecting educational management, as well as educational leadership; its types, requirements and skills, how educational decisions are made and what basic theories should be taken into account in this respect. Students are also introduced to the main aspects of effective in educational communication as well as educational advisory, its nature, role, and evaluation.
Course Code |
ED513 |
Course Title |
Educational Administration |
Pre-requisite |
None |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
This course aims at enabling students to know what educational management means and how effective educational management can be applied in his field work. Students are to be introduced to the nature of management, main factors affecting educational management, as well as educational leadership; its types, requirements and skills, how educational decisions are made and what basic theories should be taken into account in this respect. Students are also introduced to the main aspects of effective in educational communication as well as educational advisory, its nature, role, and evaluation. |
Course Objectives |
1. Understanding Educational Management: Enable students to comprehend the meaning of educational management and how to apply effective management practices in their fieldwork.
2. Developing Leadership and Decision-Making Skills: Introduce students to the fundamentals of educational leadership, including its types, necessary skills, and how educational decisions are made, while considering essential theories.
Course Outcomes |
A) Knowledge and Understanding
• Recognize the concepts, functions, patterns, sources, steps, forms, duties, and theories related to educational management.
• Understand the concept of total quality management, its goals, principles, requirements, and benefits.
• Clarify the concept of governance in educational management, its elements, dimensions, and objectives.
• Identify the challenges facing educational management.
• Understand the concept of accountability, its elements, types, justifications, and problems.
• Understand the concept of electronic management, its requirements, and advantages.
B) Intellectual Skills
• Contribute to planning how to overcome the challenges of applying theory in educational management.
• Analyze the current state of educational management in the work environment.
C) Professional and Practical Skills
• Utilize different types of educational management and leadership.
• Apply the steps of decision-making in educational management.
• Utilize human resources according to appropriate needs.
• Train and develop human resources to serve the educational process.
• Apply the steps of total quality management in educational management.
• Employ communication skills in the administrative process.
• Apply the concept of governance in educational management.
• Conduct research on modern trends and global experiences in the field of educational management.
D) Basic/Transferable Skills
• Deepen the understanding of effective educational management, decision-making processes, total quality management, and time management.
• Activate the role of educational accountability to address challenges facing educational management.
• Build collaborative work teams that support educational management plans.
• Effectively apply educational management in its various processes.
ED521 Educational Psychology
(3) Credit Hours
This course presents the theories and principles of the concepts and topics related to educational psychology in a school setting. The topics are specifically related to the processes of learning and teaching, which are reviewed in light of behavioral and cognitive theories as well as empirical methods on improving student motivation and skills given the current context of our schools. This course also defines and discusses topics related to learners’ emotional, social, cognitive, and other relevant developmental milestones. Finally, this course includes a review of the procedures and tools necessary to assess the educational process, considering the nature of educational assessments and its benefits.
Course Code |
ED521 |
Course Title |
Educational Psychology |
Pre-requisite |
None |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
This course presents the theories and principles of the concepts and topics related to educational psychology in a school setting. The topics are specifically related to the processes of learning and teaching, which are reviewed in light of behavioral and cognitive theories as well as empirical methods on improving student motivation and skills given the current context of our schools. This course also defines and discusses topics related to learners’ emotional, social, cognitive, and other relevant developmental milestones. Finally, this course includes a review of the procedures and tools necessary to assess the educational process, considering the nature of educational assessments and its benefits. |
Course Objectives |
1. Understand Theories and Principles of Educational Psychology: Familiarize students with theories and principles related to educational psychology, focusing on learning and teaching processes in a school setting.
2. Explore Developmental Aspects of Learners: Examine the emotional, social, cognitive, and other developmental milestones relevant to learners.
3. Assess Educational Processes: Learn about the procedures and tools necessary for assessing the educational process, including the nature and benefits of educational assessments.
Course Outcomes |
A) Knowledge and Understanding
• Recognize the concepts related to educational psychology, its importance, topics, and research methods.
• Understand the concepts related to development, its principles, and the theories that explain it.
• Identify the theories and models of behavioral and cognitive learning.
• Clarify the concepts related to intelligence, its theories, tests, and applications.
• Understand the concept of motivation and its theories.
• Recognize the concept of thinking, its skills, types, and strategies for each type.
• Explain the concept of problem-solving, its types, and strategies for its development.
• Understand the information processing and handling model.
B) Intellectual Skills
• Master the elements of the educational psychology system and their relationship to its topics and fields.
• Differentiate between concepts related to educational psychology in contexts connected to the learning process.
• Plan to explain one of the motivation theories presented in the course.
• Analyze the relationships between the concepts included in learning theories.
• Identify the psychological and cognitive foundations of learning theories.
• Scientifically predict learners' behavior and academic performance.
• Appreciate the differences and diversity among learners and how to address them professionally.
• Value the integration of different aspects of learners’ development.
• Investigate the importance of motivation in developing higher-order thinking skills in oneself and learners.
• Compare different development theories.
• Analyze moral development theories.
• Analyze social development theory.
• Analyze the stages of information processing (attention, perception, memory).
• Analyze higher-order thinking skills, creative and critical thinking, problem-solving in education, compare them, and metacognition.
C) Professional and Practical Skills
• Apply motivation theories and their applications in classroom teaching.
• Enhance the motivation for learning and academic achievement in learners.
• Apply higher-order thinking skills, creative and critical thinking, problem-solving, and metacognition in education.
D) Basic/Transferable Skills
• Deepen awareness of the importance of educational psychology and its role in the teaching and learning process.
• Develop a spirit of discussion and classroom interaction.
• Activate problem-solving methods.
• Provide proposals for blended learning.
ED523 Educational Measurement and Evaluation
(3) Credit Hours
This course introduces students to the historical development of measurement and evaluation, concepts and general principles in this field as well as its statistical concepts, methods and applications. It also addresses the terms and conditions of good tests (testing reliability and validity) and analysis of test items. This course also deals with the types of achievement tests design, construction, and methods of evaluation. The main concern of the course is to provide students with the main skills related with testing, measuring and evaluating their students’ performance at the various instructional and educational levels.
Course Code |
ED523 |
Course Title |
Educational Measurement and Evaluation |
Pre-requisite |
None |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
This course introduces students to the historical development of measurement and evaluation, concepts and general principles in this field as well as its statistical concepts, methods and applications. It also addresses the terms and conditions of good tests (testing reliability and validity) and analysis of test items. This course also deals with the types of achievement tests design, construction, and methods of evaluation. The main concern of the course is to provide students with the main skills related with testing, measuring and evaluating their students’ performance at the various instructional and educational levels. |
Course Objectives |
Understand the Conceptual Foundations of Measurement and Evaluation: Familiarize students with the historical development, concepts, and general principles of measurement and evaluation, including related statistical concepts, methods, and applications.
2. Develop Skills in Test Design and Analysis: Equip students with the ability to design and construct various types of achievement tests, ensuring they meet reliability and validity standards, and analyze test items effectively.
3. Apply Measurement and Evaluation Techniques: Enable students to acquire the necessary skills to test, measure, and evaluate student performance across different instructional and educational levels.
Course Outcomes |
A) Knowledge and Understanding:
• Understanding the nature of measurement and evaluation and distinguishing between them.
• Understanding the nature of learning and achievement and distinguishing between them.
• Understanding the levels of educational objectives and their importance in the teaching and evaluation processes.
• Understanding the objectives of continuous assessment and its benefits.
• Understanding levels of measurement.
• Understanding the functions and characteristics of evaluation in the teaching process.
• Identifying the problems that hinder continuous formative assessment.
B) Cognitive Skills:
• Planning the teaching process and constructing measurement and evaluation tools.
• Planning classroom assessment and identifying its skills and various stages.
• Making appropriate decisions regarding the assessment tools used in the learning and teaching process.
• Being aware of the factors to consider when preparing various types of test questions.
• Identifying students' personal traits and working on measuring and considering them during the learning and teaching process.
• Evaluating emotional characteristics and recognizing the importance of these characteristics and various methods for assessing them.
C) Practical Professional Skills:
• Constructing various classroom assessment methods and tools.
• Implementing continuous formative assessment in educational situations.
• Applying various statistical methods to organize and interpret classroom test scores, and examining the validity and reliability of different measurement tools.
D) Basic / Transferable Skills:
• Flexibility in planning different classroom activities.
• Monitoring academic progress and how close students are to achieving the objectives.
• Developing activities that help students participate in self-assessment of their performance and assist them in learning more effectively.
• Applying measurement and evaluation principles to assess the level of achievement among learners.
• Utilizing classroom assessment results in various educational situations
ED531 Curriculum planning and development
(3) Credit Hours
This course aims to address students to the concept of curriculum, its elements, construction, its development, and various methods of planning of student centered, knowledge centered and society centered curriculum and their strategies. It also addresses the characteristics of various types of curriculum such as the application and blended curriculum as well as future challenges. It provides students with the basics and characteristics of Islamic Curriculum, as well as its aims and models and strategies.
Course Code |
ED531 |
Course Title |
Curriculum planning and development |
Pre-requisite |
None |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
This course aims to address students to the concept of curriculum, its elements, construction, its development, and various methods of planning of student centered, knowledge centered and society centered curriculum and their strategies. It also addresses the characteristics of various types of curriculum such as the application and blended curriculum as well as future challenges. It provides students with the basics and characteristics of Islamic Curriculum, as well as its aims and models and strategies. |
Course Objectives |
Understanding Curriculum Concepts: To introduce students to the concept of curriculum, including its elements and construction.
2. Curriculum Development: To explore the development of various types of curriculum.
3. Planning Methods: To examine different methods of planning student-centered, knowledge-centered, and society-centered curricula, along with their strategies.
4. Characteristics of Curriculum Types: To identify and analyze the characteristics of various curriculum types, including application and blended curricula.
Course Outcomes |
A) Knowledge and Understanding:
• Distinguishing between vertical and horizontal content organization.
• Distinguishing between knowledge-centered organizations, learner-centered curricula, and society-centered curricula.
• Recognizing models of curriculum organization centered on the learner, knowledge, and society.
• Identifying the characteristics of curricula derived from the three main organizations (knowledge, learner, and society).
• Understanding the characteristics, elements, and foundations of the Islamic curriculum.
• Learning about the mechanisms for planning school curricula and the steps involved.
• Understanding how to develop school curricula and the justifications for doing so.
B) Cognitive Skills:
• Analyzing the common characteristics among knowledge-based organizational models, learner-based organizations, and society-based organizations.
• Analyzing the elements of each organization and identifying their strengths and weaknesses.
• Analyzing the curriculum taught by the student according to their specialization to determine the curriculum organization followed by the curriculum developers in planning the curriculum.
• Critiquing various organizations in terms of their ability to meet the requirements of the 21st century.
C) Practical Professional Skills:
• Applying different organizations to curricula that keep pace with innovations and updates.
• Utilizing strengths in designing curricula based on a balanced curriculum organization.
• Tracking the curriculum organization for their specialization and determining how the curriculum was developed based on it.
D) Basic / Transferable (Transformative) Skills:
• Analyzing the content of the curriculum they study both vertically and horizontally.
• Planning a unit reference for their specialization's curriculum according to the core curriculum, as it is the balanced curriculum.
• Identifying areas for development needed in the curriculum they stud
ED532 Educational technology and educational application
(3) Credit Hours
This course aims to address students to the practical applications to the main theories that form the bases for Instructional Technology, such as education, learning, communication, human development and system theory. It stresses on the integration of new technology to curriculum, and how it affects teaching methods and strategies in order to acquire the stated cognitive, affective and psychomotor objectives. It also addresses students to the latest innovations in digital technology and its applications in education, such as E Learning, Open, Blended, Mobile and Virtual Learning. The course stresses the practical application of Instructional Design using new Computer and Information Technology in choosing the most appropriate means, methods, and strategies to encourage students’ self learning and knowledge production.
Course Code |
ED532 |
Course Title |
Educational technology and educational application |
Pre-requisite |
None |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
This course aims to address students to the practical applications to the main theories that form the bases for Instructional Technology, such as education, learning, communication, human development and system theory. It stresses on the integration of new technology to curriculum, and how it affects teaching methods and strategies in order to acquire the stated cognitive, affective and psychomotor objectives. It also addresses students to the latest innovations in digital technology and its applications in education, such as E Learning, Open, Blended, Mobile and Virtual Learning. The course stresses the practical application of Instructional Design using new Computer and Information Technology in choosing the most appropriate means, methods, and strategies to encourage students’ self learning and knowledge production. |
Course Objectives |
1. Understanding Instructional Technology Theories: To familiarize students with the practical applications of the main theories underlying Instructional Technology, including education, learning, communication, human development, and systems theory.
2. Integrating Technology into Curriculum: To emphasize the integration of new technology into the curriculum and its impact on teaching methods and strategies.
3. Exploring Digital Technology Innovations: To introduce students to the latest innovations in digital technology and their applications in education, including E-Learning, Open Learning, Blended Learning, Mobile Learning, and Virtual Learning.
4. Applying Instructional Design: To stress the practical application of Instructional Design by utilizing new Computer and Information Technology to select the most appropriate means, methods, and strategies.
Course Outcomes |
) Knowledge and Understanding:
• Defining the field of Educational Technology and the field of Instructional Design in achieving curriculum objectives.
• Comparing classroom communication skills and distance communication in different educational contexts.
B) Cognitive Skills:
• Classifying the theories on which the field of Educational Technology is based.
• Comparing the concept of educational media with Educational Technology.
• Identifying the general frameworks that distinguish modern patterns that benefit from advancements in computer and internet technology.
C) Practical Professional Skills:
• Utilizing the instructional design skills acquired by the student to design educational lessons.
• Employing software and educational websites in designing various educational situations.
D) Basic / Transferable Skills:
• Actively participating in discussions about local issues in instructional design and the integration of technology.
• Evaluating teachers' attitudes towards the use of multimedia in different educational situations.
ED533 Curricula and Methodology of Islamic Education
(3) Credit Hours
This course aims to introduce Islamic education curricula at the secondary level in details, to familiarize students with the goals of teaching in each branch of these curricula, religious and educational principles, methods, planning, means and educational activities that contribute to the achievement of these goals. It also provides students with the needed skill to design and construct daily and annual teaching plans, as well as evaluating the methods to achieve these goals. These include the following branches: the Quran, the Hadith, the Islamic Faith, Islamic jurisprudence, Discipline and Values, and Biography of the Prophet.
Course Code |
ED533 |
Course Title |
Curricula and Methodology of Islamic Education |
Pre-requisite |
ED-531 |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
This course aims to introduce Islamic education curricula at the secondary level in details, to familiarize students with the goals of teaching in each branch of these curricula, religious and educational principles, methods, planning, means and educational activities that contribute to the achievement of these goals. It also provides students with the needed skill to design and construct daily and annual teaching plans, as well as evaluating the methods to achieve these goals. These include the following branches: the Quran, the Hadith, the Islamic Faith, Islamic jurisprudence, Discipline and Values, and Biography of the Prophet. |
Course Objectives |
Understanding Islamic Education Curricula: To introduce students to the details of Islamic education curricula at the secondary level, including the goals of teaching in each branch, such as the Quran, Hadith, Islamic Faith, Islamic jurisprudence, Discipline and Values, and Biography of the Prophet.
2. Skills in Planning and Evaluation: To equip students with the skills needed to design and construct daily and annual teaching plans, and to evaluate the methods used to achieve the educational goals.
3. Familiarization with Educational Principles and Activities: To familiarize students with the religious and educational principles, methods, planning, means, and educational activities that contribute to achieving the goals of Islamic education curricula.
Course Outcomes |
Knowledge and Understanding
• Define the objectives of teaching the Islamic Education curriculum at the secondary level.
• Identify the objectives of teaching the branches of Islamic Education in the secondary level curriculum.
• Familiarize with the curricula and teaching methods of Islamic Education.
B) Cognitive Skills
• Determine the role of the Islamic Education curriculum in addressing some contemporary challenges and issues.
• Compare the principles and methods of teaching Islamic Education at different educational stages.
C) Practical Professional Skills
• Apply best practices in teaching the Islamic Education curriculum at the secondary level.
• Evaluate the various aspects of the Islamic Education curriculum at the secondary level.
• Propose a plan to develop the teaching of Islamic Education at the secondary level.
D) Transferable Skills
• Design methodologically accurate plans for teaching the Islamic Education curriculum at different educational stages.
• Analyze the teaching skills required in the Islamic Education curriculum at various educational stages.
• Develop positive attitudes towards the study and teaching of Islamic Education at the secondary level.
ED534 Field and Practicum Education
(6) Credit Hours
This course aims to stress the practical performance applied by teacher training institutions in general. It stresses on the application of theoretical principles that students/ teachers have already learned in other courses in real school settings. This gives the students/ teachers a real access to look deeper in the school life and daily educational performance and activities at various levels.
Course Code |
ED534 |
Course Title |
Field and Practicum Education |
Pre-requisite |
ED-531 |
Credit Hours |
6 |
Course Description |
This course aims to stress the practical performance applied by teacher training institutions in general. It stresses on the application of theoretical principles that students/ teachers have already learned in other courses in real school settings. This gives the students/ teachers a real access to look deeper in the school life and daily educational performance and activities at various levels. |
Course Objectives |
1. Application of Theoretical Principles: To emphasize the application of theoretical principles learned in previous courses by students/teachers in real school settings.
2. Enhancing Understanding of School Life: To provide students/teachers with a deeper understanding of school life and daily educational performance and activities at various levels through practical experience.
Course Outcomes |
A) Knowledge and Understanding:
• Understanding the vision and mission of the teaching profession.
• Components of the educational situation, including knowledge, skills, and values.
• Recognizing the essential roles of the educational situation in planning, implementation, and evaluation.
• Identifying common behavioral problems among students in schools.
B) Cognitive Skills:
• Linking educational theories and ideas to the requirements of practical educational reality.
• Recognizing the field problems that teachers face in different educational situations related to their specialization and the stage they teach.
• Comparing different educational situations to identify effective practices, particularly those related to the developmental characteristics of the students at the level being taught.
• Recognizing the importance of integrating modern technologies into the educational learning process appropriate to their specialization and the stage they teach.
• Engaging in self-reflection on the lessons they partially or fully implement.
• Developing a theoretical framework for the lesson plans they implement concerning the desired outcomes, teaching strategies, educational resources, and evaluation.
• Understanding the foundations of test preparation, grading, and result analysis.
C) Practical Professional Skills:
• Using what has been learned in various theoretical courses in real educational situations suitable for the teacher's specialization and the stage they teach.
• Employing effective teaching strategies and techniques during micro-teaching, supervised lessons, and full lesson implementation in the field.
• Preparing educational plans for different subjects at various levels for the teacher's specialization and the stage they teach, ensuring the inclusion of effective educational plan elements.
• Designing tests scientifically and analyzing and interpreting their results to suit the nature of the teacher's specialization and the stage they teach.
D) Transferable Skills:
• Designing daily and term study plans according to the teacher's specialization and the stage they teach.
• Preparing criterion-referenced and norm-referenced tests according to educational specifications relevant to the teacher's specialization and the stage they teach.
• Designing a comprehensive educational situation by developing, implementing, and evaluating a plan suitable for the teacher's specialization.
ED535 Curricula and Methodology of English Language
(3) Credit Hours
This is a theoretical and practical course that links finding of research on English language learning to classroom mythology. It exposes the student to the old and current approaches of teaching English as a second or foreign language. It also introduces students to the characteristics of classic and modern curricula. In addition, the course provides the chance to understand the teacher’s and student’s role in the instructional process. In addition, it covers the analysis and evaluation of each lingual skill as well as its characteristics. It also shows how individual learners can make use of the computer to promote their learning. All this is mainly given in the form of practical examples. Each part of the course is followed by practical tasks.
Course Code |
ED535 |
Course Title |
Curricula and Methodology of English Language |
Pre-requisite |
ED-531 |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
This is a theoretical and practical course that links finding of research on English language learning to classroom mythology. It exposes the student to the old and current approaches of teaching English as a second or foreign language. It also introduces students to the characteristics of classic and modern curricula. In addition, the course provides the chance to understand the teacher’s and student’s role in the instructional process. In addition, it covers the analysis and evaluation of each lingual skill as well as its characteristics. It also shows how individual learners can make use of the computer to promote their learning. All this is mainly given in the form of practical examples. Each part of the course is followed by practical tasks. |
Course Objectives |
Understanding Approaches to Teaching English: To expose students to both traditional and current approaches to teaching English as a second or foreign language.
2. Analyzing Curricula Characteristics: To introduce students to the characteristics of classic and modern English language curricula and their implications for instruction.
3. Evaluating Instructional Roles and Skills: To help students understand the roles of teachers and learners in the instructional process and to analyze and evaluate the characteristics of each linguistic skill.
Course Outcomes |
A: (Knowledge & Understanding)
• The general framework of emerging teaching English as a foreign language.
• The similarities and differences between classical approaches to TEFL and current approaches to TEFL.
• The main characteristic of each approach.
• How to evaluate each approach in the light of their practical applications.
• The teachers and the learners' roles in each approach.
• The characteristics of each language skill.
B: (Cognitive Skills)
• Analyze the strengths and the weaknesses of classical approaches as well as the current approaches to TEFL.
• Evaluate the approaches in the light of their practical applications.
C: (Practical Professional Skills)
• Teach listening skills communicatively according to the target effective pedagogical implications.
• Teach speaking skills communicatively according to the target effective pedagogical implications.
• Teach reading skills communicatively according to the target effective pedagogical implications.
• Teach writing skills communicatively according to the target effective pedagogical implications.
• Teach vocabulary communicatively according to the target effective pedagogical implications.
• Employ technology while teaching English language to help learners learn it easily.
D:(Key or Transferable Skills)
• Selecting the appropriate methods of teaching to teach each component of the language.
• Preparing semester and daily plans in the light of the interactive communicative methodology.
• Implementing excellent TEFL classes employing effective pedagogy.
ED536 Educational Research Methods
(3) Credit Hours
This course aims to provide students with a deeper look to the basic concepts in educational research that they have already studied at the graduate level. It covers the methods to identify a research problem, society and samples. It also covers the different instruments of research, methodology, variables, and methods of collecting data; such as interview, questionnaire, tests and observations, as well as conducting analysis and discussion of results, in order to make decisions to improve an educational performance. This course stresses on how to conduct procedural research, how to document references, and how to achieve reliable results.
Course Code |
ED536 |
Course Title |
Educational Research Methods |
Pre-requisite |
None |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
This course aims to provide students with a deeper look to the basic concepts in educational research that they have already studied at the graduate level. It covers the methods to identify a research problem, society and samples. It also covers the different instruments of research, methodology, variables, and methods of collecting data; such as interview, questionnaire, tests and observations, as well as conducting analysis and discussion of results, in order to make decisions to improve an educational performance. This course stresses on how to conduct procedural research, how to document references, and how to achieve reliable results. |
Course Objectives |
1. Understanding Research Fundamentals: To deepen students' understanding of basic concepts in educational research, building on their previous graduate-level studies.
2. Research Methodology and Data Collection: To familiarize students with various research methodologies, including how to identify research problems, select samples, and utilize different data collection instruments such as interviews, questionnaires, tests, and observations.
3. Conducting and Analyzing Research: To equip students with the skills to conduct procedural research, document references effectively, and analyze and discuss results to make informed decisions for improving educational performance.
Course Outcomes |
A) Knowledge and Understanding
• Recognizing concepts related to educational research.
• Clarifying the importance of educational research.
• Outlining the steps of scientific research.
• Comparing different scientific research methods.
• Familiarizing with methods of presenting data and various statistical analyses.
B) Cognitive Skills
• Applying the steps of scientific research to solve a problem in the educational field.
• Selecting and formulating a research problem.
• Distinguishing between different research variables (independent, dependent, moderating, controlled, and extraneous).
• Planning to build various data collection tools.
• Verifying the psychometric properties of different measurement tools.
• Analyzing data and extracting and discussing results.
• Being capable of scientific documentation.
C) Practical Professional Skills
• Planning to conduct a research project in the field of specialization.
• Implementing scientific research procedures.
• Critiquing published educational research in the educational literature.
• Judging educational research based on scientific criteria.
D) Key/Transferable Skills
• Selecting research designs that align with the nature of educational developments.
• Developing scientific research skills.
• Addressing various educational problems and issues in a scientific manner.
• Flexibility in applying different statistical treatments to answer research questions or study hypotheses.
ED537 Curricula and Methodology of Science
(3) Credit Hours
This course aims to provide students with the essential skills in using methods of teaching science for in-service teachers who need to gain skills in teaching pedagogy and class management by introducing several educational theories, teaching strategies and modern approaches of instruction, with examples of various teaching methods. It also introduces examples of science lesson plans with proper objectives, The course also emphasizes on the methods of scientific thinking like inquiry and problem solving. Finally, the course emphasizes on the importance of teachers education programs as an ongoing developmental process to improve their competencies.
Course Code |
ED537 |
Course Title |
Curricula and Methodology of Science |
Pre-requisite |
ED-531 |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
This course aims to provide students with the essential skills in using methods of teaching science for in-service teachers who need to gain skills in teaching pedagogy and class management by introducing several educational theories, teaching strategies and modern approaches of instruction, with examples of various teaching methods. It also introduces examples of science lesson plans with proper objectives, The course also emphasizes on the methods of scientific thinking like inquiry and problem solving. Finally, the course emphasizes on the importance of teachers education programs as an ongoing developmental process to improve their competencies. |
Course Objectives |
Develop Teaching Skills: To equip in-service teachers with essential skills in teaching science pedagogy and classroom management by introducing various educational theories, teaching strategies, and modern instructional approaches.
2. Design Science Lesson Plans: To provide examples of science lesson plans that include appropriate objectives, enhancing teachers' ability to create effective lesson structures.
3. Promote Scientific Thinking: To emphasize methods of scientific thinking, such as inquiry and problem-solving, as well as the importance of ongoing professional development programs for teachers to improve their competencies.
Course Outcomes |
A) Knowledge & Understanding
• Understanding the nature of science, its philosophy, and the requirements for teacher preparation for the 21st century.
• Understanding the roles and qualities of the science teacher.
• Understanding the nature, concept, characteristics, and modern requirements of science.
• Understanding the stages, processes, and programs of scientific education.
• Studying the basic and integrated processes of science.
• Knowing the various skills of planning, implementation, and evaluation.
B) Cognitive Skills
• Analyzing the nature of science, its components, and its relationship to scientific education.
• Comparing models and strategies for learning and teaching school science.
• Analyzing models of thinking and problem-solving in science teaching.
• Planning for the teacher's future in their professional life and making appropriate decisions regarding classroom issues and any challenges faced in their work.
• Explaining science teaching strategies in light of various learning theories.
C) Practical Professional Skills
• Preparing lesson plans for teaching scientific concepts, generalizations, and terminology.
• Employing strategies for scientific exploration and inquiry.
• Utilizing strategies for lessons and practical demonstrations as a framework for teaching science.
• Evaluating student assessment methods in science.
• Evaluating the teacher's instructional performance through diverse educational experiences.
• Applying methods and strategies that enable the teacher to fulfill their responsibilities successfully in teaching various sciences, such as planning, instruction, evaluation, etc.
• Applying and utilizing the basic and integrated processes of science and various teaching skills in science education to enhance student thinking.
D) Transferable Skills
• Proposing solutions to overcome challenges faced by teachers in teaching, planning, or implementation.
• Evaluating the instructional performance of some science teachers during their teaching of science topics at the elementary level and suggesting some scientific activities for teaching science.
• Preparing a lesson on a science topic for elementary students according to the methods, approaches, or strategies studied, and creating detailed lesson plans, varied assessments, and criteria for evaluating student acquisition.
• Selecting and applying various appropriate methods and strategies that enable the teacher to carry out their responsibilities in teaching science and summarizing the teacher's role in planning, implementation, and evaluation.
ED538 Curricula and Methodology of Mathematics
(3) Credit Hours
This Course aims to provide students with the essential knowledge and skills needed for successful math teachers at all educational levels. In this course, students learn modern innovations in math education at the local and international levels. NCTM standards are a core curriculum. This course provides teachers with the educational strategies concerning problem solving, critical thinking, geometrical thinking, mathematical reasoning and using technology in math education. The course ends with a comprehensive look at lesson preparation and assessing students’ achievement in math.
Course Code |
ED538 |
Course Title |
Curricula and Methodology of Mathematics |
Pre-requisite |
ED-531 |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
This Course aims to provide students with the essential knowledge and skills needed for successful math teachers at all educational levels. In this course, students learn modern innovations in math education at the local and international levels. NCTM standards are a core curriculum. This course provides teachers with the educational strategies concerning problem solving, critical thinking, geometrical thinking, mathematical reasoning and using technology in math education. The course ends with a comprehensive look at lesson preparation and assessing students’ achievement in math. |
Course Objectives |
1. Essential Knowledge and Skills Development: To equip students with the essential knowledge and skills necessary to become successful math teachers across all educational levels, emphasizing modern innovations in math education.
2. Understanding Educational Strategies: To familiarize students with educational strategies related to problem solving, critical thinking, geometrical thinking, mathematical reasoning, and the integration of technology in math education.
3. Lesson Preparation and Assessment: To provide comprehensive guidance on lesson preparation and assessing students’ achievements in mathematics, ensuring alignment with NCTM standards and best practices in math education.
Course Outcomes |
A) Knowledge and Understanding
• Knowledge of the standards and principles of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM).
• Understanding the science of mathematics, its elements, and its fields.
• Knowledge of long-term and short-term planning elements.
• Understanding the theoretical foundation of teaching strategies and the steps of instruction using modern teaching methods.
• Comparing different teaching strategies and methods for selecting them for educational situations.
• Identifying difficulties in solving mathematical problems and strategies for solving mathematical problems.
• Recognizing methods of mathematical proof and strategies for developing mathematical and geometric thinking.
• Understanding models and patterns of technology and computer use in learning and teaching mathematics.
• Understanding assessment tools for mathematics curricula and student achievement, and recognizing methods for formulating test items and analyzing them.
B) Cognitive Skills:
• Applying problem-solving strategies in solving mathematical problems.
• Applying proof strategies and geometric and mathematical thinking in educational situations.
• Implementing modern teaching strategies in educational situations in various mathematics topics.
• Analyzing mathematical content in light of the elements of mathematical knowledge and the standards of processes.
• Utilizing educational software in solving problems related to mathematics teaching strategies.
• Planning for teaching mathematics topics both mentally and in writing.
C) Practical Professional Skills:
• Planning mathematics lessons.
• Utilizing educational software in teaching mathematics.
• Implementing mathematics lessons using modern teaching methods and strategies.
• Employing strategies for developing mathematical and geometric thinking and mathematical proof in mathematics lessons.
• Preparing various assessment tools such as tests of all types and student work portfolios.
• Acquiring content analysis skills.
D) Transferable Skills:
• Solving mathematical problems.
• Creative thinking in dealing with issues related to teaching skills (planning, implementation, assessment).
• Flexibility in thinking and selecting teaching methods and strategies.
• Developing scientific research skills and addressing educational issues in a systematic and procedural manner.
• Reflecting on the challenges facing mathematics education in light of global developments.
ED539 Curricula and Methodology of Social Sciences
(3) Credit Hours
This course focuses on the social studies and curriculum, the social curricula and the most important methods and strategies for teaching and analyzing social studies, curricula and syllabus. This course addresses the relation between social sciences and social studies, the contemporary trends and the recent topics in social studies and its teaching resources. In addition, it explains the characteristics of social studies teachers, issues that they come across during the teaching process and the assessment principles of social studies that may lead to the improvement of his teaching skills.
Course Code |
ED539 |
Course Title |
Curricula and Methodology of Social Sciences |
Pre-requisite |
ED-531 |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
This course focuses on the social studies and curriculum, the social curricula and the most important methods and strategies for teaching and analyzing social studies, curricula and syllabus. This course addresses the relation between social sciences and social studies, the contemporary trends and the recent topics in social studies and its teaching resources. In addition, it explains the characteristics of social studies teachers, issues that they come across during the teaching process and the assessment principles of social studies that may lead to the improvement of his teaching skills. |
Course Objectives |
1. Understanding Social Studies Curriculum: To provide students with an understanding of the social studies curriculum, including its relationship with social sciences, contemporary trends, and recent topics in social studies education.
2. Teaching Methods and Strategies: To familiarize students with effective methods and strategies for teaching and analyzing social studies curricula and syllabi, enabling them to apply these techniques in their teaching practice.
3. Improving Teaching Skills: To equip students with the knowledge of the characteristics of effective social studies teachers, common challenges faced during instruction, and assessment principles that enhance teaching skills and promote student learning.
Course Outcomes |
) Knowledge and Understanding
• Understanding the nature of social studies and its relationship with social sciences.
• Comprehending and grasping concepts related to social studies.
B) Skills Cognitive
• Comparing various curricula in social studies.
• Identifying the essential elements of the social studies curriculum.
C) Practical Professional Skills
• Analyzing the elements of planning and preparing social studies curricula.
• Applying modern strategies in teaching social studies subjects.
D) Key / Transferable Skills
• Analyzing the characteristics of a professional social studies teacher.
• Utilizing assessment methods in social studies.
ED540 Curricula and Methodology of Arabic Language
(3) Credit Hours
This course helps prepare students for the mission of teaching Arabic language. Students are introduced to information related to Arabic curriculum and methods by which they can analyze curriculum. The course helps students master the necessary skills and methods to teach Arabic in terms of listening, reading, literature, calligraphy, spelling, written expressions, and grammar. It includes topics that cover issues related to methods of teaching Arabic as well as planning and evaluating the teaching process.
Course Code |
ED540 |
Course Title |
Curricula and Methodology of Arabic Language |
Pre-requisite |
ED-531 |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
This course helps prepare students for the mission of teaching Arabic language. Students are introduced to information related to Arabic curriculum and methods by which they can analyze curriculum. The course helps students master the necessary skills and methods to teach Arabic in terms of listening, reading, literature, calligraphy, spelling, written expressions, and grammar. It includes topics that cover issues related to methods of teaching Arabic as well as planning and evaluating the teaching process. |
Course Objectives |
1. Mastering Teaching Skills: To equip students with the necessary skills and methods for teaching the Arabic language, focusing on various aspects such as listening, reading, literature, calligraphy, spelling, written expressions, and grammar.
2. Curriculum Analysis and Evaluation: To introduce students to the Arabic curriculum and the methods for analyzing it, as well as addressing planning and evaluation strategies for the teaching process.
Course Outcomes |
A) Knowledge and Understanding
• Understanding the theory of language and its significance.
• Identifying the dimensions of the linguistic conflict between Modern Standard Arabic and dialects.
• Recognizing the characteristics and functions of the Arabic language.
• Comparing teaching methods for each of the Arabic language skills.
• Comparing the roles of the teacher and student in light of modern curricula for teaching language skills.
• Identifying the characteristics of each of the Arabic language skills.
B) Cognitive Skills
• Analyzing the teaching methods used in terms of their advantages and disadvantages.
• Selecting the best teaching methods based on field applications.
C) Practical Professional Skills
• Teaching listening skills using the latest methods and techniques.
• Teaching conversation skills according to modern teaching theories.
• Teaching reading skills according to modern teaching theories.
• Teaching writing skills according to modern teaching theories.
• Integrating modern technology and the latest strategies in teaching.
• Teaching literature according to modern teaching theories.
D) Transferable Skills
• Choosing the appropriate method for teaching each of the Arabic language skills.
• Properly planning for each skill according to the best methods.
• Selecting the most effective methods for teaching Arabic language skills.
ED541 Counseling and educational guidance
(3) Credit Hours
This course stresses the importance of foundations and principles of counseling and guidance in improving the educational environment and acquiring its goals, especially for teachers. It also addresses theories and applications of educational guidance in school and in the educational in general. It also covers the counseling skills needed in class management and in solving problems related to the school environment, as well as the role of teachers and counselors in developing the mental health in the school environment.
Course Code |
ED541 |
Course Title |
Counseling and educational guidance |
Pre-requisite |
None |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
This course stresses the importance of foundations and principles of counseling and guidance in improving the educational environment and acquiring its goals, especially for teachers. It also addresses theories and applications of educational guidance in school and in the educational in general. It also covers the counseling skills needed in class management and in solving problems related to the school environment, as well as the role of teachers and counselors in developing the mental health in the school environment. |
Course Objectives |
1. Understanding Counseling Principles: To provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the foundations and principles of counseling and guidance, emphasizing their importance in enhancing the educational environment and achieving educational goals, particularly for teachers.
2. Developing Counseling Skills: To equip students with the essential counseling skills necessary for effective class management and problem-solving within the school environment, highlighting the roles of teachers and counselors in promoting mental health in educational settings.
Course Outcomes |
A) Knowledge and Understanding:
• Understanding the nature of guidance and counseling, along with its foundations and principles.
• Identifying counseling theories and their educational applications.
• Highlighting the services of guidance and counseling in the school.
B) Cognitive Skills:
• Analyzing the role of the educational counselor and the guidance team in the school.
• Employing counseling skills and using counseling tools such as observation and interviewing in the educational field.
C) Practical Professional Skills:
• Preparing guidance plans and activities in the school.
• Employing classroom management skills and resolving conflicts among students.
• Actively participating in the implementation of the guidance and counseling program in the school.
D) Essential/Transferable Skills:
• Assessing students' behavioral, psychological, and academic problems and suggesting appropriate solutions for each.
• Adopting positive attitudes to support and sustain guidance and counseling services in the school.
ED542 Educational Psychology and Learning
(3) Credit Hours
This course aims to introduce students to the importance of the psychology of learning and teaching, highlighting the necessity of understanding the nature of the learning and teaching processes through reviewing fundamental theories such as behaviorism, cognition, and social cognition, among others, along with the principles and laws governing these processes. The course also aims to familiarize students with key concepts related to developmental theories and their educational applications, including the laws and aspects of development, while providing them with knowledge about motivation, its types, and its functions in education. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of critical and creative thinking, and problem-solving in teaching, with an understanding of models for preparing and processing information in memory
Course Code |
ED542 |
Course Title |
Educational Psychology and Learning |
Pre-requisite |
None |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
This course aims to introduce students to the importance of the psychology of learning and teaching, highlighting the necessity of understanding the nature of the learning and teaching processes through reviewing fundamental theories such as behaviorism, cognition, and social cognition, among others, along with the principles and laws governing these processes. The course also aims to familiarize students with key concepts related to developmental theories and their educational applications, including the laws and aspects of development, while providing them with knowledge about motivation, its types, and its functions in education. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of critical and creative thinking, and problem-solving in teaching, with an understanding of models for preparing and processing information in memory
Course Objectives |
1. Introduce students to the importance of the psychology of learning and teaching, including understanding the nature of learning and teaching processes through key theories such as behaviorism, cognition, and social cognition.
2. Familiarize students with developmental theories and their educational applications, while providing knowledge on motivation, critical and creative thinking, and problem-solving in teaching.
Course Outcomes |
A)Knowledge and Understanding:
• The concept of psychology, psychological schools, research methods in educational psychology, and the most important branches of applied and theoretical psychology.
• Concepts related to development, its principles, and the theories that explain it.
• Motivation for learning and the most important theories of motivation.
• Behavioral and cognitive learning theories and models.
• Learning models, including Gagné's model, Bruner's model, and Ausubel's model.
• The concept of thinking, its skills, types, and strategies for each type.
• The concept of problem-solving, its types, and strategies for developing it.
B) Cognitive Skills:
• Critical thinking in evaluating psychological theories related to the processes of learning and teaching, identifying their strengths and weaknesses.
• Scientifically interpreting motivation and its theories, focusing on analyzing the role of motivation in improving educational performance.
• Distinguishing between concepts related to educational psychology in situations through their connection to the learning process.
• Analyzing the principles and assumptions of different psychological schools regarding the processes of learning and teaching from a scientific perspective.
• A scientific comparison of the similarities and differences between behavioral, cognitive, and social theories.
• Appreciating the differences and diversity among learners and addressing them professionally, considering their varying abilities and social and cultural backgrounds.
• Critically evaluating and assessing psychological theories related to learning based on scientific evidence and educational applications.
• Explaining the educational applications of motivation theories and analyzing their impact on academic achievement.
• Discovering the scientific relationship between social learning theories and cognitive theories and their applications in learning environments.
• Appreciating the integration of various aspects of learners' development.
• Recognizing the role of intelligence and achievement in individual differences.
• Analyzing the role of intelligence and academic achievement in explaining individual differences among learners.
• Developing critical thinking skills by applying them to real educational problems.
C) Practical Professional Skills:
• Designing educational activities that consider the characteristics of the learner to develop thinking skills.
• Using applications of learning theories in education.
• Training teachers to formulate behavioral, educational, and pedagogical objectives correctly.
• Applying higher-order thinking skills, creative thinking, critical thinking, and problem-solving in education.
D) Essential / Transferable Skills:
• Designing a program based on behavioral theories to analyze behavior.
• Applying effective communication and interpersonal skills.
• Applying problem-solving skills.
ED543 Curricula and General Teaching Strategies
(3) Credit Hours
This course aims to provide students with an understanding of contemporary school curricula, their structures, and developments. It covers curriculum models, essential curriculum components, and curriculum design. Students will learn about teaching and learning processes, the roles of teachers and learners, and key teaching principles, focusing on 21st-century skills and digital-age competencies. The course outlines teachers' roles in planning, teaching, fostering self-learning through e-learning, and conducting assessments. It emphasizes creating effective assessments and tools to measure student achievement and practical skills, aiming to enhance educational performance through targeted evaluation.
Course Code |
ED543 |
Course Title |
Curricula and General Teaching Strategies |
Pre-requisite |
None |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
This course aims to provide students with an understanding of contemporary school curricula, their structures, and developments. It covers curriculum models, essential curriculum components, and curriculum design. Students will learn about teaching and learning processes, the roles of teachers and learners, and key teaching principles, focusing on 21st-century skills and digital-age competencies. The course outlines teachers' roles in planning, teaching, fostering self-learning through e-learning, and conducting assessments. It emphasizes creating effective assessments and tools to measure student achievement and practical skills, aiming to enhance educational performance through targeted evaluation. |
Course Objectives |
1. Provide students with an understanding of contemporary school curricula, including their structures, developments, and curriculum design.
2. Equip students with knowledge of teaching and learning processes, the roles of teachers and learners, and essential teaching principles, with a focus on 21st-century skills, digital-age competencies, and effective assessment methods.
Course Outcomes |
A) Knowledge and Understanding:
• The nature of the school curriculum throughout successive historical periods.
• The different models of the school curriculum in terms of their justifications and goals.
• Various curricular organizations.
• The elements of the school curriculum regarding their concept, importance, and selection criteria.
• The concept of lesson planning.
• Types of school plans.
• The differences between learning and teaching.
• The importance of understanding learning hypotheses.
• Educational competencies in the context of the digital age.
• The teacher's main roles in the teaching and learning process.
• Strategies for teaching knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values.
• Collective and individual learning styles.
• Principles of individualized education.
• Assessment and its types, importance, and strategies.
B) Cognitive Skills:
• Analyzing the different models of school curricula.
• Distinguishing between various curricular organizations.
• Evaluating the four elements of the school curriculum in light of understanding the components of each element and identifying strengths and weaknesses.
• Recognizing the importance of refining basic teaching skills.
• Distinguishing educational competencies in the context of the digital age.
• Systematically evaluating models of school plans of various types to effectively achieve educational outcomes.
• The teacher’s understanding of their core roles in the educational process that lead to the desired educational results.
• Evaluating the effectiveness of student-centered teaching strategies.
• Analyzing procedures for developing various educational skills among students.
• Evaluating how to develop positive values and attitudes among students.
• Recognizing the different types of assessments according to time periods, such as diagnostic, formative, and summative assessments.
• Analyzing the effectiveness of authentic assessment strategies.
C) Practical Professional Skills:
• Preparing daily and quarterly plans according to the standards and elements of daily and quarterly plans, considering diversity in teaching strategies.
• Effectively employing strategies for teaching concepts in the area of specialization.
• Applying procedures to effectively develop skills related to the subject of specialization.
• Effectively fostering positive values and attitudes among students.
D) Essential / Transferable Skills:
• Applying principles of effective planning in various educational situations to ensure the achievement of educational goals.
• Identifying the appropriate teaching strategy according to students' levels, the nature of the content, and the desired educational objectives.
• Demonstrating the ability to assess students using diagnostic, pre-, and post-assessment to determine levels of progress and educational needs for each student.
• Enhancing communication and collaboration skills with colleagues and parents to promote an inclusive and effective educational environment.
• Applying acquired skills in other educational contexts, enhancing professional performance flexibility and fostering continuous learning capabilities.
• Representing skills and educational competencies in various educational situations.
ED544 Classroom Management
(3) Credit Hours
This course aims to help students understand the shift in the teacher's role from simply transmitting information to being a manager and coordinator of the educational process in an engaging and democratic manner. It highlights the teacher's responsibilities beyond academics, encompassing administrative tasks to foster an ideal learning environment. The course emphasizes effective classroom management, communication, use of modern technology, and interactive teaching methods that promote critical and creative thinking and active participation. It stresses building positive teacher-student relationships and addressing individual learning needs. The course is essential for teachers, administrators, and educational supervisors to enhance teaching performance, develop leadership skills, and improve educational strategies.
Course Code |
ED544 |
Course Title |
Classroom Management |
Pre-requisite |
None |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
This course aims to help students understand the shift in the teacher's role from simply transmitting information to being a manager and coordinator of the educational process in an engaging and democratic manner. It highlights the teacher's responsibilities beyond academics, encompassing administrative tasks to foster an ideal learning environment. The course emphasizes effective classroom management, communication, use of modern technology, and interactive teaching methods that promote critical and creative thinking and active participation. It stresses building positive teacher-student relationships and addressing individual learning needs. The course is essential for teachers, administrators, and educational supervisors to enhance teaching performance, develop leadership skills, and improve educational strategies. |
Course Objectives |
1.Help students understand the transformation of the teacher's role from merely transmitting information to managing and coordinating the educational process in an engaging and democratic manner.
2. Emphasize effective classroom management, communication, and the use of modern technology, along with interactive teaching methods that foster critical and creative thinking and active participation.
Course Outcomes |
A) Knowledge and Understanding:
• Understanding the concept of classroom management and the learning environment, and how it affects the quality of education.
• Recognizing the importance of maintaining order in the classroom and its role in facilitating the educational process.
• Understanding the organizational culture and climate within the school and their impact on student and teacher interactions.
• Understanding the administrative functions of the teacher and the role of the student in the classroom to promote a positive learning environment.
• Recognizing the importance of being familiar with educational communications and how to use them effectively, along with strategies for seating students in the classroom to achieve optimal interaction.
B) Cognitive Skills:
• Analyzing the causes of classroom problems and understanding the psychological and social factors that contribute to them.
• Choosing the best methods to solve classroom problems through appropriate educational strategies to address undesirable behaviors.
C) Practical Professional Skills:
• Applying classroom management principles using appropriate corrective and preventive strategies.
• Using suitable methods of educational communication to achieve effective communication with students and parents.
• Employing appropriate strategies for seating students in classes based on their educational needs and abilities to ensure improved interaction with the learning environment.
D) Essential / Transferable Skills:
• Effectively applying classroom management principles to ensure a well-organized and effective educational environment.
• Applying effective communication skills in the classroom to enhance relationships between the teacher and students and increase participation.
• Designing a program based on addressing behavioral problems among students in schools, which helps improve students' behavioral performance.
• Applying problem-solving skills by using effective strategies to deal with various challenges in the classroom.
ED545 Educational Technology
(3) Credit Hours
This course aims to enable students to understand the field of educational technology and its applications, as well as the components of the educational situation and the factors that influence it. The course focuses on the importance of instructional design as a means of organizing and activating the educational process according to systems theory, and it highlights the role of educational media in enhancing the learning and teaching process.
The course also seeks to develop the student’s ability to classify educational media and recognize the criteria for their effective selection. Additionally, it aims to equip learners with the necessary skills to apply innovative educational media, including the use of Web 2.0 tools such as blogs, knowledge journeys, mobile learning, and interactive whiteboards in the educational process.
Course Code |
ED545 |
Course Title |
Educational Technology |
Pre-requisite |
None |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
This course aims to enable students to understand the field of educational technology and its applications, as well as the components of the educational situation and the factors that influence it. The course focuses on the importance of instructional design as a means of organizing and activating the educational process according to systems theory, and it highlights the role of educational media in enhancing the learning and teaching process.
The course also seeks to develop the student’s ability to classify educational media and recognize the criteria for their effective selection. Additionally, it aims to equip learners with the necessary skills to apply innovative educational media, including the use of Web 2.0 tools such as blogs, knowledge journeys, mobile learning, and interactive whiteboards in the educational process.
Course Objectives |
1. Enable students to understand the field of educational technology, its applications, and the components and influencing factors of the educational situation, with a focus on instructional design and the role of educational media.
2. Develop students' ability to classify educational media, recognize effective selection criteria, and apply innovative educational media, including Web 2.0 tools and mobile learning, in the educational process.
Course Outcomes |
A) Knowledge and Understanding:
• Understanding the concept of educational technology and its areas of application.
• Understanding the educational situation and the factors influencing it.
• Understanding instructional design in organizing and activating the educational situation.
• Understanding the systems approach.
B) Cognitive Skills:
• Identifying the components of the educational situation.
• Recognizing the importance of tools in the teaching-learning process.
• Classifying educational tools according to specific criteria.
• Understanding the importance of instructional design in organizing the educational situation.
C) Practical Professional Skills:
• Using the systems approach in instructional design.
• Applying selection criteria for educational tools to a variety of available resources.
• Choosing appropriate tools in diverse educational situations.
• Preparing an educational situation using a ready-made instructional design model.
D) Essential / Transferable Skills:
• Practicing the necessary skills to use a number of innovative educational tools.
• Employing Web 2.0 tools such as blogs, knowledge trips, mobile learning, and interactive whiteboards in described educational situations.
ED546 Teaching Practicum - 1
(3) Credit Hours
This course aims to equip the student/teacher with the necessary skills to enhance critical thinking and raise awareness about educational practices, including teaching methods, assessment, and classroom management. The course also provides an opportunity for the student/teacher to observe educational situations within classrooms, review various tests and activities, and then write reports and fill out specialized forms from the field education guide. Additionally, the student/teacher will deliver a micro-teaching session in the classroom and analyze a unit of study from the secondary education curriculum.
Course Code |
ED546 |
Course Title |
Teaching Practicum - 1 |
Pre-requisite |
None |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
This course aims to equip the student/teacher with the necessary skills to enhance critical thinking and raise awareness about educational practices, including teaching methods, assessment, and classroom management. The course also provides an opportunity for the student/teacher to observe educational situations within classrooms, review various tests and activities, and then write reports and fill out specialized forms from the field education guide. Additionally, the student/teacher will deliver a micro-teaching session in the classroom and analyze a unit of study from the secondary education curriculum. |
Course Objectives |
1. Equip student/teachers with the necessary skills to enhance critical thinking and raise awareness about educational practices, including teaching methods, assessment, and classroom management.
2. Provide opportunities for student/teachers to observe educational situations, review various tests and activities, write reports, deliver a micro-teaching session, and analyze a unit of study from the secondary education curriculum.
Course Outcomes |
A) Knowledge and Understanding:
• The fundamental concepts in practical education.
• The roles of the teacher of the future.
B) Cognitive Skills:
• Linking educational ideas and theories with the requirements of practical educational reality.
• Recognizing the field-related educational problems that may arise in various teaching situations.
• Critically analyzing teachers' experiences in both private and public schools.
• Understanding the challenges of the teaching profession in terms of planning, implementation, and evaluation.
• Analyzing the cognitive components of curricula across different subject areas at the secondary level.
C) Practical Professional Skills:
• Using effective classroom management strategies and problem-solving methods.
• Applying learned experiences and skills from various theoretical courses in real educational situations.
• Effectively applying teaching skills and foundational rules of the profession.
• Utilizing educational technologies effectively in various teaching contexts.
• Employing principles of classroom interaction and reinforcement during micro-teaching.
D) Essential / Transferable Skills:
• Analyzing the cognitive components of any topic in any subject area.
• Developing positive attitudes towards the teaching profession.
• Proposing effective teaching strategies and educational tools for any educational situation.
ED547 Measurement and Evaluation in Education and Psychology
(3) Credit Hours
The course on Measurement, Evaluation, and Building School Tests aims to provide students with an understanding of the historical development of measurement and evaluation, highlighting their differences and recognizing various measurement tools and levels. It enhances skills in calculating central tendency, dispersion, and correlation coefficients, and emphasizes their application in data analysis and interpretation. The course also focuses on verifying test validity and reliability, understanding item quality indicators, and accurately analyzing tests. Additionally, it covers the purposes of evaluation, preparing achievement tests, formulating diverse test items, and various assessment methods. Students will learn to use software for data analysis and report preparation, supporting the continuous improvement of the educational process.
Course Code |
ED547 |
Course Title |
Measurement and Evaluation in Education and Psychology |
Pre-requisite |
None |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
The course on Measurement, Evaluation, and Building School Tests aims to provide students with an understanding of the historical development of measurement and evaluation, highlighting their differences and recognizing various measurement tools and levels. It enhances skills in calculating central tendency, dispersion, and correlation coefficients, and emphasizes their application in data analysis and interpretation. The course also focuses on verifying test validity and reliability, understanding item quality indicators, and accurately analyzing tests. Additionally, it covers the purposes of evaluation, preparing achievement tests, formulating diverse test items, and various assessment methods. Students will learn to use software for data analysis and report preparation, supporting the continuous improvement of the educational process. |
Course Objectives |
1. Provide students with an understanding of the historical development of measurement and evaluation, highlighting their differences and recognizing various measurement tools and levels.
2. Enhance students' skills in calculating statistical measures, verifying test validity and reliability, and preparing achievement tests while utilizing software for data analysis and report preparation.
Course Outcomes |
A) Knowledge and Understanding
• Understanding the theoretical foundations of measurement and evaluation and their impact on improving the quality of education.
• The ability to differentiate between various types of measurement and identify the most suitable ones according to the educational situation.
• Recognizing the concepts of measurement and evaluation, their relationship, and the role each plays in the educational process.
• Acquiring the skill to design effective evaluation tools that align with educational objectives and consider individual differences among learners.
• Developing the ability to interpret results obtained from measurement and evaluation tools and use them to improve educational performance.
• Gaining the skill to calculate measures of central tendency, dispersion, and correlation, and interpreting them in the context of educational data analysis.
• Understanding the concept of reliability and the factors affecting it, as well as acquiring the skill to calculate reliability using various methods.
• Understanding the concept of validity and how to verify the validity of tests to ensure accurate results.
• Mastering the construction of tests, understanding how to prepare tests, constructing test items, and analyzing item quality to develop precise achievement tests.
• Recognizing how to integrate formative and summative assessment in the educational process to ensure continuous improvement.
B) Cognitive Skills
• Skill in calculating measures of central tendency and dispersion, and interpreting them within the framework of the quality of educational assessments.
• Skill in calculating reliability and validity of tests and using them to ensure reliable results.
• The ability to construct an achievement test based on educational objectives.
• The ability to create a specification table for an achievement test.
• Skill in writing test items: objective and essay formats correctly.
C) Practical Professional Skills
• Designing an effective achievement test that covers all aspects of the educational content and achieves the educational objectives.
• Extracting measures of central tendency, dispersion, and correlation, and interpreting them for achievement tests, providing insights to support educational analysis.
• Extracting quality indicators of test items, such as difficulty index, discrimination index, and effectiveness of alternatives to improve items.
• Verifying the validity of the test using logical and statistical validity to ensure that the test measures what it is intended to measure.
D) Essential / Transferable Skills
• Problem-solving.
• Critical thinking in dealing with measurement and evaluation issues.
• Flexibility in thinking and selecting alternative assessment methods and strategies.
• Developing research skills to systematically and procedurally address educational problems.
• Considering the challenges facing measurement and evaluation in light of global developments.
ED548 Design and Development of Educational Software
(3) Credit Hours
This course aims to introduce students to the significance of designing, producing, and utilizing computer-based educational programs in the teaching and learning process. It covers learning theories, principles of instructional design, and their connection to computer technology, alongside the steps for creating educational multimedia. Students will learn to use tools such as PowerPoint, Adobe Photoshop for image processing, and Gold Wave for audio processing. The course emphasizes developing skills to create interactive content with modern tools like Nearpod and Classpoint, aiming to provide customized learning experiences. It also focuses on adapting to changes in educational software and offers practical applications that enhance communication and interaction in the classroom. Furthermore, the course enhances students' ability to develop educational content that meets global quality standards, encouraging innovation in digital learning environments to improve student experiences in both traditional and virtual settings.
Course Code |
ED548 |
Course Title |
Design and Development of Educational Software |
Pre-requisite |
None |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
This course aims to introduce students to the significance of designing, producing, and utilizing computer-based educational programs in the teaching and learning process. It covers learning theories, principles of instructional design, and their connection to computer technology, alongside the steps for creating educational multimedia. Students will learn to use tools such as PowerPoint, Adobe Photoshop for image processing, and Gold Wave for audio processing. The course emphasizes developing skills to create interactive content with modern tools like Nearpod and Classpoint, aiming to provide customized learning experiences. It also focuses on adapting to changes in educational software and offers practical applications that enhance communication and interaction in the classroom. Furthermore, the course enhances students' ability to develop educational content that meets global quality standards, encouraging innovation in digital learning environments to improve student experiences in both traditional and virtual settings. |
Course Objectives |
1. Introduce students to the significance of designing, producing, and utilizing computer-based educational programs, including learning theories and instructional design principles.
2. Develop students' skills in using various tools, such as PowerPoint, Adobe Photoshop, and Gold Wave, for creating educational multimedia and interactive content.
3. Enhance students' ability to adapt to changes in educational software and develop high-quality educational content that fosters innovation in digital learning environments.
Course Outcomes |
A) Knowledge and Understanding
• Introducing the process of instructional design and its basic stages.
• Understanding the different models of instructional design and their importance in enhancing the educational process.
• Describing the theoretical principles underlying the instructional design process and applying them in various educational contexts.
• Recognizing the relationship between learning theories and the instructional design process, and how to utilize these theories in designing educational programs.
• Understanding the relationship between instructional design and educational technology, and the role of technology in improving and facilitating the educational process.
• Identifying the members of the instructional design team and educational media production, and understanding each member's role in the production process.
• Recognizing the stages that educational media go through in terms of design and production, and how to achieve quality at each stage.
B) Cognitive Skills
• Planning the evaluation process of educational software and the stages of its production to ensure the achievement of educational goals.
• Making appropriate decisions about selecting members of the design and production team for multimedia educational software based on their skills and experiences.
• Being aware of the factors to consider when designing and producing multimedia educational software, such as learners' needs and the level of technology used.
• Choosing appropriate programs and applications to produce educational software of the highest quality.
• Planning how to train learners on the software used in this course to ensure ease of use and benefit in the educational process.
C) Practical Professional Skills
• Using PowerPoint software to creatively produce the required educational software.
• Using GoldWave software to edit and process audio to achieve high sound quality in educational software.
• Using software like Nearpod and Classpoint to edit and process video and employ them in designing interactive educational content.
• Using Adobe Photoshop software to professionally edit and process images for use in educational software.
• Using Flash software to publish and create educational programs in an interactive and engaging manner.
• Transforming design and educational scenarios into usable educational programs that meet educational and technical standards.
D) Essential / Transferable Skills
• Designing and producing educational software that can be effectively utilized in the classroom to enhance interaction between students and content.
• Employing educational software in actual teaching to achieve learning objectives through innovative and engaging methods.
• Evaluating the different stages through which educational software is produced and ensuring its compliance with quality standards.
• Practicing the use of PowerPoint software to prepare multimedia educational content.
• Practicing the use of multimedia educational software such as Photoshop, GoldWave, and Nearpod to develop outstanding educational programs.
ED549 Ethics in the Teaching Profession
(3) Credit Hours
This course aims to enable students to understand the values and ethical principles that teachers should embody in their profession. It also seeks to cultivate awareness of the importance of integrity and ethics in education, as well as to encourage positive and responsible behaviors in interactions with students and the school community.
Additionally, the course strives to enhance effective communication skills and good relationships among teachers, students, colleagues, and parents, while guiding students in developing values of social responsibility and leadership. Ultimately, the course addresses the theories, concepts, and standards related to the ethics of the teaching profession, ensuring that teachers are committed to their mission and improving their performance level by raising their awareness of the significance of their role in educating future generations and shaping their futures.
Course Code |
ED549 |
Course Title |
Ethics in the Teaching Profession |
Pre-requisite |
None |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
This course aims to enable students to understand the values and ethical principles that teachers should embody in their profession. It also seeks to cultivate awareness of the importance of integrity and ethics in education, as well as to encourage positive and responsible behaviors in interactions with students and the school community.
Additionally, the course strives to enhance effective communication skills and good relationships among teachers, students, colleagues, and parents, while guiding students in developing values of social responsibility and leadership. Ultimately, the course addresses the theories, concepts, and standards related to the ethics of the teaching profession, ensuring that teachers are committed to their mission and improving their performance level by raising their awareness of the significance of their role in educating future generations and shaping their futures.
Course Objectives |
1. Enable students to understand and embody the values and ethical principles essential for teachers, highlighting the importance of integrity and ethics in education.
2. Cultivate effective communication skills and foster positive relationships among teachers, students, colleagues, and parents, while promoting social responsibility and leadership values.
3. Address theories, concepts, and standards related to the ethics of the teaching profession, ensuring that teachers are aware of their crucial role in educating future generations and improving their performance.
Course Outcomes |
A) Knowledge and Understanding
• Recognizing the fundamental concepts and theories of the ethics of the teaching profession.
• Understanding the ethical standards associated with the teaching profession.
• Identifying common ethical challenges and situations that teachers may face in the classroom and in interactions with students and the school community.
• Understanding the relationship between professional ethics, quality of education, and achieving academic success for students.
• Utilizing ethical understanding to analyze situations and make sound ethical decisions in various educational contexts.
B) Cognitive Skills
• Analyzing the fundamental concepts and theories of the ethics of the teaching profession.
• Synthesizing a code of ethics for the teaching profession in Lebanon that defines the relationship between teachers, learners, colleagues, administration, parents, the local community, and the nation.
• Making sound ethical decisions in situations that arise during the practice of the teaching profession, considering ethical, legal, and social factors.
• Communicating effectively and impactfully about ethical issues and situations related to the teaching profession, exchanging opinions and knowledge with others.
• Analyzing and evaluating the ethical situations and challenges that teachers may face in the context of education and making appropriate decisions based on principles of integrity and justice.
C) Practical Professional Skills
• Linking concepts related to the ethics of education with teaching methods.
• Applying professional ethical standards in interactions with students, colleagues, parents, and in their behavior inside and outside the classroom.
• Developing skills for constructively and professionally resolving conflicts between students or between students and teachers, while adhering to ethical values and the rights of all.
• Contributing to creating a learning environment that encourages positive interaction and fosters a sense of belonging and mutual respect.
D) Essential Transferable Skills
• Applying the principles of ethics in education while teaching in the classroom.
• Practicing self-criticism with the aim of improving performance.
• Engaging in effective and positive interactions with students, colleagues, administration, and parents.
• Developing ethical leadership skills for teachers in guiding and inspiring students and the school community towards achieving learning objectives and personal growth.
ED550 Teaching Practicum - 2
(3) Credit Hours
This course aims to focus on the final field application aspect supervised by teacher preparation institutions in educational colleges. It provides students preparing to become teachers with the opportunity to apply the principles and educational theories they have acquired. Through this course, the student/teacher becomes familiar with the school environment and its diverse activities, beginning with partial implementation of certain educational situations, followed by full implementation of lessons using the teaching strategies learned from theoretical courses. The connection between theory and application forms the essence of practical education. Additionally, the student/teacher will have the opportunity to prepare, implement, and analyze a sample test
Course Code |
ED550 |
Course Title |
Teaching Practicum - 2 |
Pre-requisite |
ED546 |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
This course aims to focus on the final field application aspect supervised by teacher preparation institutions in educational colleges. It provides students preparing to become teachers with the opportunity to apply the principles and educational theories they have acquired. Through this course, the student/teacher becomes familiar with the school environment and its diverse activities, beginning with partial implementation of certain educational situations, followed by full implementation of lessons using the teaching strategies learned from theoretical courses. The connection between theory and application forms the essence of practical education. Additionally, the student/teacher will have the opportunity to prepare, implement, and analyze a sample test
Course Objectives |
1. Provide students preparing to become teachers with the opportunity to apply educational principles and theories in a real school environment, enhancing their understanding of diverse educational activities.
2. Facilitate the preparation, implementation, and analysis of a sample test, reinforcing the connection between theoretical knowledge and practical application in teaching strategies.
Course Outcomes |
A) Knowledge and Understanding:
• Vision and mission of the teaching profession.
• Elements of the educational situation, including knowledge, skills, and values.
• Understanding their fundamental role in planning, implementation, and evaluation.
B) Cognitive Skills:
• Linking educational ideas and theories to the requirements of practical educational reality.
• Recognizing field problems they encounter in various educational situations related to secondary education.
• Comparing different educational situations to identify effective practices, especially those related to the developmental characteristics of secondary students.
• Acknowledging the importance of integrating modern technologies into appropriate educational learning processes for secondary education.
• Engaging in self-reflection on lessons they partially or fully implement.
• Conceptualizing theoretical lesson plans in terms of desired outcomes, teaching strategies, educational resources, and evaluation methods.
• Understanding the foundations of preparing, correcting, and analyzing test results.
C) Practical Professional Skills:
• Utilizing what has been learned from various theoretical courses in real educational situations appropriate for secondary education.
• Employing effective teaching strategies and educational techniques during micro-teaching, supervisory classes, and full class implementations in the field.
• Preparing educational plans for various subjects at different levels in secondary education, ensuring they include elements of effective educational planning.
• Designing tests scientifically, analyzing their results, and interpreting them in a way that suits the nature of secondary education.
D) Transferable Essential Skills:
• Designing daily and term study plans for various subjects in secondary education.
• Preparing criterion-referenced and norm-referenced tests according to educational specifications for secondary education.
• Designing a comprehensive educational situation by developing, implementing, and evaluating a plan for any subject in secondary education.
EL111 Communication Skills in English 1
(3) Credit Hours
As an integrated skills syllabus, EL111 continues to develop the communication skills – listening, speaking reading and writing- together with functions, vocabulary and grammar. However, special emphasis is placed on the two major skills of READING and WRITING through which structure, vocabulary, etc. can be integrated and developed. The course is learner-centered and seeks to introduce thematic topics which aim at developing critical thinking skills. It emphasizes the skill of reading through the application of learning strategies such as prior knowledge, scanning for specific information, skimming for main idea, and getting meaning from context. The course helps students to become more independent learners through extensive reading and writing practice.
Course Code |
EL111 |
Course Title |
Communication Skills in English 1 |
Pre-requisite |
EL099 |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
As an integrated skills syllabus, EL111 continues to develop the communication skills – listening, speaking reading and writing- together with functions, vocabulary and grammar. However, special emphasis is placed on the two major skills of READING and WRITING through which structure, vocabulary, etc. can be integrated and developed. The course is learner-centered and seeks to introduce thematic topics which aim at developing critical thinking skills. It emphasizes the skill of reading through the application of learning strategies such as prior knowledge, scanning for specific information, skimming for main idea, and getting meaning from context. The course helps students to become more independent learners through extensive reading and writing practice.
Course Objectives |
- Acquaint students with the four basic language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.
- Have students practice all four skills through drilling, in-class work, home assignments, and online practice.
- Placing extra emphasis on the two language skills of reading and writing.
- Involve students in oral practice and allow them to take part in class activities to develop the skill of speaking.
- Enable students to write reports, and well organized 3-paragraph essays.
By the end of the first course (i.e. EL111) students should be able to:
- listen to and comprehend varieties of English discourse spoken at normal speed
- speak correctly and fluently with reasonable pronunciation
- communicate with ease and confidence on a variety of daily topics as well as on topics related to university education, using appropriate structures and vocabulary.
- read and understand a variety of English texts of varying length, complexity, and genres.
- write different types of paragraphs (descriptive, narrative, argumentative, persuasive, cause and effect, comparison and contrast, definition, process) and different letter types (personal letters, letters of inquiry, letters of application, etc.) using appropriate punctuation marks, mechanics of writing, as well as cohesive devices. Eventually, students should be able to write a three-paragraph essay.
- summarize different types of texts correctly and efficiently.
Course Outcomes |
A. Knowledge and understanding
At the end of the module, learners will be expected to:
A1: Develop good understanding the four language skills. A2: Develop student’s knowledge and familiarize them with some basic concepts for improving language skills
B. Cognitive skills
At the end of the module, learners will be expected to:
B1: Develop awareness of the relevant strategies for improving each language skill
B2: Develop awareness of the relationship between all four language skills
C. Practical and professional skills At the end of the module, learners will be expected to:
C1: Produce well-written reports and well- organized 3-paragraph essays on different writing functions and purposes
C2: Read short 1-2 page texts with understanding and reasonable comprehension
D Key transferable skills
D1: Demonstrate ability to read texts with understanding, while using some key reading strategies and techniques like scanning and skimming.
D2: Write 3-paragraph essay with cohesion and coherence.
EL112 Communication Skills in English 2
(3) Credit Hours
This course complements and builds upon English 111. It particularly seeks to develop the reading, writing, listening, and study skills which students need in order to meet the demands of distance learning university education. This course is based on New Headway Plus Series from Oxford University Press. A new two-level advanced course, New Headway has a thematic syllabus that invites learners to talk and write about stimulating topics while developing critical thinking skills and learning strategies. The twelve units in each book are based on high-interest themes such as memorable moments, odd jobs, conflict resolution, biological clocks, and humor. Progress checks every three units consolidate key language, present test-taking strategies, and provide useful practice for standardized tests.
Course Code |
EL112 |
Course Title |
Communication Skills in English 2 |
Pre-requisite |
EL111 |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
This course complements and builds upon English 111. It particularly seeks to develop the reading, writing, listening, and study skills which students need in order to meet the demands of distance learning university education. This course is based on New Headway Plus Series from Oxford University Press. A new two-level advanced course, New Headway has a thematic syllabus that invites learners to talk and write about stimulating topics while developing critical thinking skills and learning strategies. The twelve units in each book are based on high-interest themes such as memorable moments, odd jobs, conflict resolution, biological clocks, and humor. Progress checks every three units consolidate key language, present test-taking strategies, and provide useful practice for standardized tests. |
Course Objectives |
- This course complements and builds upon English 111.
- It particularly seeks to develop the reading, writing, listening, and study skills that students need in order to meet the demands of Blended Learning university education.
Course Outcomes |
By the end of the course (i.e. EL112) the student should be able to: - Demonstrate understanding of any given reading passage by responding correctly to its tasks and activities individually or in groups and show knowledge and understanding of the learned reading strategies.
- Recognition of the various “meanings" of words to reach a better understanding of the context and the written word and reveal awareness of appropriate language structures and vocabulary items suitable for different contexts and situations.
- Search for and collect specific data related to the topics under discussion and draw conclusions for the discussed topics based on the collected data and analyzed information.
- Improve analytical and critical thinking skills through the identification of possible “meanings".
- Communicate in English orally and in writing on diverse occasions and give oral presentations using power points, flipcharts, pictures, role plays, etc. to discuss what has been read orally.
The ability to work in a group and individually to identify problems in specific topics and provide creative solutions.
GR 112 Issues and Problems of Development in the Arab World
(3) Credit Hours
This course introduces students to the study of development, specifically looking at the status of human development in the Arab World and its social indicators.
Course Code |
GR 112 |
Course Title |
Issues and Problems of Development in the Arab World |
Pre-requisite |
None |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
This course introduces students to the study of development, specifically looking at the status of human development in the Arab World and its social indicators. |
Course Objectives |
By the end of this course, the student will be able to:
• Describe the current state of development in the Arab world from social, cultural, and political perspectives. • Highlight strategic issues faced by Arab society and the problems arising from these issues, which have created boundaries and limitations on development freedom. • Appreciate the importance of developing Arab human resources as the most critical factor in the development equation, recognizing that the Arab individual is both the means and the ultimate goal of development. |
Course Outcomes |
### A) Knowledge & Understanding
Upon completing this course, the student is expected to have knowledge and understanding of:
- The concept of development and its relationship with education.
- Understanding the elements of development and its economic impact.
- The characteristics of Arab culture.
- Definition of development.
- How to build an Arab knowledge society.
- Enumerating the characteristics of development and its relationship to underdevelopment.
- The causes of underdevelopment.
- Conditions for development in education.
- Malik Bennabi’s views on cultural critique.
### B) Cognitive Skills
Upon completing this course, the student is expected to acquire skills such as:
- Understanding the relationship between the COVID-19 pandemic and health development.
- Proposing solutions for the development of natural resources.
- Comparing the concepts of growth and development.
- Analyzing how to establish a knowledge society.
- Analyzing the reality of Arab culture and development.
- Evaluating Arab actions in addressing underdevelopment.
### C) Practical Professional Skills
- Proposing methods and ideas to increase development rates in education.
- Developing a plan to highlight the danger of illiteracy as a threat to Arab national security.
### D) Key Transferable Skills
- Ability to analyze the relationship between development and education.
- Utilizing cultural aspects to mitigate development challenges.
- Preparing a plan to address development challenges in cultural aspects. |
GR 115 Current International Issues and Problems
(3) Credit Hours
This course examines the issues and problems which stand as global concerns in the interaction of civilizations, North-South relations, human rights and illegal immigration.
Course Code |
GR 115 |
Course Title |
Current International Issues and Problems |
Pre-requisite |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
This course examines the issues and problems which stand as global concerns in the interaction of civilizations, North-South relations, human rights and illegal immigration. |
Course Objectives |
By the end of this course, the student will be able to:
• Identify the major issues and problems that are of global concern today. • Analyze these issues to familiarize students with their nature, underlying factors, and their impacts on the structure of the global system, regional systems, and nation-states. • Stay informed about developments in the global environment around them, enabling active and effective participation in global events. |
Course Outcomes |
### أ) المعرفة والفهم (Knowledge & Understanding):
Upon completing this course, the student is expected to have knowledge and understanding of:
- The factors causing global issues and problems.
- The impact of these issues on global, regional, and national organizational structures.
- Scientific analysis of these issues.
- Understanding the unequal exchange in North-South relations.
### ب) المهارات العقلية (Cognitive Skills):
Upon completing this course, the student is expected to acquire skills such as:
- Analyzing global issues to identify their main causes.
- Analyzing the political ideologies of dominant powers and the process of globalization.
### ج) المهارات المهنية التطبيقية (Practical Professional Skills):
Upon completing this course, the student is expected to be able to:
- Apply the best methods to address issues related to illegal migration.
- Use approaches to present globalization clearly as a contemporary theory.
- Employ mind-mapping skills to explain the clash of civilizations.
### د) المهارات الأساسية / المفتاحية (Key or Transferable Skills):
Upon completing this course, the student is expected to be able to:
- Propose appropriate solutions to conflicts and disputes between civilizations.
- Form teams for or against globalization and present each team’s arguments.
- Respect other civilizations and embrace peaceful coexistence. |
GR 118 Life skills and Coexistence
(3) Credit Hours
This course focuses on developing the capabilities that enable individuals to engage in adaptive and positive behavior, and enable them to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of life. It aims to enhance academic, personal and communication skills among Arab Open University students, and help them apply these skills in their university and professional lives. These skills, along with the cognitive courses offered by the university, contribute to refining students' capabilities and enhancing their growth. The course specifically seeks to introduce the concept of skills and how to acquire and develop them, such as self-awareness, stress management, effective communication, problem solving, conflict resolution, leadership and team building skills. It also covers topics such as diversity, democracy, women's rights, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, artificial intelligence skills and their applications in the university and various aspects of life.
Course Code |
GR 118 |
Course Title |
Life skills and Coexistence |
Pre-requisite |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
This course focuses on developing the capabilities that enable individuals to engage in adaptive and positive behavior, and enable them to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of life. It aims to enhance academic, personal and communication skills among Arab Open University students, and help them apply these skills in their university and professional lives. These skills, along with the cognitive courses offered by the university, contribute to refining students' capabilities and enhancing their growth. The course specifically seeks to introduce the concept of skills and how to acquire and develop them, such as self-awareness, stress management, effective communication, problem solving, conflict resolution, leadership and team building skills. It also covers topics such as diversity, democracy, women's rights, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, artificial intelligence skills and their applications in the university and various aspects of life. |
Course Objectives |
By the end of this course, the student will be able to:
• Develop academic, personal, and communication skills for students of the Arab Open University.
• Apply these skills in their university life and professional careers.
• Understand the concept of skill acquisition and development, such as self-awareness, stress management, effective communication, problem-solving and conflict resolution, leadership, and team-building skills.
• Present topics related to pluralism and democracy, women's rights, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, acceptance of others, coexistence and tolerance, and Arab identity without prejudice. |
Course Outcomes |
### أ) المعرفة والفهم (Knowledge & Understanding):
Upon completing this course, the student is expected to have knowledge and understanding of:
- The nature of skills and distinguishing them from abilities and knowledge.
- The importance of information processing skills and their role in the learning process.
- Methods of acquiring skills through understanding the “learning ladder.”
- Understand the key concepts related to Artificial Intelligence.
- The importance of stress management skills.
- The articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and women’s rights.
### ب) المهارات العقلية (Cognitive Skills):
Upon completing this course, the student is expected to be able to:
- Plan for the future in their academic life.
- Consider a single situation from multiple perspectives.
- Logically analyze pluralism and democracy.
- Accept others and engage in peaceful coexistence.
- Possess Ethics of Artificial Intelligence.
- Make appropriate decisions regarding major life issues.
### ج) المهارات المهنية التطبيقية (Practical Professional Skills):
Upon completing this course, the student is expected to be able to:
- Apply the best methods for resolving problems and conflicts in an analytical and logical manner.
- Apply techniques that enable self-discovery and personal development.
- Utilize communication skills in university life.
- Employ self-confidence skills in building a well-rounded personality.
### د) المهارات الأساسية القابلة للنقل (Key Transferable Skills):
Upon completing this course, the student is expected to be able to:
- Manage stress and resolve problems and conflicts.
- Form harmonious work teams.
- Respect and accept others, regardless of differences.
- Apply principles of tolerance in social life.
- Benefit from the Artificial Inttelligence Applications in their lives. |
GR 131 History and Civilization of AOU branch country
(3) Credit Hours
This course introduces students to the historical background of the AOU branch country, its political, socioeconomic development and democratic experience.
Course Code |
GR 131 |
Course Title |
History and Civilization of AOU branch country |
Pre-requisite |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
This course introduces students to the historical background of the AOU branch country, its political, socioeconomic development and democratic experience. |
Course Objectives |
By the end of this course, the student will be able to:
• Review the history of the Jordanian state since its inception and the factors that contributed to its formation, both during the founding phase and the establishment of the "Emirate of Transjordan" as well as the creation of the "Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan." • Appreciate the concept of the unity of the East and West Banks of the Jordan River. • Analyze and review the political, economic, social, and cultural life in Jordan, as well as the democratic transformations and their impact on the social environment. • Study the Royal Discussion Papers and their impact on modernization in various fields. |
Course Outcomes |
### أ) المعرفة والفهم (Knowledge & Understanding):
Upon completing this course, the student is expected to have knowledge and understanding of:
- The concepts of homeland and citizenship.
- Knowledge of the borders of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
- Identifying the characteristics of social life in Jordan.
- Understanding the history of political parties in Jordan.
- Knowledge of the king's efforts in political reform.
### ب) المهارات العقلية (Cognitive Skills):
Upon completing this course, the student is expected to be able to:
- Analyze the importance of Jordan's location throughout history.
- Understand the significance of political reforms during King Abdullah II’s reign.
- Classify the social status of the population.
- Express their opinion on peaceful coexistence among Jordan’s people.
- Provide their perspective on the content of the Royal Discussion Papers and their impact on democratic life.
### ج) المهارات المهنية التطبيقية (Practical Professional Skills):
Upon completing this course, the student is expected to be able to:
- Draw a map of Jordan and explain the significance of its location.
- Apply statistical methods to track women's participation in successive governments.
- Analyze the nature of society and the demographic structure.
- Summarize the main ideas of the Royal Discussion Papers.
- Create a PowerPoint presentation highlighting key milestones in the history of the Kingdom's establishment.
### د) المهارات الأساسية / المفتاحية (Key or Transferable Skills):
Upon completing this course, the student is expected to be able to:
- Explain the geographical and political significance of Jordan's location on the map.
- Outline key milestones in Jordan's history.
- Summarize the main ideas regarding political life in Jordan.
- Identify and categorize the main ideas of the Royal Discussion Papers by field. |
SP 202 Early Intervention in Special Education
(3) Credit Hours
The course aims to help students identify the fundamental principles of early intervention, assess developmental processes in early childhood, and reduce the impact of disabilities. Additionally, it seeks to train students to evaluate family interactions within early intervention and understand the family's role in these programs.
This course also aims to help students identify the categories involved in early intervention and understand the role of a multidisciplinary team in the diagnosis and evaluation of children. To achieve the objectives of this course covers a variety of topics, including general concepts of early intervention, specific groups of children targeted in early intervention programs, and the qualifications required for the team involved in this work.
It also addresses the importance of early screening for disabilities and the assessment forms used, in addition to reviewing the activities employed in early intervention programs. It discusses the role of the family and the educational environment in these programs, as well as the preventive and curative measures provided and the extent of predictability for the future.
Course Code |
SP 202 |
Course Title |
Early Intervention in Special Education |
Pre-requisite |
None |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
The course aims to help students identify the fundamental principles of early intervention, assess developmental processes in early childhood, and reduce the impact of disabilities. Additionally, it seeks to train students to evaluate family interactions within early intervention and understand the family's role in these programs.
This course also aims to help students identify the categories involved in early intervention and understand the role of a multidisciplinary team in the diagnosis and evaluation of children. To achieve the objectives of this course covers a variety of topics, including general concepts of early intervention, specific groups of children targeted in early intervention programs, and the qualifications required for the team involved in this work.
It also addresses the importance of early screening for disabilities and the assessment forms used, in addition to reviewing the activities employed in early intervention programs. It discusses the role of the family and the educational environment in these programs, as well as the preventive and curative measures provided and the extent of predictability for the future. |
Course Objectives |
After completing this course, the student is expected to:
1) Understand the general principles of early intervention, how to assess developmental processes in early childhood, and ways to alleviate the effects of disabilities.
2) Acquire the skills necessary to train students with special needs in cognitive and motor skills, language and social skills, emotional skills, self-care abilities, and sensory development.
3) Develop the ability to assess family interactions in early intervention and understand the role of the family in early intervention programs.
4) Learn about the target groups for early intervention and how a multidisciplinary team works in diagnosing and evaluating children. |
Course Outcomes |
A) Knowledge and Understanding:
After completing this course, students are expected to possess knowledge and understanding of the following concepts:
- To clarify the categories of children targeted by early intervention programs.
- To identify early intervention teams
- To identify the role of teamwork in early intervention programs
- To explain early intervention models.
To demonstrate the effectiveness of early intervention.
To identify early intervention strategies in Arab countries.
- To define the concepts of mental and physical disabilities.
- To identify the causes of mental and physical disabilities.
- To explain the general principles of teaching children with mental and physical disabilities.
- To identify the concepts of hearing disabilities, communication disorders, and visual impairments.
- To identify the causes of hearing impairments, communication disorders, and visual disabilities.
- To explain the general principles of teaching children with hearing impairments, communication disorders, and visual impairments.
- To understand the concepts of behavioral and learning disabilities.
- To identify the causes of behavioral and learning disabilities.
To explain the general principles of teaching children with behavioral and learning disabilities.
To identify early detection systems.
- To identify various forms of assessment
- To explain the early warning signs (indicators) of disabilities.
- To understand the concept and significance of readiness
- To explain the factors that influence readiness for school learning.
- To explain the tools used for assessing readiness.
To identify the responses or cognitive processes that reflect cognitive and motor skills.
- To explain the methods for training cognitive skills
- To explain the significance of imitation and how to effectively teach it to children.
To identify the various stages of development.
- To identify effective methods for teaching language skills.
- To identify the educational settings in early intervention centers.
- To explain the role of computers in supporting young children with disabilities.
- To explain the methods for modifying the behavior of individuals with disabilities.
- To identify the role of families in early intervention programs.
The Role of the Family in the Early Detection of Disabilities
- The Role of the Family in Preventing Disability
B) Cognitive Skills:
After completing this course, students are expected to be able to:
- Infer the justifications for early intervention.
- Strategies for Enhancing the Well-Being of Young Children.
- Strategies for Enhancing Children's Handwriting.
- Concluding the Impact of Integration in Early Childhood
- Analyzing the relationships between educational interventions for each category of special education.
- Predictive Methods for the Early Detection of Disabilities
- Estimating methods for the prevention of various disabilities. C) Applied Professional Skills:
After completing this course, students are expected to be able to:
Use appropriate guidance and interventions for early intervention strategies.
Develop guidance programs designed to prevent disabilities.
Apply higher-order thinking skills, along with creative and critical thinking, to address problems related to social skills.
- Apply higher-order thinking skills, including creative and critical thinking, to address problems encountered in the context of life skills.
- Apply higher-order thinking skills, including creative and critical thinking, to address and solve problems related to language proficiency.
- Apply higher-order thinking skills, including creative and critical thinking, to address and solve problems related to the development of various sensory modalities.
D) Basic transferable skills:
After completing this course, students are expected to be able to:
- To professionally develop a diverse range of skills for individuals with special needs.
- Early Intervention.
- Integration.
- Classroom discussions and interactions.
- Observe the behavior of individuals with special needs by observing general indicators of behavior.
- To engage professionally in developing a variety of skills for individuals with special needs. |
SP 233 Building and behavior modification
(3) Credit Hours
This course describes the concept of behavior modification, its historical background, and its theoretical foundations. Also, it focuses on how to use different behavior modification methods with typically developed and individuals with disabilities, whether in building new behavior, strengthening and generalizing desirable behaviors, or modifying undesirable behaviors, as well as employing technology in designing, implementing, and evaluating behavior modification and building programs using the computer.
Course Code |
SP 233 |
Course Title |
Building and behavior modification |
Pre-requisite |
None |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
This course describes the concept of behavior modification, its historical background, and its theoretical foundations. Also, it focuses on how to use different behavior modification methods with typically developed and individuals with disabilities, whether in building new behavior, strengthening and generalizing desirable behaviors, or modifying undesirable behaviors, as well as employing technology in designing, implementing, and evaluating behavior modification and building programs using the computer. |
Course Objectives |
After completing this course, the student is expected to:
1) Understand the concept of behavior modification, its historical background, and its theoretical foundations.
2) Learn how to use various behavior modification techniques with typically developed and disabled children, whether in building new behaviors, reinforcing and generalizing them, or modifying undesirable behaviors.
3) Understand the procedures used in behavior modification for cases such as bedwetting, stereotypical behavior, disruptive behavior, self-harm, hyperactivity, social withdrawal, aggressive behavior, and other issues like epilepsy and pica.
4) Recognize the importance of training the parents of children with disabilities and their role in the behavioral modification plan. |
Course Outcomes |
A) Knowledge and understanding:
- Identify the concept of bedwetting, its classification, incidence rates, and ways to deal with bedwetting in disabled individuals.
- Identify the concept of stereotypical behavior, its types, classification, incidence rates, and ways to deal with stereotypical behavior in disabled individuals.
- Identify the concept of chaotic behavior and ways to deal with chaotic behavior in disabled individuals.
Identify the concept of self-harm behavior, prevalence rate, causes of self-harm, and ways to deal with self-harm in disabled individuals.
- Identify the concept of hyperactivity, causes of self-harm, and ways to treat hyperactivity.
Identify the concept of social withdrawal, causes of social withdrawal, and ways to treat social withdrawal.
- Identify the concept of aggression, its causes, and ways to treat aggressive behavior.
- Identify epileptic seizures.
Identify psychological vomiting, body weight problems, and pica.
Identify issues related to measurement.
- To identify the justifications for training parents of disabled children and the issues that must be taken into account when designing parent training programs and the general principles for implementing parent training programs.
B) Cognitive skills:
After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to:
- Conclude how to strengthen and maintain human behavior.
- Conclude strategies to reduce maladaptive behavior.
- Conclude methods used in treating bedwetting.
- Conclude methods used in treating stereotypical behavior.
- Conclude methods used in treating chaotic behavior.
- Analyze the relationships between educational interventions for self-harm behavior.
- Predict methods of treating hyperactivity.
- Estimate methods of treating aggressive behavior.
C) Applied professional skills:
After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to:
- Use appropriate guidance interventions to modify the behavior of disabled individuals.
- Design guidance programs and plans to modify bedwetting behavior.
- Apply higher-order thinking skills, creative and critical thinking, and solve problems faced in dealing with aggressive behavior.
- Applying higher-order thinking skills, creative and critical thinking, and solving problems faced in dealing with life skills for individuals with disabilities.
- Applying higher-order thinking skills, creative and critical thinking, and solving problems faced in dealing with self-harm, stereotypical behavior, chaotic behavior, and hyperactive behavior.
- Applying higher-order thinking skills, creative and critical thinking, and solving problems faced in training parents.
D) Basic transferable skills:
After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to:
- Be able to develop a behavior modification plan for individuals with special needs and be able to implement it through what he has learned in this course.
- Behavior modification.
- Chaotic behavior.
- Self-harm.
- Hyperactivity.
- Stereotypical behavior. |
SP 302 Learning Disabilities
(3) Credit Hours
This course provides a general idea of the concepts of learning difficulties and its relationship with other sciences. In addition, it introduces the recent approaches, and the resources used for teaching it, and the differences between the terms of slow learning and learning disabilities and clarify the developmental and academic support to students with learning difficulties. The course illustrates the academic and developmental characteristics of the learners who have learning difficulties.
Course Code |
SP 302 |
Course Title |
Learning Disabilities |
Pre-requisite |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
This course provides a general idea of the concepts of learning difficulties and its relationship with other sciences. In addition, it introduces the recent approaches, and the resources used for teaching it, and the differences between the terms of slow learning and learning disabilities and clarify the developmental and academic support to students with learning difficulties. The course illustrates the academic and developmental characteristics of the learners who have learning difficulties. |
Course Objectives |
After completing this course, the student is expected to:
1) Understand the concept of learning difficulties and the distinction between learning difficulties and slow learning.
2) Learn about the origins of the field of learning difficulties and the contributions of various sciences, including educational sciences, to its development.
3) Recognize the main developmental and academic characteristics of students with learning difficulties, as well as the causes of learning difficulties.
4) Understand how to diagnose cases of learning difficulties, the main programs provided for individuals with learning difficulties, and the teaching strategies used with them. |
Course Outcomes |
A) Knowledge & Understanding:
After studying this course, the student is expected to have knowledge and understanding of the following:
- Identify the relevant Arabic and foreign terms and determine the location of learning difficulties on the normal distribution curve and compare learning difficulties and slow learning, the most important international definitions and factors that affect prevalence rates
- Identify the contributions of each science to learning difficulties from the following sciences:) medical sciences, psychological sciences (developmental psychology, educational psychology, cognitive psychology) linguistic sciences, genetic sciences, educational sciences).
- Identify the manifestations of attention and hyperactivity problems and methods of measuring them and their educational programs, as well as visual perception and methods of measuring them and their educational interventions and auditory perception and methods of measuring them and their educational interventions.
- Explains the causes of learning difficulties: physical, genetic, psychological and environmental causes.
- Identify the general principles and foundations in measuring and diagnosing learning difficulties, the steps a student goes through when diagnosed with learning difficulties, the methods and means used in diagnosing learning difficulties, the criteria used in diagnosing learning difficulties, and the aspects that are measured for the purposes of diagnosing learning difficulties.
- Identify the alternatives available to children with learning difficulties and the educational programs provided to them, especially reading, writing, mathematics and language, as they are among the most important basic skills that students with learning difficulties suffer from, and the general principles of effective teaching for children with learning difficulties.
- Identify the steps included in the diagnostic and therapeutic model.
- Apply the task analysis model in teaching students with learning difficulties.
B) Cognitive Skills:
After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to:
- Distinguish between the developmental and academic aspects of learning difficulties.
- Conclude the basic differences between learning difficulties and slow learning
- Distinguish between concepts related to each of the learning difficulties.
- Planning how to diagnose learning difficulties.
- Analysis of the relationships between educational interventions for individuals with learning difficulties.
- Scientific prediction of the impact of educational interventions on the category of learning difficulties
- To conclude the obstacles in the field of diagnosing learning difficulties
- Estimating the integration between services provided to individuals with learning difficulties.
- To apply basic behavior modification methods to develop the academic and social-emotional skills of children with learning difficulties
C) Practical Professional Skills
After studying this course, the student is expected to be able to:
- Use guidance interventions appropriate for each category of learning difficulties.
- Design guidance programs for individuals with learning difficulties.
Apply higher-order thinking skills, creative and critical thinking, and solve problems that face him in dealing with learning difficulties
D) Key or Transferable Skills
- Deal with students with learning difficulties in terms of teaching methods and how to diagnose
- Learning difficulties.
- Slow learning
- Developmental difficulties.
- Academic difficulties
- Behavior observation. Individuals with Learning Disabilities
- Dealing Professionally with Individuals with Learning Disabilities
SP 325 Learning through playing
(3) Credit Hours
This course examines theories and educational methods related to play in childhood. It will instruct students on how to integrate play into the curriculum while enhancing children's creative and innovative thinking. Additionally, the course will explore the use of technology and play in specific subject areas, all aimed at developing effective methods for incorporating play into educational practices.
Course Code |
SP 325 |
Course Title |
Learning through playing |
Pre-requisite |
None |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
This course examines theories and educational methods related to play in childhood. It will instruct students on how to integrate play into the curriculum while enhancing children's creative and innovative thinking. Additionally, the course will explore the use of technology and play in specific subject areas, all aimed at developing effective methods for incorporating play into educational practices. |
Course Objectives |
After completing this course, the student is expected to:
1) Understand theories and educational methods related to play in childhood, with a focus on integrating play into curricula.
2) Acquire the skills needed to foster creative and innovative thinking in children.
3) Use technology and play in specific subjects to develop suitable methods for incorporating play into the teaching and learning process. |
Course Outcomes |
A) Knowledge and Understanding:
After completing this course, students are expected to possess knowledge and understanding of the following concepts:
- Play: Its Goals, Importance, and Functions.
- Foundations of Play and Its Classifications
- Factors Affecting Play
- Theories of Play
- Stages of Play and Childhood.
- Educational Play
- Play and Learning in Kindergarten
- Play and Learning in Primary School
- The Role of Play in Counseling and Psychotherapy.
- The prevalence of traditional and electronic play among children.
B) Cognitive Skills:
After completing this course, students are expected to be able to:
- Employ critical thinking regarding the concepts of play, its objectives, and its significance.
- Explain the interrelationship among the educational, psychological, and social foundations of play.
Critical Analysis of Theories Explaining Play
- Explain the educational, psychological, and social foundations of play.
- Discuss the similarities and differences between the various theories that explain play.
Understand the connection between play and the various stages of childhood.
- Criticize and assess theories that explain play.
- Explain the applications of various play strategies and activities.
- Recognizing the relationship between play and Learning in Kindergarten.
- Recognizing the significance of the relationship between learning and play in primary education.
- Comparing Play Methods and Strategies in Kindergarten and Primary School.
- Recognizing the significance of both popular and electronic play for children.
- Recognizing the significance of incorporating play in counseling and psychotherapy.
C) Applied Professional Skills:
After completing this course, students are expected to be able to:
- Design educational activities that promote learning through play.
- Apply lessons learned through play in various school courses.
- Train on utilizing play-based learning in education.
D) Basic transferable skills:
After completing this course, students are expected to be able to:
- Teaching through play-based learning.
- Design a lesson utilizing the learning-through-play strategy.
- Apply effective communication techniques and skills.
- Apply problem-solving skills. |
TU170 Computing Essentials
(3) Credit Hours
TU170 introduces students to the essential concepts related to using computers with confidence. This is a fundamental course that familiarizes students with basic concepts of information technology, internet and web. The course also introduces students to practical skills for using computers as well as basic software and hardware applications.
Course Code |
TU170 |
Course Title |
Computing Essentials |
Pre-requisite |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
TU170 introduces students to the essential concepts related to using computers with confidence. This is a fundamental course that familiarizes students with basic concepts of information technology, internet and web. The course also introduces students to practical skills for using computers as well as basic software and hardware applications. |
Course Objectives |
The module aims to: - Familiarize students with the fundamental concepts of information technology and its role in contemporary society.
- Provide a foundational understanding of computer hardware, software, and their interplay.
- Introduce students to the principles of internet technology and web functionality.
- Develop practical skills for using computers confidently in various applications.
- Introduce students to basic software applications essential for everyday computing tasks.
- Familiarize students with basic hardware components and their functions.
Course Outcomes |
- Demonstrate a basic level of competence in understanding and utilizing information technology concepts.
- Develop the ability to use computers confidently and effectively in diverse settings.
- Attain proficiency in navigating the web and understanding internet-related concepts.
- Apply practical computer skills in real-world scenarios, enhancing overall computer literacy.
- Gain proficiency in using basic software applications for common computing tasks.
- Understand the basic hardware components of a computer system and their respective functions.
- Develop problem-solving skills related to computer usage and troubleshooting.
- Enhance digital literacy by fostering a deeper understanding of computer concepts and applications.